Last or extreme: how to speak correctly and features of the use of words

Last or extreme: how to speak correctly and features of the use of words
Last or extreme: how to speak correctly and features of the use of words

Last or extreme, which is correct? This question may seem complicated at first glance. If you understand it from the point of view of logic and common sense, and even call on the help of the grammar of the Russian language, then the answer will come by itself, since it is obvious.

It's all the fault of the queue

In our country, in the Soviet and perestroika times, the queue in the store for any product was not uncommon. Even items such as ice cream were in short supply. Sometimes the queue went beyond the store itself and occupied half the street. The queue as a phenomenon has not ceased to exist at the present time. Polyclinics, post offices, government agencies - places where you can observe, and sometimes even participate in queues.

last or last as correct
last or last as correct

As a result, a kind of regular etiquette was formed with its own rules: how to take a queue, what words can be spoken and what cannot, and so on. There is even its own unique slang - the slang of people,participating in the queue. An example of a specific expression that is commonly used in queues is: "Who is the last one?". And most often, no one even has a doubt: how to say, extreme or last? The vast majority of people will say that, of course, only the expression “Who is the extreme?” is permissible. Oddly enough, but these people are deeply mistaken. After all, the queue has two edges, front and back. Accordingly, there are always two extreme ones. And the last, like the first person in line, on the contrary, is always only one.


So, why are people so stubbornly unwilling to recognize the truly correct option? It's all to blame for the persistent superstitious fear of the word "last", which is consciously or subconsciously associated with the last day in life, with death. This superstition is especially pronounced in people whose activities involve constant risk: rescuers, firefighters, pilots, and so on.

how to say extreme or last
how to say extreme or last

Accordingly, faced with a choice: what is right, last or last in line, people most often choose the first option, because, simply, they are afraid to be impolite. After all, it may seem to the one who is asked that they wish him something not quite pleasant.

Excessive politeness

The source of errors in the question of how to correctly ask who is the last or the last is also the presence of the word "last" meanings that have a negative connotation. But most often the verb is used in these meanings or invernacular or in local dialects. So "the last" can mean "not far off", "stupid", "bad", "worthless". The expressions are known: "Like the last fool", "The last student in the class" and so on.

how to correctly last or last in line
how to correctly last or last in line

And now, facing the question of whether the last or the last, how to ask correctly, some people, just in case, choose a more decent, in their opinion, option.

Similar delusions

In colloquial speech, the verb "eat" is widespread, which is not literary. And, therefore, a literate person should use in his speech to denote the process of eating only the verb "eat". But either because of its coarser sound, or because of some other not entirely clear reasons, the verb “eat” from the vernacular lexicon is often preferred to this verb. You can also mention the use of the word "sit down" instead of "sit down" as another example. In this case, the verb is misused. After all, “sit down” means literally: to sit down not completely, on the edge, or for a short time. The verb "sit down" is avoided because of its use in a criminal environment in the meaning of "get into a place of detention." Of course, not everyone who does this is related to the underworld. But, apparently, due to the well-known historical events of the first half of the last century and others, the fear of imprisonment is imprinted in each of our compatriots at the subconscious level.

When do you need to say extreme

ButLife is not just about queues. So, to the question of how it is correct, last or extreme, in some cases the answer can be given: extreme. It remains to find out in which cases?

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary gives three meanings of the word "extreme":

1. Situated on the edge. The most remote.

For example, the extreme regions of the Polar Region, the extreme points of the straight line.

2. Ultimate.

For example, debt maturity date.

3. Extraordinary.

For example, extreme measures.

how to ask who is last or last
how to ask who is last or last

Accordingly, if a student needs to be asked by what date his academic debt must be repaid, then he can structure his question in this way: “What is the deadline for submission?”. If it is worth emphasizing the importance of any problem addressed in the report, then we can say that this issue is extremely important. In football, a striker on the left or right flank is called a winger.


As can be seen from all that has been said above, there is no single answer to the question of how to speak correctly, extreme or last. It all depends on the situation in which these words are used, as well as on the environment in which these words can be used. If you need to take a queue for an appointment with a doctor, then in this situation, the answer to the question of whether the last or last, as it is correct, the answer will be unequivocal - the last.

final day or last day as correct
final day or last day as correct

As strange as it may sound to some people. If youif you are in doubt about the last day or the last day of the year, then choose the last option. An exception can be made if you communicate with a submariner. Traditions are traditions, and breaking them is sometimes inappropriate. But, in this case, you will communicate in professional slang. You can call the remote corners of our country extreme.
