“The conductor's magic wand” is the name of one of the music lessons according to the program of G. P. Sergeeva and E. D. Kritskaya. Its content is variable, and in most cases it is planned to be held in the fifth grade. Consider what material is used by teachers during this lesson, how the topic is revealed and what opportunities lie in the conduct of this lesson.
Second or fifth grade?
Methodological developments of music lessons, presented in the Internet space, offer the lesson "The Conductor's Magic Wand" in the fifth, less often in the second grade. In the fifth, as a rule, there is an acquaintance with various types of the orchestra, the musical instruments of the symphony orchestra are repeated and fixed. The story about the role of the conductor in this content block turns out to be appropriate and can be presented in different ways - as a historical note, a story about the meaning of the profession, the role of this specialist in modern music, etc.
Second grade gets to know the conductor in the context of studying musical theater and its main genres - opera and ballet. Here, conducting is rarely presented as a separate topic, but a special appe althis kind of music making is also possible.
Who is a conductor, what is a conductor's baton, and how to tell children about it
The word "conductor" comes from the French "to direct, lead". In English, the leader of the orchestra is denoted by the term conductor. The main function of a conductor is to set the tempo, rhythm, and coordinate the parts of all instruments with each other, creating a unified sound of the orchestra.

The conductor is located at the base of the orchestra, on a small platform - the pulpit, from where he sees all the orchestra members, and they - his gestures and facial expressions. When playing music, he is with his back to the viewer; all his movements are extremely important for the orchestra - sometimes the movement of the eyes and eyebrows is enough for the musician to start playing or change the volume of the sound of his instrument.
The role of the conductor in the music of the 19th-21st centuries is enormous, today he not only regulates the technical side of the issue of music performance, but also presents his own interpretation of a piece of music. In this sense, a conductor is a full-fledged interpreter, and the brighter his personality and talent, the more interesting it is to listen to this or that piece.
For most children in high school (without basic musical education), the role of this musician is extremely vague, as is the need to lead an orchestra. His activity in the representation of schoolchildren is limited to the active movement of the hands, which often makes them smile and the corresponding motor reaction. The teacher is called upon to explain the meaning of conducting as much as possible.more accessible and widespread. This is done by comparing the conductor with a magician who works miracles, forcing the orchestra to play smoothly, and the music to flow in a single harmonious stream. Mastering simple rhythmic movements with the help of hands can help in this: two-, three- and four-time sizes.
The conductor's wand is a magic wand
When directing an orchestra, a conductor usually uses a baton.

With its help, a rhythmic pattern is set, introductions and the required volume for all instruments of the orchestra are shown. The conductor's baton did not begin to be used immediately - it was preceded by other objects and methods of controlling musicians. Until the 19th century, its role was played by the battoota or violin bow. The first was a large stick with which the conductor hit the ground, indicating the rhythm and tempo of the sound. Battuta was imperfect, its sound often drowned out the music.
In the symphony orchestras of the XVII-XVIII centuries. the role of the conductor was often played by the first violin - the main musician of the orchestra. Using the bow, he showed the introduction and the main points that needed to be paid attention to when playing music.

When the orchestra expanded, the first violin could not always cope with the task of coordinating the entire team, so the conductor became its mandatory leader. The conductor's magic wand comes to his aid - its magic consists in complete soundlessness, but the most precise eloquence - it is guided bythe whole orchestra. At the same time, she herself is rather a symbol, because every conductor can lead musicians without her.
Musical theater conductor
Musical theater is primarily an opera and ballet theater. The conductor's magic wand here not only controls the orchestra, but also guides the artists in their actions and numbers.

You can understand the role of this specialist in a music lesson with the help of video clips from ballet or opera scenes. Students should see how the conductor's magic wand from the orchestra pit guides the entire cast of dancers, soloists and the orchestra. A vivid video, for example, "Sleeping Beauty" by P. I. Tchaikovsky performed by the Vienna National Theater allows you to literally feel the magic of music, the magical powers of the conductor, impress with the nature of what is happening on stage. This is very important for schoolchildren when they get acquainted with classical music.
Choir Conductor
As a rule, conducting a choir in music lessons is rarely discussed. But when learning the song repertoire, the teacher always uses gestures. This means that children are regularly confronted with the conductor's gesture without realizing its meaning. Learning simple rhythmic patterns will help you understand and imagine yourself as a conductor.
In addition, schoolchildren can use gestures to show the pitch of sounds and dynamics. Basic knowledge of conducting is not only an acquaintance with the musical profession, but also the training of coordination skills.
Orchestra conductor
Often the theme is “Magic wandconductor” is a kind of key to the story about the types of the orchestra. The symphonic dominates here - it is not only the most complete composition of musical instruments, but also the pinnacle of music making.

