Breed is a fairly broad concept. A breed refers to everything belonging to a certain genus, species, both living and non-living.

What is meant by this
Breed is the designation of many living and non-living organisms. Can be distinguished:
- Animals that differ in habitat or other property. For example, a breed of animals that can only live in the north or south. It can be bred by humans (breeds of dogs, cats, etc.). All animals living in the forest, in the steppes, in domestic farmsteads have a breed.
- Plants. Most often, trees are indicated, for example, conifers.
- Minerals, rock materials.
- Sometimes the word "breed" refers to people, their gender, origin.
Breed can be a soft or hard material such as wood.
Hard rock is a collection of different types of materials that are defined by different methods. To determine the hardness of wood, the Brinell method is most often used. It involves measuring the depth of the impression in the wood. To do this, a metal ball is pressed under load. Then it is removed and the depth of the remaining trace is measured in units of hardness.(NV).

Sometimes hardness is measured by the Rockwell method. The principle of measurement is similar to the previous one, but the units of measurement in this case are different - HRC or HRA, HRB.
According to the results of the research, a division of tree species by hardness was compiled. In the first place is jatoba with a hardness of 7 HB. In second place is sucupira, the hardness of which is 5.6 HB.
All trees with a hardness of less than 4 HB are classified as soft.
Hard rocks
Solid rock is a solid body of natural origin, divided into three main groups: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.

The most common material of igneous origin is granite. It is widely used in construction.
Sedimentary rocks are located in the upper part of the earth's crust. They are the result of the vital activity of organisms or the destruction of other rocks. Sedimentary rock consists of several subspecies, which include clastic, chemical and organic types.
Metamorphic are most often represented by slate, marble and quartz. These materials are formed under high temperatures and high pressures.
Animal breeds are numerous groups of representatives of the same species, with the same history of development. Usually the breed has certain properties that are inherited and embedded in the genes. Moreover, it is important that the descendants and parents have the same features, physique, colors. When different breeds are crossed,hybrids or mestizos.

To breed a new breed, a lot of work has been done for decades. As a result, several generations of animals are obtained, in which the same external signs are revealed, character traits are laid at the gene level.
Once breeders have achieved the desired result (several generations have the same, unchanged traits), then this is called breed standards. From such animals, purebred offspring are obtained in such quantity that it is possible to maintain the purity of the breed. After achieving the desired result, the breed is registered, linking it to a specific country.
Also, new breeds of coniferous trees are being developed. They are obtained by crossing different varieties, species of pines, thujas, junipers. As a result, breeders manage to obtain resistant plants with unusual properties. For example, dwarf pines, conifers that can tolerate severe frosts, conifers with an unusual color of cones, needles.
Any breed is the result of work that has been done for a long time. It doesn't matter if it was created by nature or man.