Do aliens exist or not? Can aliens live among us?

Do aliens exist or not? Can aliens live among us?
Do aliens exist or not? Can aliens live among us?

Aliens exist or not - I would like to know for sure almost every inhabitant of the planet Earth. And it must be said that this question arose not in the space age of the twentieth century, but centuries and millennia earlier. For example, in Montalcino, Italy, there is a fresco depicting the crucifixion of Christ against the backdrop of a fortress, above which, in turn, two aircraft are moving in the air, inside which there are people. In the Florentine Palazzo Vecchio there is a 15th century painting of the Madonna with Saint Giovannio being illuminated by four beams from a disk-shaped object hovering above them in the sky. Tapestries from a number of basilicas in French Burgundy dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries also show objects resembling flying saucers.

aliens exist or not
aliens exist or not

Do aliens exist or not? Photos of old paintings testify in favor of existence

It is interesting that the seriesEuropean artists of the 14th century, in their works dedicated to the crucifixion, depicted unidentified flying objects next to the Son of God. In the work of an unknown artist of 1350, these are also two objects taking off on the sides of the Cross, and Paolo Uccello, in a painting exhibited at the Florentine Academy, depicted a flying saucer next to the crucifix in the form in which it is customary to depict it today. Such artifacts make you wonder if aliens exist in real life.

UFO paintings were painted in the 14th-15th centuries

What made artists of past centuries depict such strange objects in their paintings is unknown. It is only known that the approximate period of the appearance of paintings with strange flying machines coincides in Europe with the 14th century. For example, a colorful fresco in the monastery of Visoki Dečani, in Kosovo, depicts the appearance of a luminous disk in the sky above the city, from which a beam comes out, falling down on a woman bowing before this beam in a respectful bow. In Asia, similar images are found earlier by five centuries. In particular, the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra" is known, the illustrations for which contain images of flying objects similar to later European images.

aliens among us
aliens among us

Christian stories with unidentified flying objects

Perhaps the inhabitants of these countries did not even assume that aliens really exist, however, they captured in works of art what was unfamiliar to them, but they were very struck by somecharacteristics. The painting by Masolino da Panicale (1383-1440) “The Miracle of Snow” is quite well known, which depicts the Mother of God and the Son of God sitting on clouds, under which devices resembling disk UFOs go in a row. Although skeptics believe that in this form the artist depicted just ribbon clouds. In addition, a French medal of a later period (circa 1680) is known, where a wheel is depicted in the sky under the clouds, also resembling an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Meet other civilizations in the Stone Age

The peoples of the past millennia, primitive in our opinion, most likely did not even think about whether aliens exist or not. But it is possible that they saw representatives of other civilizations. This is evidenced by rock paintings in Australia (Kimberley, about 6-12 thousand BC), which depict the faces of incomprehensible creatures in glasses with a nimbus-shaped illumination above their heads. Images of strange creatures with one eye and the likeness of breathing tubes around their necks have also been found in Africa. They were left behind by the peoples who lived there in the 4-8th century BC, when the known ancient civilizations were only in the bud.

do aliens exist
do aliens exist

Very realistic and rock art in Italy, dating back to the 13th millennium BC, when the Stone Age ended in the history of mankind. It depicts humanoid figures with tools in their hands, on the heads of which there are elements similar to modern illuminated helmets. The proportions of the figures are observed quite accurately, but who didthese paintings remain a mystery

The most interesting information is classified

The fact that aliens really exist has been repeatedly confirmed by enthusiasts since the beginning of the era of space technology. Many experts tried to get access to the materials of the NASA agency, which, however, severely suppressed such attempts. Moreover, one of the employees in the recent past said that for decades the agency has placed a “secret” stamp on any signals containing data on unidentified objects in space and on Earth.

do aliens exist in real life
do aliens exist in real life

But photos still leaked to the press (it is possible that they are fake) depicting lunar landscapes, on which the remains of buildings of a strict geometric shape, long "roads" can be traced. It also became known about the attacks of huge flying saucers on an American spacecraft in 1968, when a UFO approached it at a speed of 11,000 kilometers per hour, which disabled all the equipment for a while and significantly worsened the he alth of the astronauts. Even then, there was no question: “Do aliens exist or not?” The facts about this event were completely classified for many years.

