How to distinguish an adjective from a participle? What are their differences, why are they so similar? This question is and will be asked by all students. In fact, it is quite simple to do, you just need to know some tricks.

So, why are adjectives and participles confused? Firstly, this is due to the fact that both of them are emotional coloring, that is, they act as an adjective. Secondly, in the sentence they are the same members - definitions. How to distinguish an adjective from a participle in a text? Instructions will be provided below.
First of all, you need to remember that the adjective most often explains the noun, and the participle - the verb. These seem to be related questions. If for an adjective we ask the question “what?”, that is, we explain an animate / inanimate object, then for participle we already ask the question “what is doing?”, that is, we explain and reveal the emotional coloring of the action itself - the verb. How to distinguish an adjective from a participle by a suffix? Here, too, you can quickly and easily find differences: the adjective will never have in its suffixletters and combinations such as "sh, sh, vsh, yusch, usch". Most often, adjectives are formed using the suffixes n, an, yang. This is worth paying special attention to, since single participles are confused with adjectives.

The "not" rule with adjectives. Clarifications and exceptions
It's easy to remember how to spell "not" with adjectives. To do this, it is worth understanding just a few points. Firstly, “not” is written separately when there are oppositions with unions a / but - for example, “not big, but small.” Secondly, when this denial is implied, but clearly not visible: "Oleg is not a neat child." Thirdly, when next to the adjective itself there are words: not at all, not at all, not at all. And when are adjectives written together with "not"? Firstly, when the word is not used without this particle (“rainy, sloppy”). Secondly, when the word can be replaced by a synonym without this particle (bad - bad).

Н/НН in adjectives and participles. Rules, Exceptions and Features
One and two "n" in adjectives and participles are written according to the easy rule. So, for adjectives, a single “n” in suffixes is written when the word has the meaning of belonging to something (ant - ant). Secondly, in suffixes that have the meaning "made of something": -an-, -yan-. For example, oil-oil. There are a few exceptions here. The main ones are: glass, tin, wood. Double "n" is writtenin adjectives with suffixes –onn- and –enn- (public). Participles are characterized by the same spelling conditions, however, you need to remember some exceptions: “nn” is written in combination with the suffixes -ova-, -eva-, and also when the word has a prefix other than the particle -not-. One "n" is written in words with suffixes -ova, -eva, -irova.
How to distinguish an adjective from a participle? In this article, the easiest and fastest ways were analyzed, and the basic rules for spelling Russian speech were proposed.