Understanding the essence of the pedagogical process is not always easy, despite the fact that each of us, one way or another, encounters it in life, acting as both an object and a subject. If we consider this broad concept in its entirety, we will have to dwell on a number of points. We are talking about the principles, structure, functions, specifics of the process of pedagogical interaction and much more.
Development of scientific ideas about the pedagogical process
For quite a long time, researchers adhered to the position of opposing the two most important processes of human personality development - training and education. Around the 19th century, these ideas began to change. The initiator was I. F. Herbart, who argued that these processes are inseparable. Education without education is comparable to an end without means to achieve it, while education without education is the use of means without an end.
Deeply developed this hypothesis by the great teacher KD Ushinsky. Referring to the idea of the integrity of the pedagogical process, he spoke about the unityeducational, administrative and educational elements.
Subsequently, S. T. Shatsky, A. S. Makarenko, M. M. Rubinstein contributed to the development of the theory.
Another surge of interest in the problem arose in the 70s. XX century. M. A. Danilov, V. S. Ilyin continued the study of this topic. Several basic approaches have been formed, but they all boil down to the idea of the integrity and consistency of the educational process.
The essence of the concept of "pedagogical process"
It's quite difficult to choose a universal definition. There are several of them in the pedagogical literature. But with all the nuances, most authors agree that the concept of the essence and functions of the pedagogical process includes a consciously organized interaction between teachers and students, aimed at solving educational, educational, developmental tasks. In this regard, the concepts of pedagogical task and situation are distinguished.
The basic law of the process of education and upbringing is the need to transfer social experience from the older generation to the younger. The forms and principles of this transmission usually directly depend on the level of socio-social development.
The effectiveness of the pedagogical process is largely related to the characteristics of the material, social, psychological conditions in which it takes place, as well as the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the student, the internal incentives and abilities of the latter.

The main components of the pedagogical system
The essence and structure of the pedagogical processare determined based on the fact that the latter has a clear system. It includes a number of influences and components. The former include education, development, training, the formation of skills and abilities. The components of the pedagogical system are:
- teachers;
- goals of education and training;
- students;
- content of the learning process;
- organizational forms of teaching practice;
- technical learning aids;
- format for managing the educational process.
When changing components, the entire pedagogical system changes its properties. Much depends on the principles of their combination. The optimal functioning of the pedagogical system is characterized by:
- achieving the maximum possible by the student, taking into account his abilities, level of development;
- creating conditions for self-development of all participants in the educational process.

Essence, principles of the pedagogical process
Pedagogical research highlights a number of characteristics associated with the system of education and upbringing. They can also be attributed to the principles of pedagogical interaction:
- the relationship between practical activities and the theoretical orientation of the pedagogical process;
- humanity;
- scientific (correlating the content of education with the level of scientific and technological achievements);
- use of individual, group and frontal learning methods;
- systematic and consistent;
- the principle of visibility (one of the "golden rules" of didactics);
- flexible combination of pedagogical management and student autonomy;
- the principle of aestheticization, the development of a sense of beauty;
- cognitive activity of students;
- principle of reasonable attitude (balance of requirements and rewards);
- affordable and accessible learning content.

Main aspects of integrity
The essence of a holistic pedagogical process cannot be reduced to any one characteristic due to the variety of relationships between its components. Therefore, it is customary to consider its different aspects: operational and technological, target, content, procedural and organizational.
In terms of content, integrity is ensured by taking into account social experience in determining educational goals. There are several key elements here: knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity and awareness, understanding the meaning of performing actions. All these elements should be combined within the framework of the pedagogical process.
Organizational integrity depends on:
- combinations of the content of training and the material and technical conditions for its assimilation;
- personal (informal) interaction between teacher and students;
- format of business communication within the educational process;
- degrees of success of self-learning by students.
The operational-technological aspect concerns the internal integrity andbalance of all the above elements.

Building steps
The essence of the regularities of the pedagogical process involves the allocation of several stages or stages in the course of organizing educational and developmental activities.
As part of the first, preparatory stage, several key tasks are being solved:
- goal setting (formulation of expected results);
- diagnostics (analysis of psychological, material, hygienic conditions of the pedagogical process, emotional mood and characteristics of students);
- prediction of the educational process;
- designing his organization.
The main step follows:
- operational control by the teacher;
- pedagogical interaction (clarification of tasks, communication, use of planned technologies and techniques, stimulation of students and creation of a comfortable atmosphere);
- feedback;
- correction of the activities of the participants in case of deviation from the set goals.
As part of the final stage, an analysis of the results achieved and the educational process itself is carried out.
Forms of organization
The essence of the pedagogical process is directly revealed within certain organizational forms. With all the variety of ways to organize educational activities, three main systems remain basic:
- individual training;
- class-lesson system;
- lecture seminarsclasses.
They differ in the scope of students, the degree of their independence, the combination of group and individual forms of work, the style of managing the pedagogical process.
Individual learning was practiced in primitive society in the course of transferring the experience of an adult to a child. Then it was transformed into an individual-group. The class-lesson system assumes a regulated regime of the place and time of the event, the composition of the participants. The lecture-seminar system is used when students already have some experience in educational and cognitive activities.

Pedagogical interaction and its types
The essence of education as a pedagogical process lies in the fact that both the teacher and the student must take part in it. And the effectiveness of the process and the result depends on the activity of both parties.
The following types of connections arise between the subject and object of education in the course of pedagogical interaction:
- organizational and activity;
- communicative;
- informational;
- administrative.
They are in constant relationship. At the same time, the process is based on a wide range of interactions: "teacher - student", "student - team", "student - student", "student - object of assimilation".

Education as an element of the pedagogical process
According to the classical definition, learning is a learning process managed by a teacher. It acts as one oftwo key elements of the dual nature of the pedagogical process. The second is education.
Education is characterized by a target orientation, the unity of the procedural and content sides. The principal point is the guiding position of the teacher in this process.
Training provides a mandatory communicative component and an activity approach that ensures a solid assimilation of knowledge. At the same time, the student not only memorizes information, but also masters traditional methods of educational and cognitive work: the ability to set a task, choose ways to solve it, and evaluate results.
An important component of this is the value-semantic position of the student, his readiness and desire for development.

Learning functions
The essence of the pedagogical process lies in its focus on the comprehensive cognitive and creative development of the student. This setting determines the main functions of learning (educational, developing, nurturing).
The educational function involves the formation of a solid system of knowledge and skills, a systematic understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.
Ultimately, the student must freely operate with knowledge, mobilize existing ones if necessary, acquire new ones, using the appropriate skills of educational and cognitivework.