Secondary education and schools 2024, September

Population waves as an evolutionary factor. Causes of population waves

The article describes the causes and essence of population waves, indicates their impact on the number of populations and their genotype

How lymph is formed. Outflow, movement, cleansing, stagnation, composition and functions of lymph

The article describes the process of lymph formation, indicates its main functions and features of movement through the human body. It also talks about lymphostasis and lymph cleansing methods

What is an organoid? The structure and functions of organelles. plant cell organelles. Animal cell organelles

The article describes the structure of the cell, its main structural components are indicated, organelles and their functions are described. The features of the organization of plant and animal cells are also noted

Cycle is What is a cycle? What are the cycles?

"Cycle" is one of the most commonly used terms. This word can be found in areas such as gynecology, programming, economics, etc. So what are these mysterious cycles? And how do they affect our lives?

Exploit is The meaning, origin and use of the word

Understanding the meaning of words makes it possible to freely communicate in any situation with any worthy contingent of interlocutors. The word "exploit" is often found in the lexicon of modern Russian speakers. But do we all understand what it means to "exploit"?

How to find the difference of an arithmetic progression

The topic "arithmetic progression" is studied in the general course of algebra in schools in the 9th grade. This topic is important for further in-depth study of the mathematics of number series. In this article, we will get acquainted with the arithmetic progression, its difference, as well as with typical tasks that schoolchildren may face

China Square. China: population, area. Population density in China

Chinese civilization is very ancient. It is four thousand years old. Since the time of Marco Polo, the Celestial Empire has attracted researchers and travelers. This country has the most inhabitants - it is home to a fifth of all people on the planet

Optical lenses (physics): definition, description, formula and solution

There are objects that are capable of changing the density of the electromagnetic radiation flux falling on them, that is, either increasing it by collecting it at one point, or decreasing it by scattering it. These objects are called lenses in physics. Let's take a closer look at this question

What does reasonable mean: truthful or legal?

It will take a lot to make business negotiations, achieve successful results and satisfy both parties. It is necessary to have not only convincing arguments and documents, but it is also necessary to speak reasonably. So what does "reasonably" mean?

Color meaning and safe color table

Have you ever thought about why this or that product repels or attracts? This is a very interesting system that designers around the world follow to achieve their goal. They face a lot of problems that are solved with the help of knowledge and experience

Interactive - what is it? Interactive TV. Interactive learning

On the walls in geography classrooms there used to be maps with images of parts of our planet at different scales. Now that's not enough. Maps today need interactive. And not only cards

Difficulties are an objective reality

In dictionaries you can read the following definitions of this concept. Difficulties are circumstances or conditions for the implementation of a process that require some effort to overcome them. And there are also difficulties temporary and permanent, objective and subjective, material and emotional. Let's talk about each type in more detail

What is altruism: the meaning of the word, synonym, antonym, examples

The word " altruism" can be defined as a mental state when a person seeks to achieve the well-being of others. It is genuine if the achievement of the good of outsiders is the main motivation and ultimate goal. Altruism can be a momentary impulse or a permanent trait

Where is Mauritius? Mauritius on world map

Mauritius is located in the group of the Mascarene Islands, which lie in the western region of the Indian Ocean, at a distance of about 800 kilometers east of Madagascar. About 91% of the area of the entire state is concentrated on the island of the same name

Free City: what does that mean?

What does free city mean? In German law, this was the name given to cities that were territorially and politically independent. They were not dependent on those states whose territories surrounded them. The said term does not apply to modern city-states. More about what the concept of a free city means will be discussed in the article

What is class teacher documentation

A class teacher is a school teacher who performs the main functions of the organizer of the modern life of schoolchildren, aimed at the diversified development of students. What is the documentation that the class teacher uses in his work?

Aerosol is Types, uses of aerosols

Glancing around the apartment, people do not even think about how densely aerosols have entered their lives. But some of them are used daily and more than once. So what are aerosols? What are the types of aerosols? In what areas of life are they used?

What is the name of the house for bees? Hive dimensions

In the proposed article, the types of hives are listed, their pros and cons are noted, and the features of their use are indicated. Offered advice on their acquisition. A brief description of the most popular types of hives used in domestic beekeeping is given

Cockroaches in the head: what to do with them?

