How to draw a rhombus yourself: two ways

How to draw a rhombus yourself: two ways
How to draw a rhombus yourself: two ways

Sometimes it becomes necessary to do a simple thing, and it turns out that we do not know how to do it. For example - how to draw a rhombus. It's actually very simple.

In this article you will learn how to draw a rhombus correctly, and what kind of geometric figure it is.

What is a diamond?

Rhombus is a kind of parallelogram, the peculiarity of which is that the opposite sides of this figure are parallel to each other, and in a rhombus they are also equal to each other. The definition of a rhombus to the general form of a parallelogram is indicated by the fact that opposite angles are equal.

How to draw a diamond

There are several ways to draw such a figure as a rhombus. In this article, we will look at two simple ways.

For the first method, we need: a pen or pencil, an eraser, a checkered sheet from a school notebook, a ruler, or any straight object similar to it, if the exact dimensions of the rhombus are not important.

  • So, for starters, let's draw a dot at one of the intersections of cell lines. It is better, of course, to place the point not too close to the edges. Deciding on sizesshapes.
  • Further from the middle point, count the required number of cells to the left (or right) and put another point. On the opposite side, draw a third point through the same number of cells. Now we do the same in the direction up and down. The sequence does not matter, the main thing here is to count the same distance from the midpoint to the left and right and separately up and down. That is, if four cells were counted to the right, and six cells were counted up, respectively, four cells to the left, six cells down.
Points for a rhombus
Points for a rhombus

Connect all points with a ruler or any other suitable object, except for the middle one. The middle point can be erased with an eraser if you used a pencil. The rhombus is ready

dots forming a rhombus
dots forming a rhombus

The second method is similar to the first, but we will draw on clean paper without cells. We need for this: a pencil and / or pen, an eraser, a blank sheet, a ruler and a square (or any object with a right angle).

  1. Determine the size. Draw a dot.
  2. Take a ruler, put a point at the required distance from the midpoint on the left side. We connect them with a pencil so that the line passes through the middle point. We perform similar actions in the opposite direction.
  3. Also draw a point above and below, but already use a square so that the line between the top and bottom points is perpendicular to the line between the left and right.
  4. Connect all the dots together. Erase the lines in the middle of the figure with an eraser.
