All words in Russian must be pronounced in accordance with orthoepic norms. Otherwise, your speech will become illiterate. In this article we will figure out what kind of stress is in the noun "drowse". This word is often mispronounced. We will also indicate the interpretation of this word and give examples of use.
Interpretation of the speech unit
Before you know which syllable is stressed in the word "drowse", you should understand the interpretation of this speech unit. Agree that it is important not only to know the pronunciation, but also to understand the interpretation of a particular noun.
This word has two main interpretations. They are recorded in Efremova's dictionary.
Sleep-like state; complete rest or stupor (for example, to describe nature or to characterize the human condition)

Figuratively: passivity, lethargy or stagnation. This is how you can describe, for example, a decline in the economy or social life
Correct stress
In the noun "drowse" the stress is difficult to determine. Often they put it onvowel "o", then to "a". If you incorrectly determine the stressed vowel, you can make an orthoepic error. What syllable should be stressed?
The correct answer is this: in the noun "drowse" the stress is placed on the second syllable, the vowel "o". That is, you do not need to put stress on the last syllable, this will be a mistake.
How can you remember the correct stressed vowel? You can remember several similar words with the same stress. For example, "hiccups". Here the stress also falls on the vowel "o".
Sample sentences
The best way to remember the stress in the noun "drowse" is to use it more often in speech. Here are some examples of sentences with this word.

- I was overwhelmed by a terrible drowsiness, I wanted to quickly take a break from all this.
- Our village seems to be in a slumber: no work, no entertainment, people don't know where to put themselves.
- To defeat drowsiness, you need to drink a glass of cold water with lemon juice.
- There is some kind of slumber in the state, no one wants to deal with issues important to society.
- Drowsiness often prevails at work, workers yawn and dream of coming home and falling asleep as soon as possible.
Now you know what the stress is in the word "drowse". The lexical meaning of this speech unit also became clear. So that you remember exactly how the noun "drowse" is pronounced, use it as often as possible in oral speech,so that the pronunciation reaches automatism and is firmly entrenched in memory.