Increasingly, new words appear in the vocabulary of people, which become an integral part of their communication. As a rule, they are borrowed from other languages or are caused by a permanent process of progress and the emergence of new directions in human life. For example, "parity". This word is derived from "parity", which, in turn, comes from the Latin paritas - equality.

Synonyms. Usage examples
The word "parity" is widely used in various spheres of human life. It can be family relationships, work, economics, international law, and so on. The most eloquent synonyms for "parity" are the words "equal" and "equal". It would be opportune to consider family relations in this context. Many are wondering if there are equal relations between a man and a woman in the modern world.
If we consider this problem in the context of civilized and developed societies, then, of course, yes. In today's world, more and more women are becomingleaders in companies, enterprises and even states. They, like men, began to wear trousers and often take the reins of government in their hands in families. This is a parity relationship.

Parity in the family
In the family, parity relations are the ability to agree. First of all, each of the family members takes on some of the responsibilities. For example, earning money, managing the family budget, purchasing food, household appliances. Someone is engaged in repair, cooking and so on. At the same time, under certain circumstances, there is a need to revise the agreements concluded. For example, if one of the spouses is temporarily unemployed.
Gender equality exists in advanced democracies like the US and Europe. In these countries, women were able to achieve full equality with men. As a result, the birth rate there has fallen, while at the same time the number of divorces has increased significantly.
But parity relations are not only disadvantages. Many studies show that in times of crisis in the economies of states, women occupying leadership positions are best able to motivate employees for painstaking work, to rally the team in order to achieve a common goal. Most psychologists note the fact that marriages built on a parity basis are stronger and more durable than those unions in which matriarchy reigns.