The theme of the diploma determines the essence of the tasks to be solved, the logic of the review of sources, the conduct of theoretical research and practical work. A well-written chapter saves time for the supervisor, reviewer, and defense committee by focusing on the statement of each task, the research done, and the result.
Introduction and Conclusion
Everything in the diploma matters, but the introduction and conclusion are the system of goals and the results of its achievement. Each chapter, from the review of the literature, ending with the chapters of the analysis of the performed research (practical part) and the substantiation of economic results, forms the reader's idea of what exactly constitutes the relevance, novelty and main content of the work performed.

If in the process of writing each chapter to clarify all the goals and objectives that will become the basis of the conclusion, then how to write conclusions correctly will be a matter of wording.
Introduction is a very important part of the diploma, it is the main part of the study, decomposes its goal intocomponent tasks and determines what exactly will be investigated, by what methods and what to expect from the conclusion.
The introduction is constantly discussed - this is a dynamic component that changes in the process of working on a diploma. The conclusion is a fixed result, which is determined by the work performed. You cannot change the conclusion, because the question of how to write conclusions for chapters in the diploma will determine what exactly to put in the conclusion.
Literature review
The idea of any diploma is usually determined by the topic. Selection of literature and review of sources - a secondary procedure preceding the research part, substantiating the practical and economic parts of the work.
In this context, how to write the conclusion correctly can be determined by the topic line and the content of selected sources. The topic will determine the range of tasks to be solved, and therefore, will determine what will determine the wording of the chapters and conclusions. A review of the literature will allow you to understand what will justify the relevance, novelty and content of the work.

A diploma is a strict formalized document. The wording of each paragraph and each chapter should be as simple and compact as possible. How one or another research method was chosen will subsequently determine how to write conclusions for chapters in the diploma in the end.
Sequence of wording
The goal, the literature, and the study itself is an approximation to conclusions. The practical and economic part is the justification. How to write conclusions on solution examplesspecific tasks?
For example, the diploma covers the topic "Organization of dialogue in intelligent systems".
A simple option - a local software product for organizing company office work. Here, “intelligence” can be applied in terms of adapting to changing document flows and tracking employee actions. The system can accumulate "experience" and adapt to the dynamics of the company.
A difficult option is a web resource as an intelligent system, as a "live", dynamic and self-adapting site. This is modern technology: the resource is available locally and "visible" from the Internet. The term "intelligence" here may raise questions that the student will find difficult to answer. Internet technologies are more restrictive than local programming languages and require more skill.
The question of how to write conclusions is more complicated in the second option. It is important to avoid uncertainty and misunderstanding by the supervisor, reviewer and members of the Academic Council on defense.
If justifying a web resource as an intellectual system is not a problem, then it will be difficult to give an example of a "live" site and show it. Especially if the work is based on the provisions of a modern CMS.
The rigidity of constructions in modern programming languages will require justification of what exactly is the dynamism of the work, its uniqueness and novelty. In this context, how to write conclusions in the conclusion will determine how the central provisions are formulated, the implementation of the idea throughout the chapters.

The conclusion isthe tip of the iceberg whose foundation will determine:
- setting goals;
- literature review;
- examples of web resources and justification of what exactly is their "liveness" and dynamism;
- native code examples and justification for the difference.
And this difference should be clarified and substantiated for each chapter, and as a result, a decision will automatically be made on how to write conclusions on all positions that are reflected in the thesis.
Breadth of topic and logic of presentation
The topic "Organization of dialogue in intelligent systems" is too broad, in reality it should be specified, but it is better to remove the word "intelligent". It is better to simplify the topic as much as possible and paint it into the minimum possible number of subtasks.
A diploma is not a doctorate and is not the main thing in life for a student. This is just a confirmation of the knowledge gained and the ability to apply it in practice. For the academic council, supervisor, reviewer and opponents, it is important to understand exactly how the topic was disclosed, what system of tasks was proposed and what conclusions were drawn.

Strict consistency in the disclosure of the topic and clear conclusions are a guarantee of success.
Written by a student on a "live" site, it should be clearly stated in the introduction what exactly is meant by this, and in the conclusions - how exactly it was done. The main part of the diploma should contain the logic of justification and the dynamics of formulations that do not allow uncertainty in understanding.
A correct understanding of the topic and adequate conclusions are the ideal defense.