Lake Sarez is called a real treasure of the highland region, which is hidden from the whole world in the depths of Badakhshan. To this day, this place is considered deserted and lifeless, and getting to it is an incredibly difficult task. The extraordinary beauty of the lake landscapes cost the Tajik people dearly, as they arose due to the influence of the destructive forces of nature.

The history of the appearance of Lake Sarez
For many centuries, the seething mountain river Murgab flowed along a steep gorge at the foot of the Muzkol Pamir ridge. But one cold winter night in 1911, a powerful earthquake occurred, as a result of which a huge piece of rock broke off and, with its numerous fragments, filled up the small settlement located below - the village of Usoi. According to the strength of earth tremors, this large-scale collapse is considered the most destructive of those that have occurred in recent centuries.

River flows have been suspended by a naturally occurringdam and gradually began to fill the mountain gorge. As a result, the youngest lake on Earth was formed, located among the picturesque mountains, which quickly began to grow. And after 6 months, it caused the flooding of the village of Sarez, which was located 20 km above the dam itself. The settlement was forever hidden by the waters of the lake, which was named after the village. Having abandoned their houses, belongings and gardens, the surviving local residents settled in another place, and since then the lake has been called Sarez. Its length is about 60 km, and its depth is more than 500 m. Lake Sarez is located 3240 m above sea level.

Severe nature of the mountain lake
Natural lake landscapes are distinguished by a rather severe disposition and at the same time a pacifying silence. It seems unlikely that in this place powerful earth tremors shook the mountains. However, Lake Sarez is not as calm as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes small landslides occur, in which parts of the rock collapse into the water, and a high water column is formed. After a short time, the surface of the lake calms down and the majestic silence triumphs again.
An interesting feature of the highlands is the fact that, thanks to the transparent and rarefied air, landscapes look very sharp and distinct, even those located at a decent distance from the observer.

Desolate places
Lake Sarez is not in vain called lifeless, as inits surroundings, which is approximately 90 km2, completely deserted. The settlement closest to the lake is located 200 km to the east above the Murghab River. Along the lower reaches to the village of Bartang, you also need to overcome at least 150 km. Rarely even hunters and geologists-researchers climb here, and even then only in the summer season.
Local Tajiks spread rumors that in winter you can see the legendary Bigfoot here. And although its existence has never been recorded and confirmed, there are always quite a few people who are ready to believe that the shaggy miracle lives in this harsh place, so local hunters and shepherds continue to tell stories about meeting him.

Features of mountain-lake landscapes
This lake in the Pamirs is located between the eastern highlands and the glacial terrain of Badakhshan, with its high rocky ridges and fast-flowing rivers. Streams flow in deep gorges, where the sun's rays rarely reach. These mountain-lake landscapes are distinguished by their contrasts. Mountain vegetation in the form of bitter wormwood and small shrubs with thorns is characterized by low diversity. The natural picture is transformed at the lower levels of the valley due to the apple trees, apricots, grapes and melons growing in the numerous orchards of the villages.
Pamir, which means "the roof of the world", in the east is a flat place at an altitude of 4 km, which is surrounded by powerful 6-7 km mountain ranges. And even the cloudslocated just below this point. The air here is incredibly dry, and such a rare phenomenon in these parts as rain is not even able to fall on the earth's surface: the droplets disappear, drying right in the air.

Hydrogeologists worry about the fate of Lake Sarez
The lakes of Tajikistan are distinguished by their beauty and picturesqueness, but only one of them causes a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. Hydrogeologists-researchers are very worried about the fate of Lake Sarez. If the 700-meter dam breaks, powerful mountain streams will sweep away everything in their path, including trees, blocks of stones, as well as bridges built by people, small settlements and entire cities. If this time bomb hovering in the mountains explodes, it will be a catastrophe unimaginable in its scale today.
Many concerns are related to the fact that this kind of lakes are classified as dammed up. As you know, all such reservoirs will sooner or later break out of mountain captivity. Not only the local authorities of Tajikistan are excited, but the entire world community. The Amu Darya and Pyanj valleys, even at a decent distance, may be in a dangerous position. The population of four countries, namely Tajikistan itself, as well as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, may be seriously affected.

Time bomb: conflicting opinions
Lake Sarez could be lowered to prevent a grand catastrophe and use its natural power for good. For example, apply waterstreams for agricultural needs - for irrigation of fields and generation of electrical energy. A completely opposite point of view is held by some scientists and researchers who are confident that the Usoy Dam is a solid natural dam that can exist for a long time.

Risk mitigation efforts
Large lakes located at such heights always cause some concern. Realizing the real consequences that the collapse of the Srez could lead to, the Tajik authorities turned to the world community for help. Since 2000, projects of international scale have been launched to reduce the risks associated with a collapse.
Sarez Lake on the map has an impressive size compared to some other water bodies of the state. But, despite this, thanks to modern monitoring systems using special seismological sensors, it has become possible to timely alert about any geological changes that can lead to cliffs. Certain information work was also carried out among the population. Local residents were told how to behave in unforeseen situations.

How not to wake the "sleeping dragon"?
The map of the lakes of Tajikistan is a rather diverse water system of the state in terms of the size of objects and some other parameters. One of the largest picturesque and dangerous lakes is called Sarez. It is also called the "Sleeping Dragon", or "time bombactions". To date, the volumes of the mountain reservoir contain 16 cubic kilometers of water, which are located 3 kilometers above sea level. Gradually and in small amounts, water streams seep through the dam in the form of numerous springs. But, as they say, water and stone wear away, and in the event of the destruction of the dam created by nature, already after 6 hours the water masses will reach the Aral Sea, filling it to the very brim.
Very different ideas were proposed to solve the problem. Among the options mentioned pumping water with special pumps, but this method is very expensive. An expensive option is also to dig a 20-kilometer tunnel to drain water flows into a nearby valley. Very dangerous and risky methods were also proposed, for example, dismantling the top of the blockage or demolition of the mountain, which hangs over the lake and can collapse in the event of earth tremors. There were commercial offers to sell water to the Iranian state and build a tunnel for the income received. No real solution has yet been found.

A unique natural attraction - Lake Sarez - is a corner of wild untouched nature in a rocky environment of reddish-brown mountain ranges. Despite the possible risks, a trip to these parts is remembered for a long time. The map of the lakes of Tajikistan is a rather mixed picture. In addition to lakes, there are also two large reservoirs - Kairakum and Nurek.