Visually, it is, first of all, interesting. When using the adverb, whatever we talk about comes out scientifically or elegantly. Some put an equal sign between these concepts. We will not make such a mistake. Let's analyze the adverb, that is, the meaning of the word "visually".

Extensive historical reference do not expect today: it will not. This time the material is harmful and does not want to tell us where and when the adverb “visually” and the adjective that is directly related to it appeared in the language. Therefore, we have no choice but to state that the word came to us from the Latin visualis - visual. Moreover, “visual” is a part of scientific speech, and the adjective “visual” is also found in everyday conversation, which may not concern high matters.
However, it's time to turn to the explanatory dictionary: "Relating to direct visual perception (with the naked or armed eye)". In other words, a serious scientific word. And when we use it in a normal context, there is a humorous effect.
Only oneexample. Imagine that the wife has changed her hairstyle and asks her husband how he likes it, is it better than the previous one or not. He, after thinking, replies: “Changes are not fixed at the visual level.” Of course, people don’t talk like that more often, and if they do, they obviously want to joke. But it was only an illustration.

Now let's move on to quite serious examples with an adjective or adverb "visually", it's all the same, since they have the same meaning:
- The scientist in this case could not rely on visual analysis, he needed more fundamental grounds for conclusions and more powerful equipment.
- Events occurring at the quantum level cannot be observed visually.
- Visual observation does not always provide objective data, especially if a person analyzes his own kind.
As we can see, here the adverb "visual" is part of the scientific vocabulary. But this does not mean that the adverb and adjective cannot be used in a less "strict" context. In ordinary speech, they will look a little pretentious. That's why we need the next section.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to please the reader with an abundance of replacements. Because it is only one - "visual". The synonym, of course, suggests itself, but even it is more neutral than the object of study. It would be possible to compose or find more cumbersome synonyms, but why? After all, they are still not suitable for a normal conversation.