In any language there are words that can name several objects and concepts at once. For example, a bow is not only a weapon, but also a whiny plant. They call a hairstyle oblique, and they also cut grass mercilessly. Chump is a polysemantic noun. Its interpretation will be discussed in this article.
Chump: direct meaning
In Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, the direct meaning of the word chump is indicated. This is the name of a stump of a log or tree. That is, it is an unfinished piece of wood. You can consider the interpretation of the noun chump on the example of sentences:
- There was a block of wood lying near the courtyard, which I could not cut through.
- Craftsmen can make skillful crafts even from a block of wood.
- The man fell and hit the back of his head painfully on a block of wood.
- The tired traveler sat down on a block of wood and sighed heavily.
- The birch block is already completely dry, we need to drag it into the barn.

As already mentioned, blockhead is a polysemantic word. Ushakov's dictionary indicates that this is the name of a stupid and clumsy person who has to explain everything for a long time. You can pick up several synonyms: blockhead, slow-witted, stupid.
Youth slang dictionary indicates that the word blockhead has another meaning. So called men of Central Asian nationality. Immediately it is worth mentioning that such a definition is extremely uncivilized. It expresses disrespect and contempt. Mainly used by teenagers. Here blockhead is a slang word that is inappropriate in literary speech.
To consolidate the figurative meaning of the word blockhead, it is worth making several sentences with it:

- Vitya is an uncouth chump, he doesn't understand the most basic things.
- Katya is a typical example of a blockhead, she is extremely slow.
- You can't be such a chump.
- Chump is a very stupid person.
- Where else have you seen such a blockhead?!
It is worth remembering that the noun is used both literally and figuratively. It is important to use this word correctly and avoid semantic errors.