Currently it is difficult to find a person who has not been trained in school. The current education system requires everyone to attend school and acquire basic knowledge. Among other things, the school educates people, instills in them a sense of beauty. This is where a significant part of a child's life takes place.
A school is, first of all, teachers. All students have teachers they like and teachers they don't like. But every teacher does a great job before each lesson. After all, to complete all the tasks of the lesson, you need to work hard. Before the lesson, teachers make a plan and outline the goals that they need to achieve together with the class. This is very hard work, because it is not in vain that teachers have been so appreciated since ancient times.
What is a lesson?
This concept in its modern form means a time-limited daily pastime of a teacher and students in order to gain new knowledge. The lesson is a whole story, where there are those who succeeded in solving the task, and those who could not complete it. In addition to knowledge, the teacher must develop his students in moralplan, educate them.

To conduct a good lesson, the teacher must clearly plan each action. Before the lesson, it is necessary to stipulate the goals and objectives of the lesson, thereby setting the class to perform certain tasks. The lesson should be a step forward for the student. Every lesson, students should learn something. It is very important to develop independence in children.
A lesson is a time-limited activity and children need to understand this. No matter how important the school occupies in the development of knowledge and the upbringing of the child, nothing will come of it without his independent work. Lesson time should be used to the maximum advantage. It depends on how the teacher builds the lesson. In addition, you need to competently finish the lesson, because completeness is an important characteristic of the lesson.
Main lesson objectives
Educators have such a thing as the triune goal of the lesson. It means the result that should be achieved at the end of the lesson. Why triune? Because this includes 3 tasks of the lesson, which are the main ones: cognitive, developing and educational. It is the fulfillment of all these goals that will make the lesson as useful as possible for both the teacher and the students. Let's take a closer look at them.

The cognitive aspect is the main one and includes the following requirements:
- to teach every child to be independent in obtaining knowledge;
- develop skills, that is, precise actions that are repeated many times before being developedautomatism;
- to form skills, that is, a combination of skills and knowledge;
- teach students what was taught in the lesson.
The developmental aspect is considered the most difficult for a teacher. Basically, the difficulty is to come up with a plan for this aspect for each lesson. However, this is the wrong approach. Formed once, the specified plan can be useful in several lessons, because development is slower than learning.
The developing moment consists of several points: the development of speech, the development of thinking and the development of movement, that is, the motor sphere.
And, finally, the educational aspect. This is what distinguishes the school from other institutions. It is here that the child can be brought up in society. There are several types of moral objects, the correct interaction with which will help the student to master moral principles.
These objects include other children, one's own "I", work, patriotism and society. The goal of the teacher is to instill in the child an awareness of how to act and how not to.
Open lesson
This type of lesson is held in absolutely all schools, and all classes have dropped out or are yet to participate in it. The tasks of the open lesson, in addition to all others, include increasing the culture of communication, as well as the skill of research work. Other teachers or students are always invited to it, some problem is discussed.
The teacher announces the topic and date of the lesson-seminar in advance, and the students prepare carefully. Such a lesson begins with the introductory speech of the teacher, heannounces the topic and questions to be discussed. After that, students read their messages and discuss the problem with the teacher and the invited guest.
The tasks of the open lesson are almost always completed, as children in any case learn proper communication, gain new knowledge.
Lesson in the form of a test
These are the activities that students don't really like. Usually this is a control or independent work, on which the final grade will depend. Students always carefully prepare for such a lesson, because the quality of the written dictation or the solved equation will affect a lot.

The objectives of this type of lesson are to better master the topic and test the child's knowledge. The teacher always warns about control and independent work in advance and asks the students to prepare. Before the start of the lesson, all the children sit down. Often there are cases when the teacher prepares the board in advance and writes assignments (in the case of a math test). Then, on a call, the students immediately begin to solve problems.
If this is a dictation in the Russian language, then, accordingly, nothing is written in advance. The teacher dictates and the students take notes. This is a fairly common form of lesson, almost always bearing fruit. After the test in the next lesson, work on the mistakes is carried out so that the students understand and remember their shortcomings.
Objectives and objectives of the lesson in accordance with the educational standard
After the Russian Federation switched to a new education system,a new standard emerged. The objectives of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) have become somewhat different. Now the teacher is required to educate the people of modern society, to instill in children the awareness that they will learn all their lives. The main goal of the GEF is the development of the student as a subject of cognitive activity.
The upbringing of the student's personality comes to the fore. In addition, the requirements include the achievement of meta-subject and subject results. The former include the active use of communicative components in solving cognitive problems, as well as the use of various means for collecting information in accordance with the objectives of the subject.

