What is a tautology, its examples

What is a tautology, its examples
What is a tautology, its examples

Speech occupies an important place in human life. With the help of it, people communicate, share and receive information. Therefore, it is important that the speech is understandable to the interlocutor. Below we will consider such a phenomenon in the Russian language as tautology. Most often this term is found in rhetoric and logic. What is a tautology?

In terms of rhetoric and logic

What is a tautology from the point of view of such a science as rhetoric? In general, this term is of Greek origin, the translation of which means "repetition of the same". In rhetoric, tautology is understood as a rhetorical figure, which consists of words with the same root.

This is also the use of words that come from other languages, but mean the same thing. It is precisely because words have one meaning that it is undesirable to use such constructions in speech, because they do not carry any new information. Such designs can be used as a stylistic device, but they should not be too much.

What is a tautology in logic? The concept of this term is somewhat different: it denotes an expression that is true. Most often, tautology in logic occurs when a concept is explained using the same concept.

That is, the term itself is used in the explanation, and there is a repetition of the same words. But sometimes with the help of tautology they formulate the laws of logic. For example, "is three divided by three equal to three or not?" Therefore, in logic, tautology does not always "clog" speech.

a lot of books
a lot of books

Comparison with pleonasm

There is one term that looks like a tautology - this is pleonasm. Both of them denote redundancy in speech. But what is the difference between tautology and pleonasm? Despite the similar meaning, there are significant differences between them.

Pleonasm is the use of words in speech that have a similar lexical meaning within the same construction. For example, "The family went on vacation in the month of November." Most often, pleonasm can be found in folklore. But an important feature is that these words are not of the same root, unlike a tautology.

Tautology is the use of words that have the same root or borrowed from other languages with the same meaning. It is difficult not to use lexical repetitions in speech, because not all words can be matched with synonyms. So sometimes you have to use similar words.

children read a book
children read a book

How to avoid tautologies in speech

Why is this phenomenon referred to as a "speech weed"? Because it does not provide any new information. Listening to speech and reading texts in which there are many repetitions is quite difficult. Therefore, to make it easier for you to conveyinformation, you should try to avoid frequent lexical repetitions.

The reason for the tautology is the low level of vocabulary. Therefore, reading fiction and classical literature increases your level of literacy. You will also learn how to use synonyms correctly in speech thanks to the enrichment of vocabulary.

The following exercise will be useful - paraphrasing sentences by selecting synonyms for words. If you find it difficult, you can use a dictionary. This way you can make your speech clear and literate.

children write
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Examples of lexical repetitions

Some repetitions of cognate words are so firmly established in everyday speech that it is difficult to notice them. An example of a tautology are the following expressions: "do business", "make jam", "snow-white snow". They can be paraphrased as follows: "do something", "make jam", "beautiful snow".

An example of a tautology when using words from other languages that have a similar meaning is the expression "evening serenade". The word "serenade" is of Italian origin and means an evening song. Therefore, it is better to replace this word with "song".

children write in a notebook
children write in a notebook

Lexical repetitions in artistic speech

What is a tautology in artistic speech? Lexical repetitions as a stylistic device are often used by authors to make the text more expressive. More oftenall this is applied in poetic speech.

Also, lexical repetition is found in prose and folklore. This is used to draw the reader's attention to an event or detail.

An important question is the correct spelling: tautology or taftology? Write the word with the consonant "B" correctly, and pronounce it with the stress on the third syllable.

Tautology is most often considered a speech error, because repetitions of the same thing do not carry any semantic load. An exception is literature, and only when this repetition is needed to enhance the impression on the reader. You can improve your speech by reading more fiction.

Tautologies with borrowed words are the hardest to control. A dictionary will help you with this. Thanks to this, you will not only increase your vocabulary, but also expand your horizons. Try to choose synonyms for words more often, and then your speech will become beautiful, understandable and competent.
