Excitement - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Excitement - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Excitement - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

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Let's talk today about a phenomenon that makes people go crazy and that can leave them in their underwear while the magic roulette is spinning. Of course, we are talking about excitement, this is our object of study.


Playing cards
Playing cards

Of course, excitement can be different, sometimes it even charges a person with positive energy. For example, a person has a deadline for submitting a project, but he also hasn’t had a horse lying around, and then an unexpected awakening of strength happens: he does everything quickly and efficiently. Fairy tales? Yes, fairy tales. It is better to work systematically and every day, and not rely on superpower. But all the same, if an employee in these last days goes into a rage, experiences excitement, this is unforgettable, although it is not safe from the point of view of the safety of the workplace. What if he doesn't make it in time?

But enough everyday examples. Let's ask a wise book what she thinks about this. The meaning of "excitement" in Ozhegov's dictionary is as follows: "Strong excitement, enthusiasm, passion."

Note, there is not a word about roulette and cards. And this is right, because it is not necessary to teach bad things to those who will read. And yet duty dictates that the noun"excitement" is associated primarily with the corresponding games for money.


The number 26 fell on the roulette wheel, black
The number 26 fell on the roulette wheel, black

Semantic analogues, as always, help us to penetrate deeper into the essence of the phenomenon being analyzed. Yes, gambling has a bad reputation. But maybe his replacements will dispel this vicious halo? To understand this, you need to look at the list:

  • passion;
  • excitement;
  • inspiration;
  • passion;
  • ardor;
  • fuse;
  • excitement.

The winning side of any of the synonyms, like "excitement" itself, is a strong emotion. It allows you to do an incredible amount in a relatively short time. Remember, when there is a desire to work, time flies, and when there is none, it drags on.

Casino Tricks

people play dice
people play dice

You can't discuss gambling and not say a word about gambling houses. Excitement is a core desire that is exploited by the owners of such a business so that people voluntarily give their hard-earned, honestly earned money to these illusion dealers.

What you need to know to never try to play in a casino? In fact, there are many subtleties, but there are only two important things:

  1. The visitor will not find the watch there.
  2. And if he wants to look out the window, he will find that he is not there either.

Gambling is, of course, a magical land, but only for those who have money. This space does not like those who take coins from it, such people are immediately blacklisted, and for newcomers, the croupieror dealers, as a rule, give a win in order to get them hooked on the gambling needle. The newcomer should feel: "I'm lucky!" At first he got a taste, then he was left without a penny. The scheme is simple, and therefore terribly effective.

And yes, if these facts do not convince you, then think about this: you really cannot beat the casino, those who succeed are immediately blacklisted. The whole sphere of gambling is built on the fact that the main participant should not be lucky, otherwise the business will lose its meaning.

And what does an ordinary person see? People are lucky, and that's true. But how many failures are the basis of one happy event? It is worth thinking at your leisure about the theory of probability. Moreover, the reader already understands the meaning of the word "excitement". So the first step has already been taken.
