Secondary education and schools

Growing up vocabulary: a blowing snow is

Who knows what a drifting snow is? The meaning of the word, it would seem, lies on the surface. It must be something or someone moving on the ground. Is this really the case, you will learn from this article. In addition, we will consider the morphological features of this word, declension and try to find synonyms for it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

"Wash the bones": the meaning of a phraseological unit. What does it mean to "wash the bones"

How often do we get together to wash the bones of common acquaintances? Such topics are considered bad manners. But at least by chance we do it. In our article we will try to tell what it means to "wash the bones", and also consider some points in the history of this phraseological unit. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Beak of birds: structure (photo)

Birds are one of the most amazing representatives of the animal world. Despite the general plan of the structure, they are all very diverse. And the beak of birds is also no exception. In our article, we will consider the features of its structure in representatives of different systematic groups of birds. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The outer layer of the cell. Biology: plant cell structure, scheme

Cells that form the tissues of representatives of flora and fauna have significant differences in size, shape, and constituent elements. However, all of them show similarities in the main features of growth, metabolism, vital activity, irritability, ability to change, development. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are free-living nematodes?

Roundworms, or nematodes, are amazing creatures, the presence of which we practically do not feel in our lives. They are invisible and yet they are the second most diverse group in the animal kingdom after insects. Thus, the number of free-living nematodes in one cubic meter of water or soil can exceed one million individuals. They have spread everywhere and, like "gray cardinals", being in the shade, meanwhile play one of the main roles in all ecosystems. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Russian language: syntax as part of grammar

There are many words in every language, but without the right spelling, they mean little. The word is just a linguistic unit. The Russian language is especially rich in them. The syntax of the native language is the main assistant in the design of the grammatical connection of words in sentences and phrases. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is ray symmetry? What animals have ray symmetry?

What animals are characterized by ray symmetry? What is it, what is it characterized by, why did it arise, what is its significance for animals. Examples of animals with ray symmetry. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Types and ways of perceiving information

Perception of information by a person is an acquaintance with phenomena and objects through their impact on various sense organs. Analyzing the result of the impact of a particular object or situation on the organs of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, the individual receives a certain idea about them. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Characteristic on the parent: sample. How to write a testimonial for parents

Characteristics for the parent: what is the importance of compiling such a document, what features of the parents and how they affect the development of the child, examples of positive and negative characteristics for parents. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The structure of the plant root. Features of the structure of the root

The root is the axial vegetative organ of the plant. It is characterized by unlimited apical growth and radial symmetry. The structure of the root depends on many factors. This is the evolutionary origin of the plant, its belonging to a particular class, habitat. The main functions of the root include: plant strengthening in the soil, participation in vegetative propagation, storage and synthesis of organic nutrients. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to make an application on the theme "Spring"?

This article outlines recommendations for creating applications on the theme "Spring" from paper and scraps of fabric with a list of the necessary material and algorithms of actions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ship worms: description, features, class and characteristics

In our article we will consider the structural features of mollusks, which are called "shipworms". No, we were not mistaken - such animals really exist. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing up vocabulary: a worm is

What is a worm, everyone knows. But the question arises: "Does the noun "worm" have one meaning?" Morphological characteristics, declension you will learn from this article. In addition, consider cognate words and synonyms. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The smallest star. Varieties of stars

There are millions of stars in the universe. Most of them we don't even see, and those that are visible to our eyes can be bright or very dim, depending on the size and other parameters. What do we know about them? Which star is the brightest? What is the hottest?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Protein composition: what do we know about it?

As you know, proteins are a necessary and basic component of any living organism. They are responsible for metabolism and energy conversion, which are inextricably linked with almost all life processes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a percentage? Percent formula. Interest - how to calculate?

Today, in the modern world, it is impossible to do without interest. Even at school, starting from the 5th grade, children learn this concept and solve problems with this value. Interest is found in every area of modern structures. Take, for example, banks: the amount of overpayment of the loan depends on the amount specified in the contract; The interest rate also affects the size of the profit. Therefore, it is vital to know what percentage is. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Permanent and non-permanent features of the adjective. Its difference from communion

Each part of speech in Russian performs its specific functions. The verb makes our speech move, the noun, on the contrary, makes it static. But our language has a unique beauty thanks to the adjective. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of Kyrgyzstan: brief information

Several hundred years ago, the central part of Asia was a well-developed area with many strong states. The history of the Kyrgyz and Kyrgyzstan is closely intertwined with the actions of the ancient great empires. This country has a rich cultural and military history and has experienced many ups and downs. Important trade routes to Siberia and China passed here, fierce and long battles have always been going on for this land. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

N. Gogol, the history of the creation of the "Overcoat"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a special, colorful figure in Russian literature. A lot of mystical, strange and even terrible things are connected with his name. What is one of the most mystical stories of the XIX century - "Viy" worth! In fact, Gogol has several even more strange and instructive works, one of which is The Overcoat. The history of Gogol's creation of "The Overcoat" is rooted in the problems of society in the 19th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What should be the analysis plan for the poem?

What is a poem analysis plan? What should it be and how to follow it correctly? Do I need to make it myself or is it already somewhere ready-made?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Reproduction - what is it? What are the methods and organs of reproduction?