The instruments that make up the orchestra can be repeated in the “Magic Wand of the Conductor” theme (as a rule, this is done in a playful way - in the form of riddles, mini-tasks, etc.). A story about the role of a conductor is also possible in the description of military, brass bands, small ensembles - quartets, quintets. In the presence of class time or extracurricular time, you can discuss with the students about the difference in the management of these trains. In different types of orchestra, the conductor's magic wand can change its functions and appearance, either becoming the bow and neck of the first violinist (in chamber ensembles), or acquiring the appearance of a decorated wand in a military marching band.
Famous conductors
Students should talk about the outstanding conductors of the world. Many great composers have conducted in performances of their works, and some have been outstanding conductors as well. Here we can mention the Viennese classics, who themselves led the orchestras that performed their symphonies, operas, quartets, etc., the great conductors of the twentieth century (in the photo - A. Toscanini).

Modern famous conductors of the world in the "Magic Conductor's Wand" should be named and, if there are additional opportunities, presented in video screenings - V. Gergiev, V. Spivakov, Y. Bashmet and many others.
Does popular music need a conductor?
Of course you need it. True, a conductor's baton in jazz, rock and modern pop styles where live music sounds (performed on instruments, and not on a computer or mixer) is simply useless (it organizes more complex musical texts). The drummer always sets the pace and rhythmic pattern, thus he performs the functions of a conductor. Pop and rock music, which schoolchildren often know much better than classical music, is also beginning to appear controlled, conducted, and knowledge of the classics is relevant in other contexts.
Related topics of the program as a continuation of the conversation about the importance of a conductor in music

Continue the theme of conducting is often suggested by acquaintance with the image of L. van Beethoven. The transition from "The Conductor's Magic Wand" to "Images of Struggle in Art" makes us turn to Beethoven's 5th symphony, its thematic development and semantics. The sonorous and powerful Beethoven orchestra is a vivid sound illustration that must be correctly presented. Here it is also possible to continue The Conductor's Magic Wand with victories in art - again on the example of Beethoven's genius, his fierce struggle with deafness, the triumph of music and vitality (in the 9th symphony). Given the thematic plan, this will be a generalization and the result of the entire cycle of lessons devoted to symphonic music.
What tasks can be solved when conducting a lesson on the topic “The Conductor's Magic Wand”
Any lesson begins with the goal and objectives of the lessonplanning. Having determined the content side, the teacher will be able to more easily control the development of educational material and the formation of the necessary competencies that develop during one training session or a whole cycle.
The main goal indicated in the methodological development of the lesson "The Conductor's Magic Wand" is the formation of a holistic view among schoolchildren about one of the following list:
- types of orchestra;
- symphony orchestra and its main instruments;
- conductor activities;
- opera and ballet theater, etc.
The tasks are focused on the development of students' competencies and vary depending on the content of the lesson:
- Create an in-depth understanding of the role of the conductor's magic wand in opera and ballet (symphony orchestra or types of orchestra).
- Explain the place and role of the conductor in classical music.
- Introduce the history of conducting and the baton.
- Introduce the functions of a conductor's magic wand in an orchestra.
- Show the meaning of the profession through acquaintance with the famous conductors of the world.
- Introduce students to the basics of conducting.
These variant tasks are complemented by others that come from other stages of the lesson (for example, singing, reading music, or reviewing material from previous lessons).
The topic covered is limitless and does not fit into one academic hour. The role of the conductor is so multifaceted that it is almost impossible to tell, show and explain it in one lesson. You can deepen the topic on relatedlessons (“Images of struggle and victory in art”), as well as when conducting after-school and extracurricular activities, such as attending live concerts of symphonic music, opera and ballet performances.