Remember, in fairy tales they said: “Bring me a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle”? With this, as a rule, the adventure of the protagonist begins. He goes for a gift to someone, usually a girl. Today we will analyze the word "wonder", and this will help us remember its meaning.
When are we surprised? When we see something that does not want to fit into our ideas. The reader does not need examples, because if he turns on the TV, then there will be a huge number of different people, whose only goal is to surprise the viewer. They are ready to do everything (within reason) so that the famous and competent jury will appreciate them. Why do we repeat the word "surprise" so often? Because it is related to our object of study. But we think the reader understood that the TV is literally filled with craftsmen with varying degrees of talent. And now we are ready to learn the great and terrible secret - the meaning of the word "wonder": "That which causes surprise, a miracle."
Where to look for a miracle?

But it would be nice to take your eyes off the TV and marvellike the starry sky above. Yes, we know that we shamelessly stole this metaphor from I. Kant. Okay, wait, you can still go to the Russian North and see the northern lights. Here is a miracle! True, if you see him often enough, then the impression is already blurred. Thus, a miracle is somewhat akin to a good anecdote: you are unlikely to laugh the second time as hard. On the other hand, there are natural wonders that do not get bored or bored. I immediately remember the arrival of spring. The reader may have his own associations, there are, of course, no prohibitions here. Moreover, everyone has their own understanding of the diva, and this is normal.

We hope the reader has already understood that the object of study means something unique, and therefore it is difficult to expect from us and from him a scattering of synonyms for the meaning. It will not be, but everything that is is before the eyes of the reader:
- rarity;
- miracle;
- unseen;
- phenomenon;
- phenomenon.
As it probably became clear, we omitted cognate words, because why multiply entities and artificially increase the volume? All this is useless. By the way, semantic analogues confirm the glory and content of the subject of our conversation. A person will not just scatter words around and call something ordinary a “diva”, this is contrary to common sense. We call "miracle" what shakes our imagination. For example, a time machine in the form of a DeLorean is cool. After all, everything is explained in the landmark film: “If you are making a time machine, then it must be stylish.” She isstylish even now, and not like in 1985, when the first part of the famous trilogy "Back to the Future" was released.
In general, everyday life is filled with miracles. You just need to be able to see them, and then life will not be so sad.