Kazan Agrarian University: history, faculties, popular and promising areas

Kazan Agrarian University: history, faculties, popular and promising areas
Kazan Agrarian University: history, faculties, popular and promising areas

The importance of highly qualified personnel increases every year. They are needed everywhere, including in the agro-industrial complex. For the agricultural sector, specialists are trained by specialized specialized universities, one of which is the Kazan Agrarian University (KSAU), which has been operating since the 20s of the last century.

A Brief History

May 22, 1922. From that date began the history of modern KSAU. The university was formed from the agricultural and forestry faculties of the Polytechnic Institute and Kazan University. Since its foundation, the educational institution has been an institute.

In 1995 there was a change in status. The university has become an academy. The event that took place spoke about many things - that the educational institution takes a responsible approach to the educational process, strives to improve, meet the requirements of the time. At the beginning of the 2000s, the university was already a major educational and scientific center inareas of training for agriculture. This was one of the factors that contributed to another change of status. In 2006, the academy was renamed into a university.


Famous graduates

Over the years of its existence, Kazan Agrarian University has produced a lot of qualified specialists. There are many famous people among them. In 1959, Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev, the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan, graduated from the educational institution. He studied at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

Another university graduate is Gumer Ismagilovich Usmanov. After graduating from the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization in 1961, he built a good career - he became a Soviet and party statesman, the first secretary of the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU.

And in 1978, Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov graduated from the university and the same faculty. Today he is the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Faculties of Kazan State Agrarian University
Faculties of Kazan State Agrarian University

Educational activities of the Agricultural University

Kazan Agrarian University operates in two institutes and two faculties:

  1. At the Faculty of Agronomy. Here knowledge is given on agronomy, soil science, agriculture, breeding, crop production and horticulture.
  2. At the Faculty of Forestry and Ecology. This is a young structural unit. It combines so far 2 departments - forestry and forest crops, taxation and economics of the forest industry. To date, the facultyis at the stage of formation of the material and technical base.
  3. At the Institute of Mechanization and Technical Service. It has been in existence for just over 10 years. Education here is conducted in 3 areas of bachelor's degree - in "agroengineering", "operation of transport and technological machines and complexes", "technosphere safety". There is one speci alty - "ground transport and technological means".
  4. At the Institute of Economics. The division has been operating since 2006, but the training of economists at the Kazan Agrarian University began much earlier - in 1961. Today the institute offers several programs in "economics", "management", "municipal and state administration", "quality management".
Studying at Kazan Agrarian University
Studying at Kazan Agrarian University

Demanded directions at the university

Annually, the selection committee of Kazan Agrarian University collects statistical information on the number of applications received. This information allows us to draw conclusions about the demand for certain areas.

Today one of the topical areas is engineering. Applicants choose it for several reasons. Firstly, now engineering and technical workers are in great demand in the country. Secondly, the university trains specialists of a wide profile. After receiving a diploma, graduates are employed in various industries. They are not limited to any particular speci alty.

A very popular direction related to land management and cadastres. The main directions of the agricultural profile are alsoin demand. Groups form without any problems.

Directions at Kazan Agrarian University
Directions at Kazan Agrarian University

Promising areas of study

The world and science do not stand still. They are developing, so certain areas of study at the Kazan Agrarian University can be called promising. Ample opportunities are open to students enrolled in master's programs. All directions are promising, because after graduating from a university you can both work at some enterprise and engage in science. Of particular importance are programs related to the application and development of useful technologies (“resource-saving technologies for the cultivation of field crops”, “reproduction of soil fertility under anthropogenic load”).

From the undergraduate programs, it is worth highlighting the "technology of processing and production of agricultural products." In the university, the development of this area will be further directed to the deep processing of agricultural products, because, for example, not only flour, but also starch, glucose, gluten, etc. can be obtained from grain.

Promising speci alties of KSAU
Promising speci alties of KSAU

Those applicants who think that it is impossible to get a high-quality and promising education at the Kazan State Agrarian University are mistaken. The university offers popular speci alties, and it gives good knowledge. It all depends on the students themselves, their mindset, capabilities. Some of the graduates build an excellent career, while others cannot apply their knowledge in the right direction.
