Children in elementary grades and even middle school students, and sometimes high school students, make mistakes in words with "zhi-shi". To be honest, some adults don't remember or can't put this rule into practice.
There are different types of tasks for the development of spelling vigilance. The article provides examples of words, phrases and sentences that can be used in the preparation of such tasks.
One of the orthograms of the Russian language
The basic unit of the section of linguistics of spelling is the spelling. There are as many spellings in Russian as there are spelling rules.
This is a spelling that follows the general rule. Also, the spelling can be chosen among several possible ones traditionally.
By whether a letter is chosen from different options, or depending on the spelling of the word (separately / together; with a hyphen / without a hyphen; when it comes to a place where a word can be hyphenated),spellings are divided into:
- letter,
- non-letter.
Spelling: "In the combinations "zhi-shih" a vowel is always written and" - alphabetic.
Here are examples of words with "zhi" and "shi":
- granary;
- life;
- life;
- liquid;
- knives;
- snake;
- circling;
- serve;
- invested;
- strangers;
- lived;
- roasting;
- folded;
- watch out;
- cakes;
- fresh;
- skin;
- hedgehog;
- running;
- multiplied;
- overcoat;
- effervescent;
- width;
- pears;
- chiffon;
- slate;
- Pasha;
- dance;
- sew;
- hurry up;
- good;
- swarming;
- sushi;
- embroidered;
- fragrant;
- bump;
- lilies of the valley;
- junior;
- bald;
- error.
If you wish, you can find many more examples of the use of this combination.

Phrases containing words with the spelling "zhi-shi": examples
A spelling is a place in a word (or a sentence as a whole) where you can make a mistake, even knowing the rule well. This is because in words with alphabetic spellings, these sounds are in the so-called weak position.
Children are engaged in underlining spelling to reinforce their spelling skills throughout school.
Traditionally, the letters of orthograms themselvesare underlined by one line, and those identifying features by which the correct spelling is chosen - by two. In the combinations "zhi-shi", the vowel and is underlined by a single dash, and w or w is doubled.
The following are phrases that contain words with "zhi-shi". These examples can be used to practice the skills of correct spelling:
- fat cream;
- wide river;
- wide area;
- fisted neighbor;
- squeeze tightly;
- company foreman;
- big brother;
- sofa upholstery;
- sew up shirt;
- new car;
- old machinist;
- thick honeysuckle;
- quick pintail;
- animal fear;
- snake hisses;
- rose thorns.

How to correctly apply the words to the rule "zhi-shih"? The example sentences below will help children learn to find words with a given spelling in a general array of text. These sentences can be used for dictation or as flashcards.
- A stumpy oak grew in the clearing.
- The shoemaker worked with an awl.
- Tell this rule.
- Name the hissing sounds.
- Passengers got off the car.
- The doctor prescribed fish oil to the patient.
- The student wrote with great pressure.
- Wide is my native country!
- Masha got into the bears' housing.
- Giraffes live in Africa.
- Chimpanzee is a funny monkey.
- Wild rosehip is the ancestor of the rose.
- On the boydressy vest.
- Pets need care.
- There once was a king.
- Put the book back!
- It's getting very cold this winter.
- The kids went for a walk.
- Write the words correctly!
- The car rustles on asph alt with tires.

Cure for illiteracy
Today's research says:
Many mistakes come from elementary school…. The disease is illiteracy.
So writes the primary school teacher E. P. Krotovskaya in the article “Formation of Spelling Vigilance in Russian Language Lessons”. An example of this is words with "zhi-shi". Many spell them wrong.
The recipe for a cure for this disease is the ability to find the spelling of the spelling "zhi-shi" in printed or perceived texts. Examples of words with it, as well as phrases and sentences containing similar words, are given here in sufficient quantity for several sessions to consolidate the rule.