Grieving is a sad word

Grieving is a sad word
Grieving is a sad word

What is the meaning of the word "grieving"? It often flashes in speech, but not everyone can confidently determine the lexical meaning of this language unit. Therefore, the article describes it in detail. The lexical meaning, origin and synonyms will be considered, it will be determined what part of speech it is. To consolidate the material, we give a few examples of use.

Part of Speech

What part of speech is the word "grieving"? It's worth making a sentence with him and trying to ask a logical question.

Stop (what to do?) grieve. The studied word indicates a specific action, answers the question "what to do?" Only one part of speech is suitable - the verb. To grieve is a verb used in an indefinite form.

Etymology of the word

The verb "to grieve" is a native Russian word. Fasmer's dictionary indicates that he is of Old Slavonic origin.

Directly related to the nouns "tight", "traction", the adjective "heavy". These words indicate sadness, bitterness and anguish.

The man is grieving
The man is grieving

Lexical meaning and synonyms

Now consider the followingpeculiarity. In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, the lexical meaning of the word "to grieve" is given. The interpretation of this verb can best be expressed by choosing synonyms:

  1. Grief. Stop grieving, good people, there is nothing to shed bitter tears.
  2. To yearn. The widow longed for a long time, did not take off her black mourning scarf.
  3. Mourn. Nature was crying with cold rain, as if mourning for the fallen soldiers.
  4. Grieving. She didn't need to be sad. And started dancing.

These synonyms best illustrate what it is to grieve. They can also replace this verb if it is used too often in the text.

Grieve and shed tears
Grieve and shed tears

Sample sentences

In order for the interpretation of the verb "to grieve" to be remembered, you need to make several sentences.

  1. The old woman used to grieve for no reason and blame her fate.
  2. Why grieve if you can enjoy every day you live? After all, the sun is shining and the birds are singing outside the window.
  3. Grieving is a bad habit! She kills joy.
  4. Instead of grieving and shedding tears, we would pull ourselves together.
  5. My life is empty, I don’t even have the strength to grieve, I want the darkness to swallow my heart and save me from unbearable torment.
  6. Please don't grieve for no reason, your melancholy will do no good.
  7. The native land mourned for the dead soldiers, the cold wind sang a farewell song, and the flowers in the fields wilted.
  8. The old man grieve for a long time, bitterly. And so his life passed.
  9. We won't grieve, it'slot of the weak. Let's fight!
  10. The trees in the forest grumbled, they dropped their reddish leaves.

The studied word is often used by poets in poetry. This verb is not used in a scientific, official business, as well as journalistic style. But it occurs colloquially.