Sometimes, looking at a person, people around say: “Yes, he has cockroaches in his head.” What do they mean? This is usually how they characterize people who are distinguished by unusual behavior, extraordinary antics, various eccentricities, in general, not like everyone else

Mainland island - what is it? Definition, types and examples

Mainland islands (examples will be given below) are part of the land that was previously part of the continent, and later separated from it. This occurs as a result of various hydrological or geological processes. As a rule, the mainland and the island have a fairly similar relief. They are separated by water areas, such as shelf seas and straits

Torres Strait: description, photo

The Torres Strait is one of the shallowest, second in the list of its kind. It shares the island of Papua New Guinea and Australia. On two sides (south and north) it connects the largest Pacific Ocean with the Indian

Pskov population (Russia): climate, ecology, regions, economy

For centuries the Russian land has been famous for its cities! The history of the state is truly great. The city of Pskov is one of the pearls of Ancient Russia. It is the birthplace of the first Christian ruler, Princess Olga. Pskov is considered one of the most ancient, its history began long before the baptism of Russia, and to be more precise, from 903

Sections of computer science: applied and theoretical

Informatics is a science that studies the ways and methods of transferring, processing and analyzing information, as well as working with computers. In the modern world, when technology is becoming more and more popular and in demand, it is impossible to live without informatics. In turn, this science is divided into sections that allow you to study this discipline in depth

How to remove ink from paper? Methods and features

There are times when you need to know how to get ink out of paper. For example, you made a fresh renovation, pasted new wallpaper, and the child decided to leave his autograph on them. What to do?

Family coat of arms for the school. How to make a family coat of arms

Recently, creating a family coat of arms for the school has become a very fashionable and current trend. In fact, there is nothing complicated in creating a coat of arms. It is not necessary to sit on the task in splendid isolation until late at night and draw every stroke. This can be interesting and educational

Archimedes' law: formula and examples of solutions

Greek scientist Archimedes and his work "On Floating Bodies". A detailed consideration of the law of Archimedes for an arbitrary liquid and a solid body immersed in it. The nature of the Archimedean buoyant force. Remarks and conclusions that follow from the law of Archimedes

Pan-Slavic colors: history and meaning. Pan-Slavic colors on flags

Red, white and blue colors are often found in the symbols of the Slavic states. They are present on the flags of Russia, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, as well as other countries and regions. They are called pan-Slavic colors, but what does this term mean? How did he appear? Let's figure it out

Hemispheres of the Earth. Characteristics and features

Our planet is conventionally divided into four hemispheres. How are the boundaries between them defined? What are the characteristics of the hemispheres of the Earth?

Moment of force is Physical meaning, equilibrium condition of bodies, an example of a problem

Rotational dynamics is one of the important branches of physics. It describes the reasons for the movement of bodies in a circle around a certain axis. One of the important quantities of the dynamics of rotation is the moment of force, or torque. What is a moment of force? Let's explore this concept in this article

Decomposition of potassium permanganate. Properties of s alts of manganese acid

Among the various types of chemical reactions, a special place is occupied by redox processes that underlie the most important phenomena of animate and inanimate nature: combustion, decomposition of complex substances, synthesis of organic compounds. Potassium permanganate, whose properties we will study in our article, is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents used in laboratory and industrial conditions

Division - what is it? What is cell division and number division

In this article we will get acquainted with the concept of division. This is a complex term that can be used in a wide variety of areas of human activity, and its consequences are observed in the nature of living organisms. Regardless of the scope of the term and / or the environment of the process, is an extremely important concept

To help the teacher: an integrated lesson, tips for conducting

The integrated lesson as such is no longer "terra incognito" either for young teachers or for professionals with experience and experience. However, it always requires special preparation, careful planning and great dedication from both teachers and students. In fact, two (or more) subjects are involved in one lesson, albeit related, but each with its own specifics

Theme of parent meetings. Topics for school-wide parent meetings

How to hold a parent-teacher meeting? It is worth considering the theme of the event in advance. Making a clear plan is the way to success

Prefix "re-" - lexical meaning, usage and examples

Have you ever thought about the meaning and importance of such part of a word as a prefix? Indeed, in the Russian language there are a huge number of nouns, adjectives, verbs that have an attached part in their composition. This article will discuss in detail the prefix "re-"

On which river is Kazan. Natural attractions of Kazan

Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. The city has a thousand-year history, original culture, developed economy, and is the scientific center of the republic. There is a large port on its territory. On which river does Kazan stand - on the Volga or on the Kazanka?

Where is India. Location of ancient India

Where is India, a state with a vibrant and unique culture? Its unique traditions, architecture and history have had a great influence on the entire world culture. The Hindustan Peninsula is the birthplace of Indian traditions and teachings

Do you know what an Armenian is?

Many words of the Russian language are forgotten over time. It would seem that they are not needed. But this ignorance can do a disservice to a child in school or embarrass an adult. Let's figure out what an armyak is

Volcano in Chile. List of active and extinct volcanoes in Chile

Volcanoes as a geological phenomenon are spread over the entire surface of the globe. On the territory of the state of Chile there are a large number of volcanoes, both active and extinct. For local residents, a volcano in Chile is a common phenomenon

City of Austin is the capital of Texas

The capital of Texas (USA) is the city of Austin. It was founded in 1839 and is now the center of the state's administrative and political activities. This metropolis is named after one of its founders. The population of the city is just over 885 thousand people

Contractile vacuole and its function

This article will acquaint the reader with the structure of the simplest organisms, namely, focuses on the structure of the contractile vacuole, which performs an excretory (and not only) function, talks about the meaning of protozoa and describes ways of existing in the environment