The feeling of fear is inherent in all living beings. It protects from danger and saves life. The word "frighten" is directly related to fear. But what does this linguistic unit mean? The article provides an interpretation of the word "frighten", examples of its use, as well as synonyms.
Lexical meaning
Scare is a verb. Answers the question "what to do?" and belongs to the imperfect form. Derived from the native Russian noun fear.
To find out the interpretation of this word, you need to use the explanatory dictionary. Ephraimova's dictionary indicates that to frighten means to frighten, to make afraid.
Dal's Explanatory Dictionary gives an example of a proverb with the given word: "The eyes frighten, but the hands do." That is, even if it's scary, you need to not give up and fight.
It is worth noting that this verb belongs to the colloquial vocabulary. It is characteristic of the colloquial style of speech. However, today this word is rarely used, it is somewhat outdated.

Sample sentences
To better understand the meaning of the word"to frighten", you can make several sentences. Often "to intimidate" performs the syntactic function of the predicate.
- Stop scaring us, we are shot sparrows.
- No need to frighten the one who went through the seven circles of hell.
- Your fairy tales only frighten children.
- Even though Vasya frightened me and persuaded me to stay at home, I still ventured on this dubious adventure.
- The teacher scared that the whole class would get F's.
- You can scare me all you want, but I won't believe you.

Synonyms for the word
As already mentioned, "to intimidate" is archaism. This word is unacceptable for scientific or formal business style. Therefore, it is important to know what words can replace this verb. Here are some examples.
- Threaten. Mom threatened to take my phone away.
- Threaten. Stop threatening, your empty words do not touch us.
- Scare. Although the teachers scared us with exams, we continued to beat the thumbs.
- Catch up with fear. Don't be afraid, you're focusing too much on the negative.
- Intimidate. On Halloween, everyone wears strange costumes in order to frighten others with their appearance.
It is important to remember one important feature of the spelling of the verb "frighten". After the hissing consonant "u" it is worth writing the vowel "a".
The verb "to intimidate" refers to archaisms. This word is rarely found in modern speech. Its lexical meaningnot everyone knows. To understand what the verb "frighten" means, you should refer to the explanatory dictionary.
If you need to replace the verb "frighten", which occurs too often in the text, it is better to use the synonyms suggested above or find it in the appropriate dictionary.