The concept of "accreditation" has Latin roots. Literally translated, it means "trust". In the modern world, this term is seen as confirmation of compliance with established standards, recognition of a special status (powers). Let us further consider how the accreditation of educational institutions is carried out, what it is and what laws it regulates.

Regulatory framework
At the end of 2010, Federal Law No. 293 made a number of changes to some legislative acts. This need arose in connection with the improvement of supervisory and control functions. The changes are aimed at optimizing the provision of services in the field of education. As a result, a special procedure has been introduced for the respective institutions. From that moment, accreditation and certification of educational institutions and scientific organizations began.
According to accepted legislation,accreditation and certification of educational institutions is carried out regardless of their types and types. However, there is an exception to this rule. The provisions of the law do not apply to preschool educational institutions and institutions for additional education of children. All other organizations that provide training programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, federal requirements and provisions of the law are required to undergo a compliance procedure.
Important moment
In some institutions there is a structural unit that implements a program for preschool education. The question arises: are they subject to the requirement to undergo a mandatory conformity assessment procedure? In this case, the state accreditation of an educational institution is carried out without including these programs in the check. To implement them, however, you need to have permission. It is a license, which, in fact, allows the institution to carry out activities in accordance with the programs of preschool education. In addition, the new rules stipulate the situation with organizations providing additional services in this area. In particular, we are talking about the palaces of youth / children's creativity, children's art school, youth sports school, etc. Accreditation of educational institutions of this type is not carried out.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 293, a state duty was introduced for the accreditation of an educational institution. It replaces payment for procedures, including those under contracts with specialized organizations.for the provision of information and methodological services. The amount of payment is established by art. 333.33 NK. Thus, formally, in legal terms, state accreditation of an educational institution has become free, as it refers to services provided at the expense of budgetary funds.
Payment Amount
The legislation establishes the following amounts:
- For higher professional institutions - 130 thousand rubles. Additionally, it will be necessary to pay 70 thousand for each extended group of directions in the organization itself and its branches, included in the certificate of accreditation of the educational institution.
- Institutions implementing additional professional programs - 120 thousand rubles.
- Institutions of secondary education - 50 thousand rubles.
- Institutions of primary vocational training - 40 thousand rubles.
Accreditation of educational institutions of other types - 10 thousand rubles. When changing the status and re-registration of the Holy Island, it is necessary to pay from 3 to 70 thousand rubles. In the case of accreditation of educational programs, extended groups of referrals by speci alties, amounts from 7 to 70 thousand rubles are established for replacing a certificate. In other cases, including for the issuance of a temporary certificate, you need to pay 2 thousand rubles. It should be said that the replacement of payment with a fixed budget payment does not mean that the institution is deprived of the right to independently conclude contracts with organizations that prepare for the accreditation of an educational institution.

New rules
Given the requirements for the accreditation of an educational institution, special attention should be paid to the curriculum. First of all, this applies to primary, secondary and higher professional institutions. For such institutions, a certificate is issued not for individual programs, but for expanded, enlarged categories of directions, which are determined by the accreditation body. This allows you to change or supplement specific projects without submitting them to the authorized structure. That is, adjustments are made based on the license.
According to Art. 33.2 of the Law "On Education", the right to state accreditation of the program belongs to educational institutions in which there are students or graduates from it in the current year. As before, the possibility of a phased (in accordance with the steps) procedure is provided. That is, educational institutions are accredited in relation to certain programs of primary, basic and secondary general (full) education.
Self-examination procedure
Accreditation of educational institutions includes self-assessment by institutions of their activities. Previously, the self-examination procedure was provided mainly for universities. The rules by which the self-assessment is carried out are formulated and approved by the executive federal body, whose powers include the development of state policy and legal regulation of the education sector.
Licensing and accreditation of educational institutions involves the fulfillment of certainprocedures confirming the conformity of the quality and content of the programs learned by students and graduates according to the Federal State Educational Standard. In addition, an examination of the performance indicators of the educational institution is carried out. They are necessary when defining the kind and type.