The cognitive or educational task of the lesson is slowly fading into the background. Since there are currently many opportunities for self-learning, the school sets the education of the individual as its main goal.
Most common criteria
There are four such criteria in total. Following them, you can create a quality lesson.
Productivity. Evaluation of this criterion is a difficult task, since the opinion is always subjective. However, experienced teachers consider the lesson successful if it meets certain requirements:
- high cognitive level of the lesson and independent work of students;
- help in shaping the personality of schoolchildren;- good communication between the teacher and student.
- Structure. It is currently one of the most important criteriaas there is a huge amount of information and ways to obtain it, and the time of the lesson is limited. The task of the teacher is to make the most of the time allotted. The main part of the lesson should go to the study of a new topic. In the remaining minutes, you need to consolidate the material by repeating and playing out practical situations.
- Help in awakening the cognitive abilities of the student. Knowledge must be assimilated, and if the child is not ready to listen to new material, then he will not, and therefore, will not learn anything in this lesson. It is very important that the student was tuned in to the lesson. Solving problems related to logic is very effective in this matter. To activate the class, you can think of various roles: consultants, assistants, etc. The tasks of the lesson in the school are quite diverse, and in order to accomplish as much as possible, the teacher needs to set the children up for the lesson.
- Creativity. Creating something new has always been welcomed by all generations of educators. So that the child does not hesitate to express his thoughts, it is necessary that he learns independence. Experienced teachers recommend giving more time to the child to do something on their own. This will develop only the best qualities in him. For example, the tasks of the Russian language lesson include teaching the spelling of words. Let the child work with the dictionary and write out new words.
Basic methods for organizing a lesson
In the modern world, there are a huge number of various techniques that will help the teacher to conduct a quality lesson. The goals and objectives of the lesson must be fulfilled usingvarious methods.
One of the most popular is the conversation, which is a dialogue between a teacher and a student, mainly initiated by the first. The task of the teacher in this case is to lead the child to the correct answer with the help of leading questions. Also, during the dialogue, the student develops his oral speech.

Demonstration is the modern method. During the lesson, the teacher explains the material with the help of various tables, diagrams, pictures, films, etc. As you know, the tasks of an English lesson include mastering the rules of colloquial speech. To complete this task, the teacher can play a film to students in English with sub titles.
Conference is a meeting of students to discuss some issue or problem. It can take place both at the city level and at the school level. Usually it is a formal event where participants make presentations and messages, and then talk about them. Helps very well in the development of business speech.
Repetition of a new topic in the lesson is also very important. Fixing the material has never bothered anyone. As the saying goes, repetition is the mother of learning. It is very useful to remind about the material already covered, especially before the final control or independent work. Effectively repeat the solved problems in the lessons of physics and mathematics. This will help to better assimilate the material.
Individual tuition is provided only in certain cases, when the student was absent due to a long illness and missed a newmaterial. Also, the teacher can stay after the lessons with a student who has not mastered the topic well and explain to him again.
Preparing the teacher for the lesson
This is a very long and complicated process, because it is not easy to prepare for each lesson when there are five, six, or even seven of them a day. This process can be represented in stages:
- Studying the curriculum. This action is usually performed before the start of the academic year in order to identify the main goals and objectives of the entire subject, as well as a specific topic. Before each lesson, the teacher should look into the program to identify certain tasks at the moment.
- Methodical literature. After mastering the curriculum, you need to familiarize yourself with the textbook, various articles on these topics. This is done in order to draw up a thematic plan. It should not be cumbersome, but clear, and reflect the main information.
- Exploring each topic in the tutorial. Before giving children assignments on it, the teacher must know what is written there. The objectives of the lesson include the most accessible presentation of the material, so that students understand what it is about. Often there are difficult points in the textbook, and the teacher should pay attention to them.
- Studying material on the topic of the lesson. The teacher should know as much as possible about the topic on which the classes are conducted. In addition to educational literature, it is necessary to listen to sound information and view film material. If the teacher is going to conduct an experiment in the classroom, you need to take it very seriously.prepare, as failure can lead to reputation damage.
- And finally, creating a lesson plan. This stage should be treated with special attention, since the plan is the last step in preparing the teacher for the lesson. It consists of the title of the topic of the lesson, goals and objectives, structure, a list of methodological and teaching aids. You should also allocate time for each stage of the lesson. The plan should not be large in volume, but novice teachers are encouraged to take notes of the lesson. The topic immersion task will be completed using this method.

Lesson analysis
To succeed in teaching, you need to think about and analyze each lesson. You need to find your mistakes and mistakes and figure out whether they are gaps in the preparation for the lesson, or whether they were the result of work in the lesson itself. It is not recommended to praise yourself too much or scold too much. We must try to give an objective assessment.
Many teachers make one mistake in conducting lessons. It refers to the beginning of the lesson, when the teacher checks the students' homework. Within 15 or 20 minutes, assignments from all students are checked, while the class is not busy with anything. This waste of time is unforgivable. Beginning teachers should take note of this and not make such mistakes.

The lesson should be analyzed on the basis of the goals that were set before it. If the lesson was held in lecture mode, you should find out whether all the necessary information was presented in an accessible way.material and whether the students understood anything. Of course, the answer to the second question will be known only when checking the knowledge of the class. If the lesson was held in the form of a conference or seminar, it is necessary to analyze the activity of students and the content of their messages and reports.
The work of a teacher is one of the most difficult and important for all of us. It is not for nothing that a monument to the first teacher was erected in almost every city as a tribute to this profession. Teachers conduct their classes with the aim of teaching and teaching children the skills and abilities that will be useful in the future. The tasks of the lesson also include the personal education of the child, the explanation of moral principles.
Modern education places high demands on both teachers and students. Complex curricula, detailed plans, and the like further burden an already difficult profession. But school has always been the stage at which character and knowledge are formed. It occupies a huge place in the life of every person.