Pedagogical culture - what is it? Components of pedagogical culture

Pedagogical culture - what is it? Components of pedagogical culture
Pedagogical culture - what is it? Components of pedagogical culture

A teacher is always an example for students. How successfully he will be able to teach and educate children depends not only on the knowledge of the subject, but also on the level of pedagogical culture.


Pedagogical culture is a characteristic of the personality of the teacher, his behavior in the conditions of upbringing and educational activities.

In some cases, they also speak of psychological and pedagogical culture - a specific professional category, which indicates the degree of mastery of pedagogical experience by a teacher.

pedagogical culture is
pedagogical culture is

The teacher is a role model. He must work hard on himself, because his main task is to transfer knowledge at a high level, to instill love for his subject or profession, educational institution, Motherland.

Basic qualities of a teacher

When analyzing such a concept as the pedagogical culture of a teacher, it should be noted that the main personal qualities that a teacher should possess are high morality, intelligence, erudition.

A good teacher is always friendly, shows interest into every student. A teacher with a high culture is consistent, thoughtfully analyzes behavior and actions, knows how to put himself in the place of a student and help him, believes in each student.

A good teacher has the following moral qualities:

  • honesty;
  • integrity;
  • dedication;
  • tact;
  • love for children and their work.

The presence of these character traits determines the level of culture of the teacher, his ability to influence the learning process.

The teacher's culture provides for the presence of a pedagogical orientation of the individual, which reflects a person's predisposition to teaching and educational activities, his ability to achieve his goals.

components of pedagogical culture
components of pedagogical culture

It is not enough to know your subject perfectly, you must be able to express your knowledge in an interesting and intelligible way.

The formation of a pedagogical culture should begin in the first year of university. And the teacher is obliged to improve his skills throughout the entire time of work.

Main Ingredients

The main components of pedagogical culture are:

  1. Pedagogical tact.
  2. Culture of speech.
  3. Erudition.
  4. Pedagogical technique.
  5. Appearance.

Next, we will look at them in more detail.


The teacher's pedagogical culture contributes to the following functions:

  1. Transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  2. Formation of students' worldview.
  3. Development of pupils' intellectual abilities.
  4. Ensuring conscious learning of moral principles and social behavior skills.
  5. Formation of aesthetic taste.
  6. Improve physical and emotional he alth.
formation of pedagogical culture
formation of pedagogical culture

Pedagogical tact

Pedagogical tact - the ability of a teacher to correctly express his requirements and requests. A good teacher knows how to demand the completion of certain tasks without being rude and picky. The teacher can give orders in the form of a request, but at the same time, his request does not look like a beg.

High psychological and pedagogical culture provides for the ability to carefully listen to the interlocutor, regardless of his personality. It does not matter to the teacher whether he is talking to a boy or a girl, an adult or a child. He will listen to his interlocutor even if the statement is not entirely true, and only then will he express his opinion. Again, gently, without rudeness or ridicule.

Culture of speech

One of the main components of pedagogical culture is the culture of speech. The most important thing for a teacher is the ability to communicate with both children and their parents. The teaching profession is one of the"man-man". Without the ability to correctly express one's thoughts, correctly formulate them, there can be no question of achieving success in pedagogical activity.

The main components of pedagogical culture are verbal and non-verbal communication culture.

Verbal communication refers directly to speech and its design. A teacher must have the following qualities:

  1. Competent speech, which involves the observance of the grammatical, stylistic and orthoepic norms of the Russian language.
  2. Expressiveness - the teacher must be able to speak with expression, intonation correctly formulate statements. Monotony in the presentation of the material is excluded.
  3. Volume. The teacher needs to speak at a volume that is optimal for the audience. Don't speak softly, but don't shout either.
  4. pedagogical culture of the teacher
    pedagogical culture of the teacher
  5. Purity of speech. The use of tautologies, parasitic words in speech is excluded.
  6. Richness of speech. It is characterized by the use of synonyms, proverbs and sayings, phraseological units.
  7. In addition, speaking about the culture of verbal communication, it is customary to mention the correctness of breathing during speech, its clarity.

Pedagogical culture is a whole range of skills that are learned and improved over the years.

Non-verbal communication culture includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, eye contact and touch. The teacher must learn to control his body, be able to show that he is open to his students, listens carefully to them or waits for an answer. A good teacher can show with just a glance that a student is wrong.


One of the main components is erudition. A good teacher has a broad outlook. He can not only answer any question related to his subject, but also tell many other interesting things that are not related to his direct activities.

To develop erudition, a teacher needs to read a lot, watch popular science programs, follow the news.

Quite often, students test their teachers by asking them tricky questions, and if you cannot find the answer to them, you will forever lose the respect of the students.

Pedagogical technology

Pedagogical technique consists of a whole class of components. This includes the ability to control voice, facial expressions, posture, behavior, and attitude towards students.

cult of pedagogical activity
cult of pedagogical activity

This is the ability to understand others, empathize with them, the ability to reveal the creative potential of students.

A teacher who is fluent in pedagogical technique can easily and quickly organize collective activities. He is for the development of democratic self-government, collective creativity.

Pedagogical culture is also the teacher's attitude towards himself: interest in successful educational work, orientation towards professional and personal growth, introspection.


The culture of pedagogical activity pays a lot of attention to the appearance of the teacher. This is the ability to dress, look accordinglyposition.

If a teacher looks neat and tidy, dresses elegantly, uses cosmetics in moderation, he is an example to follow. Remember at least your attitude towards teachers. Surely those teachers who were careless about their appearance caused neglect for themselves and for you.

In addition, speaking about the appearance of a teacher, it should be noted that he must not only look good, but also be self-confident, respect himself as a person and demand the same from his students.

psychological and pedagogical culture
psychological and pedagogical culture


Pedagogical culture is a set of qualities and skills that a teacher must possess in order to successfully conduct their teaching activities. A teacher must constantly improve and work on himself, constantly improve his culture as a teacher.
