Each of the people at least once in his life was this ward. Here the baby is born - they immediately begin to take care of him. The list of responsibilities of parents has everything necessary for the life and proper development of the child. Especially if he has he alth problems. You can use a synonym: he is patronized. Interestingly, the word "guardian" is not in Russian.
And there is another common situation: a person at a certain point in his life is recognized by the court as incompetent, as he acquired, for example, a mental disorder. In this case, the guardian will be obliged to take care of the he alth and property of the ward. And this is only a small part of everything that a person who is transferred responsibility for an addict will have to face.

Guardianship and Guardianship
In addition to guardianship, there is also guardianship. What is the difference? That important decisions and actions are not made on behalf of the ward, as is the case with guardianship. The trustee simply expresses his agreement or disagreement, and does not sign something on behalf of the dependent. But this is a separate legal story.
There are many more situations in whichwhich the person becomes a ward. It is not necessarily something childish, serious or painful. The most important sign is that he is under someone's care, he is being helped, supported.

So who are the wards and how do they live?
A ward is not such a self-sufficient person. He does not have the right to participate fully in making decisions that affect his life and destiny. Cannot make any transactions as needed. You can talk for a very long time on the topic of how such a ward person can be used for selfish purposes, how unscrupulously some perform duties, spoil the life of a dependent person. History knows a lot of suffering of children because of their parents. Everywhere there are new cases of how pensioners suffer because of their young relatives. But fortunately, the rights of children and the elderly are actively defended in our time.

The word "trustee" is also widely used when it comes to territories that, as a result of World War II, were included in the UN international trusteeship system.
Synonyms for the word:
- dependent;
- guardian;
- sponsored.