In modern language, posturing is the behavior of a person who behaves feignedly, flaunts, plays some kind of role in order to achieve a goal.
This word came to us from Old French. Poser is translated as "put, install". Poser is manipulative and insincere in order to impress. Often they say this about a person who undeservedly claims a certain status. Less commonly, the word is used in a more direct sense. It can mean a person who is posing for an artist.
Positivity is a pattern of behavior aimed at deceiving others, convincing them of something that does not really exist. Also, the term is used for a situation where a person demonstrates that he is above others, and points out to others their disadvantages.
The explanatory dictionary of Efremov gives the following definition:
Positivity is a pretense in behavior, manners, words; desire to strike a pose.

Subculture posturing
This term often describes the behavior of a person who dresses and copies the manners of representatives of one ofsubcultures without being a part of it. As a rule, this is seen as false, because the poseur does not understand the values and philosophy of the community he has chosen. The motive for this may be the desire to join a specific group of people, to attract the attention of its representatives. Or, due to the chosen image, increase one's popularity, demonstrate advancement.
In this case, "postering" is, for example, the behavior of a person in a goth costume, who actually does not even know who these people are and what is important to them. Or someone who wears an anarchy patch on his jacket just for show.
Posers are only interested in the bright external signs of subcultures, and not the inner content.

The most popular synonyms for the word "posturing" are antics, show off. Sometimes the term can be replaced with less emotional words coquetry and flirting.
Other synonyms:
- drawing;
- pretending;
- insincerity;
- buffoonery;
- deliberateness.
The meaning of the word "posturing" almost always has a negative, dismissive character and is associated with repulsive human behavior.