MGIMO is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. Most graduates of lyceums, gymnasiums and schools from different Russian cities dream of entering the Moscow University of International Relations. Applicants, as well as their parents, often wonder whether it is realistic to enter MGIMO, since the passing scores for state-funded places are really very high.

Admission to undergraduate programs
In order to apply for undergraduate programs at MGIMO, applicants need to collect a package of documents, including USE certificates, as well as successfully pass an additional entrance test conducted directly by the university.
Is it possible to enter MGIMO without passing the exam? Yes, it is possible for applicants who graduated from school a few years ago. To do this, they need to pass exams at the university itself, which are analogous to the USE.
Minimum USE scores
To havethe opportunity to submit documents to MGIMO, applicants need to score the following points in the USE:
- For the legal direction, an applicant must score at least 60 points in Russian, as well as 60 points in a foreign language.
- For admission to most undergraduate programs, an applicant must score at least 70 points in Russian and 70 points in a foreign language.
- For admission to the Bachelor's program "Politics and International Relations", the applicant must score at least 80 points in a foreign language and at least 70 points in Russian.

DWI: Creative Competition and Foreign Language Exam
What do you need to enter MGIMO, except for high results in the exam? In order to participate in the competition, applicants must pass the entrance examinations conducted directly by the university.
For part of the undergraduate programs, including the direction of "International Journalism", applicants must pass a creative competition, which includes 2 stages. The first stage is writing an essay on one of the proposed social and political topics. The second stage is an interview conducted by the examination committee. The applicant is asked questions, all answers are recorded and further evaluated.
In order to continue to be able to participate in the competition, the applicant must score more than 60 points out of 100 for an additional entrance test. Applicants who scored less than 60points are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Budget and paid places
How to enter MGIMO on a budget? In order to enroll in state-funded places, an applicant must score sufficiently high scores in the Unified State Examination and in an additional entrance test.
For each direction, the number of budget places is limited, exactly the same as the number of places with paid education. In 2018, 79 and 33 state-funded places were allocated for the program of the Faculty of International Relations, as well as 20 and 30 places with tuition fees, respectively. There are 67 state-funded places at the Faculty of International Economic Relations, while the competition for one place is more than 9 people.
It is quite difficult to enter MGIMO on a budgetary basis, both at the faculty of international journalism and at the faculty of management, since only 48 state-funded places are allocated for the first faculty, and even fewer at the faculty of management - only 40. Competition for these faculties exceed 50 people per seat.
It is really difficult to enter MGIMO, both on a budgetary and paid basis of education, because a competition of more than 400 people is observed at the MIEP faculty, where only 33 state-funded places are allocated in several areas. The Faculty of International Politics has 60 state-funded places, and 85 tuition-paying places are also available. In total, in 2018, a total of 424 budget-funded places and 1,431 tuition-paying places were allocated to all undergraduate programs, including programs conducted at the MGIMO branch inOdintsovo.

Pre-university training
It is really difficult to enter MGIMO on a budget, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Approach plays a huge role in preparation. That is why the university has created several systems for preparing applicants for admission to its faculties.
Pre-university programs offered by MGIMO:
- One-year full-time program.
- A two-year program run through evening preparation courses.
- Accelerated one-year study program delivered as part of the Evening Foundation Course.
- Rare and Oriental language courses as part of a two-year pre-university program.
- Foreign language courses as part of modular preparation for admission to MGIMO.
It is worth noting that pre-university training programs conducted as part of full-time education are accepted only for applicants with a diploma of secondary education. Persons who have a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution are not allowed to take courses. The duration of training is 12 months. It is carried out on a day shift approximately 5 days a week. The load on subjects during the week is distributed as follows:
- 14 hours of foreign language classes;
- 10 hours of classes in a core subject, which may include history, social studies, and mathematics;
- 10 hours of Russian lessons.
The courses are aimed at helping the applicant to more successfully pass the additional entrance exam administered by the university.

Home-Master's preparation
You can enter MGIMO both for undergraduate and graduate programs by preparing for special courses conducted by the university. Pre-master preparation includes several programs, such as:
- jurisprudence;
- economy;
- foreign relations;
- management;
- linguistics.
Also, additional sets are opened for such directions as:
- foreign regional studies;
- finance and credit;
- sociology;
- journalism and others.
All courses at home master's training are paid. In total, the training courses last 28 weeks. The entire period of study is divided into 2 semesters of 14 weeks each. The format of the classes is designed so that applicants can fully familiarize themselves with the structure of additional entrance tests.

Information about applicants
Lists of applicants to MGIMO are placed in a special section on the official website of the university. Also, all final lists of applicants can be found in the admissions office of the educational institution.
Information about applicantsThe application posted on the official website is conveniently structured by faculties and areas of study. In other words, the applicant needs to go to the official website of the university, find the section dedicated to applicants, then select the faculty for which the application was submitted and check their data in a separate document. In addition, all applicants are structured not only by areas of study, but also by the basis of education: budget or paid.

Additional required admission information
All the necessary information on how to enter MGIMO is available in a special section for applicants on the university's official website.
Applicants can get acquainted with the full list of areas of preparation for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, find out the DWI schedule, as well as solve trial exams, also presented in the section for applicants.

The site also contains information about already submitted applications, as well as information about the competition for a place in the current position. Information is updated every business day.
The university strives to keep up with the times, so you can also apply for admission to one of the educational programs through the online form on the official website.