One of the most complex, mysterious and amazing processes in nature is reproduction. It is very important, and thanks to it the life of absolutely all living organisms on earth is supported. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Singing Thrush: voice features

The song thrush belongs to one of the largest bird populations. He became known to townspeople and summer residents because of his amazing singing, which can be heard throughout the summer. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Phylogenesis is a complex process

Many people will assume that phylogeny is biology, or to be more precise, the definition used in biology. Phylogeny is the evolutionary development of any biological system. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to remember a large amount of information. Memorization methods

The article touches upon the relevance of the problem of memory. A brief description of the types of memory is given. Concrete examples and ways are given on how to remember a large amount of information. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kukushkin flax: structure and reproduction

Kukushkin flax is a plant that is most common on the territory of the Russian Federation in the forests of the northern and middle stripes. Favorable conditions for it are observed in the taiga swampy long-moss forests, in swamps and in wet meadows. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Japan's biggest, fastest and most amazing rivers

Tourists who were lucky enough to visit Japan are mostly satisfied with visiting the capital - Tokyo, and sightseeing cities - Kyoto, Hiroshima. Because of this, one gets the erroneous impression that the whole country is nothing more than a modern metropolis, although the island has very picturesque nature. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the rivers of Japan. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General cultural competence in education

The formation of general cultural competencies is an important task of modern education. It is on the degree of formation of this competence that the attitude of the younger generation to the traditions and culture of their country depends. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Phenomena of nature. Examples of explainable and inexplicable phenomena

What are natural phenomena? Physical phenomena and their varieties. Examples of explainable and inexplicable phenomena are the northern lights, fireballs, trumpet-shaped clouds, and moving rocks. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Large volcanoes: list

What are volcanoes? Hot streams of molten lava sloshing out of the bowels of the Earth, and at the same time clouds of ash, hot steam. The spectacle, of course, is breathtaking, but where does it come from? What are the largest volcanoes on our planet? Where they are?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Drake Passage: description, photo

Drake Passage is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Named after the British privateer and explorer Francis Drake. In the 16th century, he was one of the first to pass these waters on his ship "Golden Doe", making a trip around the world. It lasted three years - from 1577 to 1580. The frigate Drake passed through the channel in 1578. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

5 largest cities in Turkey

Turkey is not only a paradise for tourists, but also an industrial country with a rapidly developing economy. According to 2014 data, the state has nine million-plus cities. We will tell you about the five largest of them: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Adana. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, is that true?

To cook food faster, most housewives add s alt to the pot before the water starts to boil. In their opinion, this will speed up the cooking process. Others, on the contrary, argue that tap water boils much faster. To answer this question, you need to turn to the laws of physics and chemistry. Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, and is it really so? Let's find out! Details in the article below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why gases compress easily: elementary physics

The gaseous state of substances is an extremely interesting phenomenon, along with which substances acquire many useful properties. For example, gases are easily compressed. They adapt to the volume and shape of the tank they are filling. Why is this happening? Why do gases compress easily? How can this be explained scientifically? Find out in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Communion. An example of morphological parsing

One of the most interesting, but at the same time, difficult parts of speech in the morphology of our language is considered to be the participle. An example of parsing this part of speech, as well as its differences from other groups, will be considered in more detail in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a basin? Types of basins

This article will focus on one of the forms of the earth's relief. What is a basin? How does she look? What types of basins exist?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Baikal folding: structure, relief, mountain systems, features

Baikal folding originates from the time of tectogenesis, and it is located in Siberia. This name was introduced by the geologist Shatsky in the thirties of the last century in honor of the lake of the same name, since this part of the region was formed at that time. This article tells about the composition and features of folding. Information will help to learn more about this region of the planet. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Economy of the Krasnodar Territory: main areas

From the point of view of geographical location, the Krasnodar Territory can profitably use the transport, geopolitical and economic-geographical situation. Access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean and the presence of economically developed neighboring countries also have a beneficial effect on the situation as a whole. The economy of the Krasnodar Territory for schoolchildren, based on general educational material, is described below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is snow? Where does snow come from and what is it made of?

Every time with the arrival of winter and snowfall, we experience some kind of emotional outburst. The white veil that covered the city will not leave indifferent either a child or an adult. As children, we could sit for hours at the window and watch how, slowly circling, snowflakes fly past and quietly fall to the ground … We often examined their structure, trying to find two identical ones, never ceasing to be surprised at the beauty and complexity of this magical splendor. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gutta-percha is.. The meaning of the word "gutta-percha"

Gutta-percha is a hard natural latex made from the sap of Palaquium, Isonandra and Dichopsis trees. The word itself comes from the name of the plant in the Malay language - "geiha Persian", which translates as "glove latex". Gutta-percha - what are they? This adjective is used both literally and figuratively. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lynx: an animal that deserves attention

Among all the diversity that the animals of the taiga can boast of, the lynx, perhaps, has given rise to the greatest number of superstitions and delusions among people far from these lands. Most people consider her a rather large cat - almost the size of an Amur tiger. There are stories about the deceit of the beast. In our opinion, the lynx is an animal that does not deserve such a biased attitude. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01