The work of a livestock breeder. Working conditions for livestock breeders

The work of a livestock breeder. Working conditions for livestock breeders
The work of a livestock breeder. Working conditions for livestock breeders

The work of a livestock breeder is studied in elementary school as part of the program of the subject "The World Around". At such lessons, children receive information not only about one of the professions that they may have to choose for themselves in the future.

They also get acquainted with the peculiarities of the area in which they live. This knowledge is part of the overall picture that the student should develop in the process of passing through such topics as "The art of my people", "The nature of our area" and so on.

horse rider
horse rider

Observing the work of livestock breeders

One of the key points in teaching this section of the discipline is a visit by the whole class to one of the farms specializing in breeding any zoological species. Such an excursion can be undertaken for schoolchildren, accompanied by theirparents individually.

In any case, according to the results of the campaign, a report on the work of livestock breeders is usually written. Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with information for preparing for various educational tasks, further information will be posted that is of interest both to teachers of the "World around" lessons and to children during homework.

How to prepare for class response?

Usually a teacher in the subject "World around" offers to write a short report on the work of livestock breeders. If the excursion is not conducted by the teacher himself and the whole class does not participate in it, then such a trip and the whole organization falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents, who must explain to the child the essence of the topic and choose a place for the future trip.

Livestock industries

First of all, it is worth asking students a question about which pets living side by side with a person are familiar to them?


If they have difficulty answering, then it is worth recalling, firstly, about those animals that may live in their family, and secondly, ask the class if there are guys among them who during the summer holidays they go to the countryside, for example, visiting their grandparents.

When such students are found, it is necessary to find out what animals they see during such visits. Children, of course, will list the most popular species in our country, found in almost any household.

Exotic Animals

It is necessary to tell the students that along with growingthese pets, the job of a livestock breeder may also be to breed rather unusual four-legged animals.

Camel in the city
Camel in the city

Thus, in the desert and some steppe zones of the former USSR, camel breeding is widespread, and in the reservoirs of almost all regions, fish are often grown, intended for people to subsequently catch and eat.

Fish farming industry
Fish farming industry

Horse breeding

One of the industries where watching the work of livestock breeders will certainly be very interesting and will cause a lot of positive emotions in a child is raising horses.

If the school is located in a large city, then, undoubtedly, there is a hippodrome in this locality, where the grooms will be happy to tell visitors about the features of caring for horses, and also show the best thoroughbred inhabitants of their farms.

Meet the horses

The theme "The work of a livestock breeder" in the 4th grade will be perceived with interest by the child and will be remembered for a long time if during an excursion to the hippodrome or to the stud farm he is taken for a ride on a horse or in a harness. However, you should not reduce such an excursion purely to entertainment moments.

During the fun, it is worth focusing the children's attention on the fact that they should memorize all the information given by the employees of the institution in order to prepare as best as possible for writing a report on the work of livestock breeders in a short form.

Ancient Art

The following information should be given to children, which will certainlyinteresting and useful in working on an essay.

There is quite a lot of scientific literature on breeding horses, as well as on the topic of raising other animals. However, it appeared relatively recently. The first fundamental works of livestock specialists saw the light only in the nineteenth century.

stall for horses
stall for horses

Practice in the agricultural work of livestock breeders was far ahead of theory. So, in horse breeding, the first results were achieved already in ancient times. For example, the world-famous Arabian horses were the pride of some countries even before our era.

Sports results

The work of livestock breeders in the field of raising horses was not only to educate hardy and strong helpers in agriculture, but also to train excellent runners. Despite the fact that the first racing horses were known in Ancient Greece, they competed at the ancient Olympic Games, in the early and late Middle Ages, horse breeders forgot that their pets were able to achieve excellent results in professional sports.

Then this species was used mainly in agriculture. However, with the growth of technological progress and the introduction of its achievements into everyday life in the 19th century, quadruped records were remembered again.

Famous breeds

The Americans and the Dutch were the first to organize horse racing competitions. It was in these countries that some of the most famous horse breeds in the world appeared.


When preparing for the task about the work of livestock breeders, you can visit a stud farm orhippodrome. There, highly qualified specialists will provide all the necessary information to complete such a task. They can provide the following information, which is summarized in this chapter.

Feed horses, as a rule, five to six times a day. In addition to plant foods such as hay, their diet should also contain some vegetables, as horses need to get the necessary vitamins. However, overfeeding these animals is highly discouraged due to the fact that they may lose the bearing and shape necessary for sports and work.

Housing for horses

Horses can be kept both on the street and in special rooms designed for their existence. But spending all the time in the fresh air, as a rule, does not allow the climatic conditions of most of the regions of our country. Therefore, most likely at the stud farm, where the excursion will be made, these wards of livestock breeders live in covered and sufficiently insulated pens, equipped with a drinker, a feeder, as well as everything else necessary for their development and existence.

In addition, a fairly large yard must be equipped near such buildings, designed so that the horses can run enough in their free time from work and other activities.


This article provided readers with concise information about the work of livestock farmers in agriculture, which can be useful for both school teachers and children to prepare for classes.

Reindeer farm
Reindeer farm

In the process of writing a report onexcursions to such an enterprise, you can use other materials that are contained on many educational sites.
