Infirmity - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Infirmity - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
Infirmity - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

We all would like to stay forever young. But old age is inexorably approaching each person. Over time, we are overcome by ailments, weakness, we no longer seem as strong and enduring as it was in our youth. This article will focus on the word "weakness". We will reveal its interpretation, indicate synonyms, give examples of use in sentences.

Meaning of the word

Infirmity is a noun. It belongs to the feminine gender. Depending on the specific lexical meaning, it can be used in the singular or plural.

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary indicates what the word "weakness" means. It has two definitions:

Full breakdown, exhaustion, lack of strength and soreness. Note that in this case the word "infirmity" can only be used in the singular, as it indicates the state of a person. The plural form is not allowed

Weak man in bed
Weak man in bed

Illness or disease. In this case, the use of the plural form is allowed, since diseases can be counted: senileinfirmities, incurable infirmities

As for the stylistic color, this noun is used mainly in the colloquial style of speech.

Examples of usage

To better understand the meaning of the word "infirmity", let's make a few sentences with it:

  • And then some strange infirmity overcame me, I could not move and kept asking for a drink.
  • senile infirmities, alas, are incurable, it is already impossible to get rid of them even with the help of the strongest medicines.
  • The girl is sick
    The girl is sick

Several synonyms

As already mentioned, the word "infirmity" is typical for colloquial style. That is, the scope of its use is quite limited, especially when it comes not to weakness, but to a painful condition. It's hard to imagine a doctor calling the flu an infectious disease. But the noun "infirmity" has synonyms that you can use in a variety of speech situations:

  • Disease. He was crippled by a disease unknown to science.
  • Unwell. Due to severe illness, I had to cancel my trip.
  • Weakness. After a whole day of hard work, infirmity fell upon me - I didn’t even want to move
  • Fatigue. By evening, I felt very tired.
  • Illness. If you have an ailment attached to you, stay at home and do not infect people.
  • Sickness (colloquial word). A serious illness happened to him, we had to call the doctor.
  • Disease. To correctly diagnose the disease, it is necessary to pass all the tests.and get checked out by a doctor.

Infirmity is a noun that can be replaced by several synonyms. You can use them in a wide variety of contexts.
