The carpet is one of the human inventions. Meaning, history

The carpet is one of the human inventions. Meaning, history
The carpet is one of the human inventions. Meaning, history

Carpet - what is it? The word has several meanings. One of them is related to the decoration and insulation of the home. The carpet is one of the oldest human inventions, which is related to both the yurt of a nomad and the palace of a nobleman.

For many centuries, the carpet has not only symbolized prosperity, but has also been an object of art, since its production is a long and painstaking work by hand.

Detailed information about what it is, carpet, later in the article.

Literally and figuratively

flower carpet
flower carpet

The meaning of the word "carpet" in dictionaries is given in several ways, namely:

  1. A type of decorative covering, consisting of thick fabric, intended for walls, floors, sofas, and other surfaces in order to insulate and decorate them. (The pride of the Marquise was a luxurious carpet, which was presented to her the day before, and now adorned one of the walls of the boudoir.).
  2. In a figurative sense - a certain substance that forms a continuous coveron the surface of the earth. (The central square of the city was decorated with flower carpets of unprecedented beauty.)
  3. In some sports, usually martial arts, a cloth covering that limits the space for training and competition. (Going out of bounds on floor exercise is a serious mistake.)


East market
East market

The word "carpet" has many synonyms:

  • Coating.
  • Palace.
  • Tatami.
  • Rug.
  • Tapestry.
  • Carpet.
  • Track.
  • Mat.
  • Tapestry.
  • Kilim.
  • Rug.
  • Floorboard.


The word "carpet" comes from the ancient Russian "kovr". Similar items available in:

  • Czech (koberec, kober);
  • Bulgarian (guber).

Based on the fact that the word has unusual phonetic features, scientists make the assumption that it is a borrowed Old Russian from the Turkic languages. Perhaps the source was the Danube-Bulgarian kavǝr - "felt blanket".

One of the very first uses of this term in the Old Russian language is its mention in The Tale of Bygone Years, which says that Yaropolk sent to find his brother, and from morning to evening they pulled out bodies from the ditch, and when under they found Oleg, they carried him out and laid him on the carpet.

Types of carpets

silk carpet
silk carpet

So, we found out that the carpet is a textile product, very widespread, whichIt is used both for the survival of a person in the harsh northern conditions, and to satisfy his aesthetic needs. In our today's reality, there are both products made from yarn of various types, and their imitation, obtained from synthetic materials.

Carpets are divided into three groups according to the nature of patterns and manufacturing techniques:

  1. Pile.
  2. Lint-free.
  3. Felt.

There is another classification that reflects both the production technology and the method by which the yarn is fixed on the basis. Depending on the indicated indicators, the following types of carpets are distinguished:

  1. Woven.
  2. Wicker.
  3. Felt.
  4. Tufted (beam).
  5. Needle-punched.

The cheapest are tufted and needle-punched carpets. This is due to the fact that their production method is automated, high-speed. As for woven products, they are much more difficult to make, it takes more time, they are an imitation of handicraft, and therefore they are expensive. This product consists of two systems of threads that cross each other, longitudinal and transverse.

Modern technologies

In the 19th century, aniline dyes (organic compounds obtained by oxidizing aniline extracted from the indigo plant) were invented. Since that time, an unprecedented boom in carpet weaving began, which led to a sharp drop in prices for products. Previously, Persia was the hegemon in this area, now China, Turkey andsome European countries.

However, even today the highest quality carpets are highly valued, for example, those made from silk threads. Gradually, aniline paints are being replaced by synthetic and polymer ones; they do not shed and do not need to be fixed. The third generation of dyes are chromium. If you compare them with natural ones, then the difference will be small, except that they are not so juicy in color.

Thanks to modern technology, today the quality of synthetic and classic carpets is almost equal, and in addition, synthetic ones also have an advantage in operation: it is much easier to care for them.

A bit of history

Bedouin carpet
Bedouin carpet

As mentioned above, the carpet is a very ancient product. Its history goes back several thousand years. The first carpets with fabric paintings date back to around the 16th-11th centuries BC. e. Their images were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Thutmose IV.

Carpets received special recognition in the culture of nomadic peoples. Their very appearance is closely connected with their life, which took place in a harsh continental climate, they had to be warmed. With the adoption of Islam by nomads, images of all living things began to disappear from carpets - birds, horses, camels. They began to be replaced by symbols and abstractions that conveyed the main provisions of the Koran.

Today, abstract patterns on carpets are predominant, but along with them, floral patterns remain popular.