Performance indicators
Their list is introduced at the federal level. The criteria for evaluating indicators that determine the type and type of educational institution should be established by the accreditation body. For example, with regard to schools, such a structure is a regional department, ministry or other management institution. Of course, they should be involved in the field of education. The established list of indicators must be agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science. The procedure for determining their criteria is approved by the Government.
Documents for accreditation of an educational institution
In accordance with the regulations, the procedure involves several stages. First of all, the head of the educational institution performs an analysis of its activities. Based on the results, a self-examination report is compiled. After that, an application and documents for accreditation of an educational institution under the relevant programs are sent to the department (subdivision) of the authorized body:
1. Copies:
- charter;
- plans for all approved programs submitted for accreditation;
- the main professional program of postgraduate education (if it is present in the educational institution);
- regulations on the branch of the institution (if there is suchunits).
2. Self-Assessment Report.
Licensing and accreditation of educational institutions involves the issuance of relevant papers. When sending programs for compliance testing, the educational institution also provides copies of the permit and certificate. An inventory of sent papers is also an integral document. Copies of the charter, regulations on the branch, permission and sv-va should be certified by a notary. Copies of other papers are certified in the OS. In addition, a receipt confirming payment of the fee must be attached.

Shipping method
The above documents can be sent on paper. In this case, it is allowed to present them in person or by mail (by registered mail). Documents can also be submitted electronically. In this case, you should use a single service portal. If papers are sent in this way, they must be certified by an electronic signature.
Accreditation of educational institutions is carried out upon the relevant request. The application must indicate:
- Full name, legal form and location of the institution according to the charter.
- Name and address of branches (if necessary).
- Registration number of the record on the formation of a legal entity and information of the document, which confirms the fact that information about the created organization was entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
- TIN and tax registration data.
- Requisitesexisting certificate of accreditation.
- Status status (type and type) OS.
- List of programs submitted for accreditation.
Within 7 days, the accreditation body sends the educational institution or hands over to its representative a notification that the documents have been accepted for consideration. If the papers are not provided in full or some of them are filled out incorrectly, the authorized body sends a notice with the appropriate list. 2 months are given to correct errors and provide missing copies of the OS.

Public accreditation of educational institutions
This procedure is also provided for at the legislative level. The right to hold it was granted back in 1992. Currently, experts note the expansion of the subject of regulatory regulation in the field of public accreditation. The legislation not only fixes the right itself, but also explains in detail the concept of the procedure, establishes the obligations of organizations authorized to carry it out. The key task of such structures is to ensure the availability and openness of information.
Public accreditation of educational institutions is carried out on the initiative of the institutions themselves. The legislation focuses on the voluntariness of the procedure. This means that at the regulatory level it is prohibited to force an educational institution to obtain such accreditation from government agencies, local structures andlegal entities authorized to carry it out. The law also does not establish the need for coordination with the founder to carry out this procedure.
Authorized Entities
The right to perform public accreditation is recognized for different organizations. So, according to the legislation, it can be carried out by both domestic and international and foreign entities. At the same time, only public organizations are indicated in the norms as authorized persons. However, this limitation is not consistent with the definition of the procedure itself in the law. It should be noted here that the Federal Law "On Education" approves only the basics of public accreditation. In more detail, all relations that arise in this area are regulated by acts adopted directly by the authorized structures themselves.

The procedure is implemented in the form of the following activities:
- Expert assessment of the quality of education in an institution.
- Discussion of the results.
- Making a decision on passing or extending or refusing public accreditation of educational institutions.
- Inclusion of the institution in the relevant register (passed the procedure).
- Providing a certificate of the established form to an institution.
- Written notification of the executive federal body for supervision and control of the results of the procedure.
Criteria and indicators
They are set directly by the organization thatperforms accreditation. When assessing the quality of the organization and provision of the educational process, it is estimated:
- Compliance of plans with implemented programs.
- Availability of regulatory support.
- Compliance with the organizational system of the OU.
- Quality of the educational process.
- Compliance of work programs with the content of training plans.
- Provision of teaching materials.
- The opinions of employees, graduates, students, employers about the quality of the learning process and so on.
This criterion checks the correspondence of the professional level of the teaching staff to the disciplines taught. The share of full-time specialists, including those with a degree, employed in the learning process is also established. An important criterion is the correspondence of the number of teachers to the number of disciplines taught in the OS.
According to this criterion, the accreditation organization establishes the correspondence of the number of premises for conducting the established types of classes to the number of students. It is also important to check the technical equipment and the general condition of the classrooms. The educational institution should have sufficient infrastructure to ensure the implementation of educational programs.