Grow up or grow up: how to write?

Grow up or grow up: how to write?
Grow up or grow up: how to write?

The school curriculum does not cover everything that the Russian language is rich in. Despite the fact that it has been studied for all eleven years, many schoolchildren have serious difficulties, which also make themselves felt later in life. The most common mistakes are related to grammar and spelling, and the level of punctuation knowledge tends to zero. Nevertheless, many people try to be more literate, learn the rules and try to follow them, which is bearing fruit. So, according to the results of sociological studies, the level of literacy among people over forty is much higher than among younger colleagues.

grow or grow
grow or grow

This can be explained by several factors, such as life experience - throughout life one has to deal with a lot of different information, which contributes to education. However, back to the school where the basics are studied. More than half of students write and speak with errors, often doubt the correct spelling. specialDifficulties cause word endings, as this can be considered the most difficult material in the school curriculum. Very often the question is asked: “Grow up or grow up? How is it right? We will try to answer it in this article.

Part of speech: verb

The above examples refer to the verb part of speech. This is a fairly large group, which includes many words of the Russian language. What is a verb? This is a part of speech denoting the action of an object and answering the questions “what to do” and “what to do”. Verbs, in turn, are divided into perfect and imperfect, have conjugations, and so on. But now we are interested in a little something else, namely: will it grow or will it grow? Which form is acceptable and orthographically correct? The answer may shock you, but both are correct. Why? This will be discussed below.

grow up or grow up properly
grow up or grow up properly

Verbs grow and grow

So, as already mentioned, both forms can be used. However, you should find out what are the differences between them. The verb “grow up” has a perfect form, since it answers the question “what will it do”, does not have a definite gender, is in the singular, future tense. Nevertheless, verbs cannot be distinguished by these characteristics, since the word "grow" has similar properties. So, there is another characteristic that can be used to determine when to use "will grow" or "will grow."


Verbs are characterized by such a property as transitivity. Despite the fact that it sounds quite scary, everythingsimple enough.

grow as it is written
grow as it is written

Transitive verbs are those that transfer their actions to another object, namely from them you can ask a question to nouns and pronouns in the accusative case without using a preposition. For example, "read (what?) a book" or "scold (whom?) a boy." It is easy to guess that a verb is intransitive if its action cannot be transferred to another subject. For example, run (whom? what?) or fly (whom? what?). As you can see, it is impossible to pick up such nouns for these verbs that would approach them without a preposition. You should immediately separate the group of reflexive verbs (those that end in -sya) as intransitive. For example, it is impossible to ask appropriate questions to the words "shave", "clean up". So, as you might have guessed, the spelling "grow up" or "grow up" depends on this factor.

The form of the verb "will grow"

So now we know what transitivity of verbs is. It is this factor that distinguishes our "test subjects". Let's define the transitivity of the word "grow". To do this, we will try to ask him the question of the accusative case: “whom?” or "what?". Raise (whom?) A son, for example. One of the questions is suitable, therefore, the second should also be suitable: it will grow (what?) A flower. If it is not entirely clear why we have the right to ask such questions, then it is enough to substitute the pronouns he or she at the beginning of the phrase. In this case, "he will raise a son" or "shewill grow a flower" sound quite convincing.

how to spell rise
how to spell rise

The form of the verb "grow up"

Now let's deal with the form of the verb "grow up". Let's go along the standard path, try to ask the question: will grow (who?) - it is not possible to substitute the corresponding pronoun or noun, which means that the verb is intransitive. Based on the context in which you want to use it, you need to determine how the word is written: "grow up" or is it more appropriate to use "grow up". To do this, you just need to understand what form of the verb is required. Below are some examples to help guide you in use. Now it’s clear what to write: grow or grow, how to use these words in speech.

Examples of use in text

To navigate how it is written: grow up or grow up, it is necessary to take into account the context in which these words are used. To begin with, we will analyze the situations for the first verb - “grow up”. As we have already defined above, it is intransitive, in other words, it performs an action without relying on any object. For example, the following phrase would be correct: "In a few years he will grow up and become big and strong." Here we are talking directly about the object itself, the action does not transfer to third-party objects.

how to spell grow up or grow up
how to spell grow up or grow up

And for the word "grow" the following combination can be made: "The boy gave his word that he would grow a tree." In this sentence, the action of the boyis transferred to the tree, and the verb itself has a transitive form. So, the meaning of words with the same root has some differences that can only be determined in the context.

How to check yourself

Asking the question of whether it will grow or grow - as it is right, you need to learn how to find the answer to it yourself. The information contained in the article should be more than enough. So, before you is a fragment of the text: “He decided that when …, he will certainly become the captain of the ship”, instead of “…” you need to substitute “grow up” or “grow up”. Let's try to ask a question from a potential verb to some noun dependent on it. This is where the difficulty arises: there is no such word. So, we can conclude that it is impossible to ask a question, and the intransitive form of the verb should be, namely “grow up” - as it is written, we already know.

Another fragment, the task is exactly the same: "Peter said that … this puppy, he will take care of him and walk him every day." Here there is a dependent word “puppy”, to which only one question “who?” can go from the potential verb, which corresponds to the accusative case and, as a result, the transitive verb “grow up”. The simplest option would be to substitute each one in turn and check the meaning of the sentence. After a while, a flair will appear that will help you do it accurately.


In this article, we have analyzed how to write correctly: grow up or grow up, and it turned out that both forms are acceptable and depend only on the speech situation in which you want to use them. It is also necessarynote that you need to remember these cases. Their determination should occur automatically so that there is no confusion when composing a text or oral presentation.

will grow a tree
will grow a tree

Mistakes are not uncommon in verb endings, so you should pay special attention to all the rules associated with their use. It is quite difficult to navigate this material right away, so systematic studies and refreshing information in memory from time to time are needed.