Attacks on American astronauts on Earth's satellite

The Apollo 11 mission, which landed on an artificial satellite from a certain flight point, was also "escorted" by non-terrestrial aircraft. Astronauts mention that they saw luminous balls of various shapes on the Moon, as well as objects withportholes, in which the shadows of unknown creatures could be seen. The same "attention" was given to the Apollo 12 mission, which was accompanied by UFOs for three million kilometers. The fact that aliens really exist on our satellite, irrefutable evidence, as expected, has already been collected and stored under the heading "secret" in the relevant departments. And, perhaps, that is why the programs for the exploration of the moon were curtailed by both the United States and the USSR back in the 20th century. Rumor has it that earthlings were “asked” from the Moon, so the research activities of world space powers are directed to other objects in the sky.

aliens really exist
aliens really exist

Manifestations of other civilizations on our planet

But the presence of alien beings is detected not only in space. There is a lot of evidence that people in different parts of our planet have encountered supernatural phenomena of obviously unearthly origin in our days. What is the current data on whether aliens exist or not? 2014 was quite rich in events that testify in favor of the presence of alien civilizations. In particular, in March 2014 in St. Petersburg, many residents recorded on photo and video media the appearance of a luminous spot, which, through binoculars, was several pulsating dots within the same border. The light object hung for several minutes and went out, after which it appeared in another area of the Northern capital.

Aliens saved us from a meteorite fall in Chelyabinsk

Some ufologybelieve that the manifestation of extraterrestrial technology was also present during the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite in February 2012. When considering frames from the scene in slow motion, it was noted that shortly before contact with the earth, a small body of unknown origin flew up to the meteorite at a speed that earth aircraft or projectiles do not develop, and contributed to its destruction. Perhaps the aliens are among us, and their high technology is helping to save the planet from the destructive influences from the outside, which can bring death to the alien beings themselves.

At the end of 2014 in Mexico was once again found a positive answer to the burning question: "Do aliens exist?". Photo and video from the small city of Guadalajara, provided by ufologist A. Ibarra, who is engaged in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, was found to be authentic. The shooting shows how several disk-shaped silvery objects hover over the city for 2-3 minutes during the daytime, which then suddenly disappear. This region is generally rich in UFO manifestations, and experts believe that alien objects attract numerous volcanoes, the vents of which, allegedly, can be the entrance to alien bases.

They were examined by aliens

Inexplicable events that have happened to thousands of people indicate that aliens exist. Or not? However, it is difficult to find explanations for the cases when in the body of some people they find "implants" that appeared out of nowhere, which often consist of metals that are not found on Earth. howas a rule, foreign bodies do not give any discomfort and do not affect physical he alth. However, people who have received such a “gift” belong to a neurotic personality type and often talk about being abducted by aliens and subjected to experiments. In their descriptions, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations appear more often as unsympathetic creatures with green, gray or brown skin, growth both smaller and larger than the standard earthly one. Communication often takes place in a telepathic way and the attitude of creatures from other worlds to people is often aggressive, since they are many times superior to us in technical terms.

aliens do exist hard evidence
aliens do exist hard evidence

Alien life could thrive next to us

Do aliens live among us? After traces of amino acids were found in the Murchison meteorite that fell in 1969, including about fifty of which were not found on Earth at all, it can be assumed that some units of life from the currently existing (and maybe most) have alien origin. For example, bacteria that live in a s alt lake in California (Mono) use arsenic in water in chemical reactions to maintain their own vital functions instead of phosphorus, which is used for the same purpose by the rest of the living world of the planet. Such organisms could survive on other planets. Or they once lived there, and maybe they still live there.

Are there aliens near us? A photo from the works of A. Bokovikov and B. Fomin may indicate thatthat for many millennia we have been living side by side with a civilization that has silicon as its basis, not carbon. The aforementioned enthusiasts believe that next to humanity there is a civilization of stones, among which the group of agates is distinguished first of all. These stones, according to the authors of the technique, have such important organs as a kind of skin, they multiply by "seeds" that appear in the female part of the stone.

Other civilizations can live in your jewelry

They have in common with humanity that agates can heal wounds (they heal like wounds on resinous trees), as well as the fact that the level of silicon in human blood increases sharply during fractures to ensure successful bone healing. If you have ever come across an agate druse, you can pay attention to the presence of a striped (male) part and a crystalline (female) part, from where the embryos of future new stones come out through peculiar “channels”.

aliens exist or not
aliens exist or not

This hypothetical process takes hundreds and maybe millions of years, so people paid attention to it only with the development of science and technology. In addition, it must be borne in mind that stones can in a certain way affect the he alth and fate of a person, which gave rise to such a science as lithotherapy. Based on the above, it can be said that the problem of whether aliens exist or not can most likely be resolved positively. But the question arises: do we exist for aliens, as a civilization worthy of contact?
