TSU, Faculty of Psychology: description, features and reviews

TSU, Faculty of Psychology: description, features and reviews
TSU, Faculty of Psychology: description, features and reviews

Tomsk Imperial University was founded in 1878 and for a long time became the only university in Siberia and the Far East region. Now it is a leading university of classical research type, it is recognized as a center of education, science and innovation. And in 1997, the Faculty of Psychology was opened at TSU.

TSU Faculty of Psychology
TSU Faculty of Psychology

About University

Seventeen thousand students study here at a time, eight of them are full-time students, in addition, five hundred and fifty post-graduate students, one hundred doctoral students. The university has 135 speci alties and areas of study in the main programs of study, 88 - in graduate school and 36 - in doctoral studies. In 2013, TSU, as a national research university, took a high place in the TOP-15 best universities in Russia, receiving state support and included in the top 100 universities in the world.

Tomsk University is famous for the quality of teaching: one hundred members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and academies of sciences of other countries, more than two hundred and fiftyState Prize winners and two Nobel Prize winners have trained here. One hundred and fifty thousand TSU graduates have joined the work throughout the country and around the world.


The university teaches more than five hundred doctors and a thousand candidates of science, more than fifty laureates of the State Prize of Russia in science and technology. There are twenty-two doctoral dissertation councils, where about twenty people become doctors of science and at least a hundred candidates every year.

Also, on the basis of the university, there is an expert council, which hosts a regional competition for grants from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation and the Tomsk regional administration, an association that unites more than thirty universities in Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Far East. International cooperation with the best research and educational centers of the world is being widely developed, through which it becomes possible to implement large joint projects.

Faculty of Psychology, Tomsk State University
Faculty of Psychology, Tomsk State University


Scientific research at TSU is truly fundamental, since the university has a well-developed base: the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology, the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Mathematics, the Research Institute of Biophysics and Biology, the Siberian Botanical Garden and more than a hundred scientific laboratories.

In recent years alone, six teams of scientists have received the State Prize of the Russian Federation, government prizes, and forty-three scientific schools have been included in the President's list as the leading scientific schools in Russia. TSU is the leader in the number of awards among all universities in Russia, the youth studying here, participating in various scientificcompetitions at the highest level. Over the past five years, young scientists and students have received almost thirty medals from the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than five hundred students have become diploma winners and laureates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Keep it up, TSU!

Faculty of Psychology, TSU
Faculty of Psychology, TSU

Department of Psychology

The history of the opening of this faculty at Tomsk University was very long, it began in 1947, and was successfully resolved with the birth of a new fragment of the structure only in 1997. Today, the Faculty of Psychology at TSU includes seven departments, six laboratories, the Central Psychological Education Center (Center for Social and Psychological Education) and a psychological service.

Here there are two doctoral dissertation councils, a journal for Siberian psychologists is published, a regional bureau functions, subordinate to the Council for Psychology of the UMO, which deals with classical university education.

Destinations and speci alties

Professional training at the TSU Faculty of Psychology can rightly be proud of: it is carried out here in three main areas related directly to psychology, social communications and social process management.

The first direction is intended for those who will study in the speci alties "clinical psychology" and "psychology". The second trains specialists in the field of advertising and public relations, and the third teaches personnel management and organization of work with youth. The Faculty of Psychology sees the general faculty as the foundation of any training in all directions at TSUan approach where, in this case, the formation and development of a person in social life and communicative space is studied.

tsu faculty of psychology reviews
tsu faculty of psychology reviews

New destinations

Today, another scientific direction is being carefully developed here - anthropological psychology, which the Faculty of Psychology of TSU (Tomsk) bases on the methodology of studying a holistic phenomenon - a person. More than ten doctoral and eighty Ph.

Successfully implemented on the basis of this methodology and applied projects that are related to diagnostics, where the formation of a multidimensional human world accompanies its self-development. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science is being carried out to create a model of a psychological service for the systems of NGOs and SVE, as well as a model of psychological and educational support for young people involved in innovative activities, its actualization in social and personal competencies. And many other areas are being developed by the Faculty of Psychology of TSU for obtaining and developing quality education.

tsu faculty of psychology tuition fees
tsu faculty of psychology tuition fees

Correspondence department

Directions "Psychology", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Personnel Management" and "Management" have full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. There are two levels of educational programs - bachelor's and master's degrees. Admission to Tomsk State University (Department of Psychology) requires high scores in the Unified State Examination.

Psychologists should pay special attention to the following subjects: Russian language, mathematics and biology, future PR engines - into Russian, history and social studies, managers and managers - also social studies, Russian language and mathematics. But for all this, you need to have a desire for knowledge of subtle mental processes, everything human, which is absolutely necessary for studying at TSU. The Faculty of Psychology, reviews of the activities of which are only the kindest, is the inseparability of fundamental science, which is characteristic of a classical university, with the process of exploring the depths of the human soul. This is the subject of study and the result of education.

Faculty of Psychology, TSU
Faculty of Psychology, TSU

For reference

Administrative issues are resolved with the help of the dean of the faculty and his deputies. Contact information: Faculty of Psychology, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Moskovsky Trakt, Building 8, Building 4, Dean's Reception Room 410. There you can also get information about the work of departments, employees, practices, schedule of consultations, topics of diploma and term papers.


The range of professions invests in the subsequent activities of graduates of the Faculty of Psychology of TSU is much wider than the list indicated above. The diploma allows you to successfully realize yourself both in research work and in pedagogical, cultural, educational and managerial work. Psychologists are in demand everywhere and in the labor market with a diplomaTSU is always competitive.

Graduates of the faculty get jobs in private and public universities, colleges, kindergartens and schools, in centers and consultations where psychological assistance is provided to the population and organizations, in HR departments of banks and companies, in recruitment agencies and employment services.

Paid services

For applicants to TSU (Department of Psychology), the cost of education is a very burning issue. They answer it in the department of paid educational services - a structural subdivision of TSU, located on Lenin Avenue in house number 36, room 7. The main tasks of the Faculty of Psychology are to train specialists that meet international standards and all the needs of modern society. That is why there are quite a lot of budget places at the university compared to many other state universities. However, the passing scores are high, not every applicant will pull. Then welcome to paid training.

Studying here is not only prestigious, but also interesting: the scientific and educational environment contributes to very high-quality training. In addition, international cooperation is developed, and this greatly increases the interest of school students in all speci alties of the faculty. The emphasis here is on preparing students for teamwork. Students are constantly in practice, participate in various professional competitions, and are engaged in scientific research. Basic knowledge helps graduates to effectively cope with any professional tasks.

Faculty of Psychology, TSU range of professions
Faculty of Psychology, TSU range of professions

Postgraduate studies

The Faculty of Psychology of TSU offers the best graduates the opportunity to continue their postgraduate studies in the chosen field: history of psychology, psychology of personality, general psychology (psychological sciences), history of pedagogy, general pedagogy, methods and theory of education and training (pedagogical sciences and education).

The main components of the learning process at TSU at the Faculty of Psychology are the following:

  • fundamental training in a profile discipline included in the professional cycle;
  • science and mathematics cycles, allowing in the future to master information technology and mathematical processing of information, as well as to study the picture of the world using the natural sciences and much more;
  • economic, social and humanitarian cycles, where history, philosophy, culture of speech, foreign languages, economics are studied;
  • production, research and training practices.
