Plume is a decorative element

Plume is a decorative element
Plume is a decorative element

A large number of borrowings makes the speech very rich, saturated. However, even native speakers can easily get lost in the clutter of synonyms, especially if they fall out of use following fashion. Many contemporaries do not know that a plume is a special decoration, and they are not even able to interpret the word. Where did the term come from and is it possible to meet objects with this name in the 21st century? Let's figure it out.

Parisian sophistication

The concept is a direct phonetic transcription of the French plumage, which, when translated, will turn into “plumage”. The obvious primary source is the "feather" plume. If you notice a pair of flirtatious feathers in the headdress of a noble lady, this is a plume in its original form. The definition was adopted at the time of the fashion for foreign delights, when the aristocracy preferred foreign specialists, among whom were designers.

The plume is a prominent feature of many garments
The plume is a prominent feature of many garments

Terms of Use

And in what situations would the term be appropriate today? In Russian, the meaning of the word "plumage" assigns the role of a raw material to the birds, a supplier of colorful resources for creatingworks of art. And they mean the usual decoration of feathers. Moreover, there is a bright edge in different situations:

  • on women's hats, helmets, ritual headdresses;
  • on horse harness;
  • in the decoration of dresses, sweaters and coats.

Where does this spread come from? Human nature is to blame, the desire to collect everything colorful and brilliant, to use the gifts of nature at your own discretion. As part of a fashion trend, a plume is beautiful! Feathers differ in texture and splendor, they come in different colors, complemented by jewelry. At the same time, the design comes out light and noticeable from afar. The concept of religious attire is built on similar principles, but it emphasizes proximity to the sky, purity and sublimity of the clergyman.


Other tasks were pursued by those who designed the costumes of the soldiers. A conspicuous insignia is a convenient addition to traditional patches and epaulettes. In addition, hard feathers on helmets made it possible to soften or even deflect a chopping blow, which protected the wearer's life. And at the same time, they did not overload the equipment in any way, which is useful in long transitions or in a protracted battle.

Plume part of a military uniform
Plume part of a military uniform

Daily use

Trends often change, current clothing almost does not involve plume. This affected the knowledge of the inhabitants not in the best way. However, it will be useful to remember the concept: a decorative element is used in the full dress of many armies of the world, and exclusive collections sometimes indulge admirers with an appeal to the classics. And with the richvocabulary, you can shine not only in appearance, but also in erudition!
