Cargo - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

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Cargo - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Cargo - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Our today's term is associated by many with a burden, not without reason. It has two meanings, which we will consider. The area of our attention was the question of what is the cargo. Let's deal with this noun.

Weightlifter from China
Weightlifter from China


Probably no one comes to mind how difficult it is to formulate the generalized lexical meaning of a word. To our relief, there is an explanatory dictionary that takes care of such complexities. Therefore, as always, let's look into it and find out what secrets the object of research keeps:

  1. Heavy, heavy object.
  2. Goods, items accepted for transportation, sent to the recipient.

This is the rare case when both values are straight. But the noun can be used in metaphorical terms. After all, we often talk and hear about the burden of responsibility or decisions made. When people drag heavy things, they tear themselves. And when they live under constant pressure, they go crazy or at least get treated by specialists.

So a load is not a light object, whatever the point.

Roads are the arteries of the country

Technological progress cannot be stopped. People have long dreamed of time travel or instantaneous movement in space using, for example, teleportation. True, even such methods of delivering a person from point "A" to point "B" promise problems. If you don't believe me, check out The Fly (1986) by the wonderful director David Cronenberg.

Road leading into the distance
Road leading into the distance

But there is no point in dreaming about heavenly pies now. So far, goods, objects, that is, cargo - all this is delivered by large trucks, and our country is covered with roads, frankly, of different quality. These "arteries" allow people, even in the most remote areas from the center, not to be left without goods and services. Anyone who thinks at least a little will understand why goods move in this way across Russia. Of course, it's all about money, while delivering goods to citizens by air is too expensive. And in general, it’s still too early for us to think about teleportation. Indeed, in some cities of Russia they cannot yet build a metro, what kind of teleportation is there. Therefore, you will have to deliver various necessary items in the old fashioned way, using wheels.

Moral burden

As it is easy to understand, cargo is also a different responsibility. Many of us would like to earn a lot, and we sometimes look with envy at our bosses. As a rule, it seems to people that their patrons are not busy with anything, because, in their opinion, ordinary employees do all the work. Naturally, this is not entirely true. Bosses sometimes take more risks: one wrong decision and they are fired. Unless, of course, it'swe are talking about those who were put in a chair by their parents, here there is already a completely different logic and a different level of demand. Although, of course, not everyone spares their children, some are more strict with them than with outsiders.

office staff
office staff

Here and there you can also hear phrases that someone has not coped with the burden of responsibility entrusted to him. Of course, in this case we are not talking about dragging furniture. The man could not bear the pressure. Others give up and give in under the weight of their years. In other words, age takes its toll. What conclusion can be drawn? A load is something that does not add joy to anyone. Unless you are the recipient of a long-awaited package.


The time has come for semantic substitutions that are never superfluous. After we have considered the meaning of the word "cargo", we can move on to the next question with a sense of accomplishment. You can replace our noun with its “colleagues”. Their list follows:

  • weight;
  • gravity;
  • luggage;
  • package;
  • burden;
  • burden;
  • luggage;
  • oppression;
  • luggage;
  • burdensome.

As you can see, there is no shortage of replacements. Here synonyms of the object of study are mixed for two meanings - direct and figurative. The reader is free to arrange them however he pleases. Unites semantic counterparts only of their decent weight, no matter what it is.

As a result, difficulties build character

Television and the Internet allow a person to spy on other people more than before. Now no one isdiscusses what is going on with the neighbors, why? When there are wonderful and extremely scandalous show business stars. That's who's life is in full swing. It seems to the ordinary citizen that the rich have no problems, no burden. The interpretation of the word in this case does not imply any ambiguity.

Portugal football player
Portugal football player

We are talking, of course, about the moral burden, primarily financial problems. But money does not bring happiness. This is most eloquently evidenced by the experience of foreign football players who, having millions of contracts, manage to be unhappy. But they play for the best clubs in the world. Something to think about, right?

The moral and physical tests that fall on the lot of every person only temper his will and character. Do not think that sports millionaires have a life of sugar, they also had their own slums and their own heavy load (we gave the definition of the word a little higher).

Unfortunately, in the physical world there is no other way to test your own strength and safety margin. Some burden is necessary, but it must be one that a person can afford.