Not all schoolchildren know how to write an essay on various academic disciplines. But it is this version of homework that teachers use to test knowledge, consolidate the studied material, and stimulate independent work of schoolchildren.
What is this
Before talking about how to write an abstract, let's try to figure out the meaning of this word. Translated from English, it is commonly understood as a report on the topic, which is compiled on the basis of several literary sources. The student reads the finished work to classmates, speaks with the results of his work at conferences, or simply submits the material to the teacher.
Abstract can be considered a great opportunity to improve the mark in the subject, as well as a way to demonstrate to others your interest in the issue under consideration.

Selection of literary sources
When discussing how to write an essay, first we will try to understand how to choose the right books for work. Literary material should correspond to the topic proposed by the teacher. The number of books is determined taking into accountfollowing factors:
- volume of abstract work;
- due dates;
- deep consideration of the issue;
- evaluation rules.
Some teachers offer children who missed for a good reason (illness, competition, conference, olympiad) a topic. In the process of writing an essay, the main gaps are eliminated, students develop the skills of independent activity, and there is an interest in research and project work. Those sources that the student chooses for generalization are indicated in the bibliographic list.
Speaking about how to write an abstract, we note that there are certain requirements for its design and content. First, the title page is drawn up. It indicates the full name of the educational institution where the author of the material is studying. The title of the abstract is written in capital letters in the center, followed by detailed information about the author. If there is a supervisor, information about him is also indicated on the title page. In the center (at the bottom) the year, city is written.
The next page is for the table of contents. Here indicate all the main paragraphs and sections of the material presented.

Introductory part
How to write an introduction in an abstract? This question is of interest to all authors starting work. It should state the problem under consideration, indicate the goals and objectives to which the material will be devoted.
The volume of the introductory part should not exceed one page. Special attentionshould be given to substantiate the relevance of the material. If a hypothesis is posed in a research paper, then this is not a prerequisite in abstracts.
Main part
Let's continue talking about how to write an essay correctly. There are no clear restrictions on the amount of material. It is difficult to find an example that could be called an ideal option. Depending on the scientific field, subject, depth of research, the number of pages in the main part is allowed from 6 to 14.
So, how to write an essay? Its plan is drawn up in such a way that a logical connection can be traced between the individual parts of the material presented.
In conclusion, the author once again analyzes the results obtained during the work, draws conclusions, and makes recommendations to other researchers.
Only if the topic is fully disclosed, the abstract will be awarded a high mark.
In the list of references, which is given after the main part of the work, all books, magazines taken for work are listed in alphabetical order. It is desirable that they be published no later than five years ago, exceptions are allowed for abstracts involving the study of historical and literary materials.

Let's continue talking about how to write an abstract. A sample of the design of the list of literary sources is shown in the photo.
In the technical requirements there are no clear criteria regarding the font size, it all depends on the requirements of the educational institution within which the work is written. by the mostIt is considered common to print the text of the abstract in Times New Roman 12 pt. The spacing between lines is an important point on which the visual perception of the text depends. The optimal interval is 1.5 in school abstracts. If the text deals with equipment, technological processes, calculations and formulas are necessary. When compiling them, you can use the formula editor Microsoft Equation. It has basic tools, allows you to create various symbols and drawings.

Helpful tips
You can not overload the abstract with citations from literary sources that are not listed in the bibliographic list. In the introduction, it is desirable to highlight the goal, main tasks, object, subject, as well as the hypothesis of the study.
The main part assumes a consistent and logical presentation of the material. For this, the text is divided into separate paragraphs, paragraphs. If this sequence is violated, even a relevant and interesting work will look very unpresentable and will not be appreciated by teachers.

An essay on chemistry can be devoted to the life and work of the founder of the table of elements - Dmitry Mendeleev. The purpose of the work will be to study the life of the great scientist. The main task of the abstract is to show the versatility of Mendeleev's personality. In the main part, the student gradually lists the features of childhood, youth of a chemist, proceeds to his scientific activity. At the end, the abstract is summarizedthe significance of Mendeleev's achievements for science is confirmed.