One of the topical problems of the domestic educational system, which does not function effectively enough for the successful development of a personality, is the poor development of areas of specialized education. This, in turn, leads to a low level of students' awareness of existing professions and does not allow them to get an objective idea of the working space of modern society.
Acute problem of missing profile education
Today, in the list of issues that undoubtedly must be addressed by the reform of general education, one can name profile education in the senior classes of a general education school. This system is multicomponent, since the organization of specialized educational processes is based on the combined efforts of secondary schools and higher educational institutions. Since the number of areas of professional training does not have strict restrictions, it is permissible to supplement it, aimed at solving the needs of a particular region.

The reason for the relevance of issues related to the introductionadditional specialized education are statistical information received from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion. It turns out that every ninth high school student considers the current system of education to limit his abilities and hinder the implementation of acquired skills. There is no high-quality specialized education at school, according to about 80% of the surveyed schoolchildren, because, in their opinion, general education institutions do not give any specific instructions for further professional guidelines.
Principles for choosing a specialized area
The term "profile" as such is really not found in pedagogical science, therefore it is impossible to interpret this concept unambiguously. Meanwhile, it is easy to single out its individual characteristic features. So, specialized education is:
- kind of differentiated curriculum;
- a way of professional self-determination;
- a referral based on a personalized approach.

The curricula of one educational institution, compiled taking into account its profile orientation, can radically differ from each other. This allows us to highlight the main reasons for the classification of this form of education:
- according to the ability of the student;
- accessibility;
- by physiological and individual qualities;
- by hobbies and interest;
- on religious and national grounds.
Profile educationas a path to choosing a profession
Based on this typology, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the role of profile education. The education received in secondary school, unfortunately, does not include career guidance courses in its system, which really slows down the processes of self-determination of students.

Thus, the content of educational programs should be aimed at obtaining a speci alty and professional activity in the future. In addition, specialized education is a complex of disciplines corresponding to the chosen direction (speci alty, additional and applied specialized subjects), which should be included in the curriculum along with general education courses.
Which disciplines are considered core?
The list of specialized disciplines includes subjects that determine the direction of study. They are not just mandatory for students who have made a choice in favor of this profile. The study of these subjects is emphasized throughout the annual educational process. For example, the most common areas that complement the school curriculum are the following:
- humanitarian (literature, Russian and foreign languages);
- physical and mathematical (physics, algebra, geometry);
- natural science (chemistry, biology, geography);
- socio-economic (economics, social studies, law, history).
Introduction of specialized subjects into the general education course
With proper planning, school curricula shouldget a profile core, which is a discipline of specialization, subjects of applied and general humanitarian development. Education in the classes of the corresponding direction is also formed on the study of general cultural disciplines.

In many ways, the success of the profile education program depends on the correct and relative reduction of the material of the non-core area. In most cases, it is possible to avoid overloading teaching hours due to the partial integration of specialized courses at the expense of general education.
Orientation to the individual abilities of students
Profile education is the most complex approach to learning from different positions, goals, methods and forms, the content of the teacher's and student's activities. If we take into account the changes taking place in the systems of moral values, society, then the conclusion that specialized education is a completely natural result of the development and formation of the theory of differentiated education will naturally arise. Levels of specialized education are based on a personal approach to the educational process and the development of professional skills.

The introduction of additional courses and disciplines will minimize the existing gap between the secondary and professional levels of the educational system or even get rid of it. Many specialized schools have been formed due to qualitative changes and serious transformations in the organizational forms of the educational process. Changes in structure andthe organization of training to some extent favorably reflects on the interaction of teachers with students.
Benefits of profile education for schoolchildren
Thus, the interests and inclinations of students, their abilities and the degree of interest in the chosen direction are taken into account. Profile education is what allows you to create all the necessary conditions for high school students with the maximum return to their professional intentions and interests. The changes will also affect the further trajectory of the educational process, since specialized courses will make it possible to differentiate and individualize the basic model of education.

At any level of specialized education, training will solve the following tasks:
- provide students with solid knowledge in the disciplines of their chosen professional direction;
- activate the need for students to independently carry out cognitive activities;
- help students navigate the range of problems and find a solution related to the desired field of activity;
- to develop students' motivation for research and scientific work;
- to form critical and creative thinking in students, helping to actively receive information;
- Giving graduates the understanding and competitiveness skills to successfully enter the institutions of their choice.
Profile education in the civil service
By the way, the issue of profile education does not affectonly schoolchildren. Since the beginning of this year, new qualification standards have been introduced for state and municipal employees. Profile education has become mandatory for workers in this area, otherwise it is impossible to take a certain position. A number of requirements are also presented to the applicant for the vacancy, affecting work experience, personal qualities and professional skills.

With the adoption of the relevant federal law, the certification system was successfully launched in state and municipal structures. So, according to the results of passing an extraordinary exam, an employee who does not meet the criteria in terms of specialized education, but at the same time meets other requirements necessary for the performance of official duties, possessing skills and abilities, experience and personal qualities, receives permission to continue filling a civil service position.
Innovation in the civil service is another confirmation of how important the career guidance activities of teachers in general education institutions are. After all, it is extremely important for school graduates not to make a mistake with the choice of a specialized educational institution and a speci alty that will allow them to be in complete harmony with their natural calling throughout their lives.
The introduction of specialized education is a direct reflection of the development of the educational system in the state and a natural response to the social needs of the population. The most efficient modelorganization is considered a two-stage system, consisting of a course of pre-profile training (during the 8th and 9th grades), and directly profile training in the 10th and 11th grades. The content of specialized programs are courses of general education and profile disciplines, academic subjects of general humanitarian development.