You must have seen the word "by chance" in a speech. It is characteristic of the conversational style. It is not used in scientific papers and documents. "Accidentally" is an adverb. It indicates the mode of action, gives it a description. In the article we will consider the interpretation of this word, and also select several synonyms.
Lexical meaning
First, let's pay attention to the interpretation of the word "accidentally". To do this, it is best to refer to the explanatory dictionary.

So, "by chance" is an adverb with the following meaning: "without intention, without resorting to preparation, unexpectedly." One can cite such a situation as an example. You are visiting. Sit at the table and talk. And suddenly you accidentally touch the glass, it falls and breaks. The situation is unpleasant. You broke the glass by chance, without your own desire. So fate decreed.
One more situation can be cited. You go to a concert of your favorite rock band. Naturally, you start dancing. And then you casually touch the elbow of a nearby spectator. Did you make itwithout any malice, it just happened.
Synonyms for the word
It's time to pick up synonyms for "accidentally". It is worth noting that there are a lot of words with similar meanings. They can be used in a variety of communicative situations.
- Involuntarily. I yawned involuntarily.
- Inadvertently. Masha accidentally broke a plate.
- Unintentionally. The kids unintentionally ate the whole cake and left nothing for me.
- Unintentionally (casually is a colloquial word, "unintentionally" is used in formal business style). The crime was committed unintentionally.
- Random. The cat accidentally ran out of the apartment and disappeared.
- Unintentionally. At the amusement park, a girl accidentally pushed me, but she immediately apologized.
- Unintentionally. The tailor accidentally pricked me with a hairpin while fitting a suit.

Now you can find a suitable synonym for the adverb "by chance". This word has several substitutions.