Colleges and universities

Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Voronezh: where is it located, how to get there, what to be prepared for

The Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Voronezh is an educational institution of higher professional education, which annually graduates from its walls specialists who are able to serve for the benefit of society in law enforcement agencies and internal affairs bodies. We will tell you about the location of the university, the rules for admission and faculties in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

VSU (Voronezh): faculties, address, admission, teachers. Voronezh State University

VSU (Voronezh State University) is a key educational institution in the Black Earth region. Features of education at the faculties of the university, conditions for admission and enrollment. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Academic mobility of students

Student years are the time when most of all you want to travel and discover distant unexplored countries, and not pore over dusty textbooks. On the other hand, if you do not study, it will be difficult to find an interesting and well-paid job in the future. Therefore, for many years there has been an academic mobility program for students wishing to visit overseas countries. What it is? Let's find out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Special (defectological) education. Defectologist: where and by whom he works

In higher educational institutions, applicants are offered a wide range of areas of training. One of the speci alties that can be seen in some universities is “Special (defectological) education”. People who have studied in this direction are considered unique and sought-after specialists in the modern world. Which universities offer this area of study? Who are the graduates?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a flagship university?

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Science announced the start of the next stage of reforms in regional higher education, the first step of which is to unite flagship universities in the regions into multidisciplinary universities, which will reduce their number by almost a quarter. The pros and cons of this decision are very widely discussed throughout the country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pedagogical University of St. Petersburg: faculties, photos and reviews. Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen: address, selection committee, what to do

Pedagogical State University. Herzen in St. Petersburg from the day of its foundation to this day annually graduates thousands of qualified teachers. A large number of educational programs, both undergraduate and graduate, allows you to train teachers in various fields. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

GBPOU Nekrasov Pedagogical College No. 1: review, features and reviews

St. Petersburg is a city with great opportunities. In it, educational services are offered to applicants by a huge number of educational institutions of a wide variety of profiles. Colleges and universities in this city are humanitarian, and medical, and those that are associated with creativity. One of the educational institutions is the Nekrasov Pedagogical College. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). Education in China

East in recent years is becoming more and more attractive to Westerners. This trend is attributed to the steady economic growth of China and Japan. These countries are becoming influential players in the foreign policy arena, which attracts foreigners here like a magnet. Many Russians began to actively come to China in order to get higher education and practice their Chinese. Specialists who speak Chinese are in high demand on the Russian labor market. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Studying in China for Russians after grade 11: reviews

Increasingly, graduates of Russian schools choose to study in China. Thanks to the rapprochement of our countries and the active establishment of relations, cooperation with the countries of the East is gaining more and more popularity. From our article you will learn how to study at universities in China. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Education in South Korea: features of the system, nuances of admission. Differences between education in North Korea and education in South Korea

As in many countries, a successful career of an employee in South Korea depends on the quality of his education. Today, it has become very prestigious to enter a higher education after an elementary educational institution. The purpose of this aspiration is the desire to become an excellent specialist and get a prestigious job. As a result, the state took care of its students and became their unspoken guardian from school until graduation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Speci alty "International Relations" in Russian universities

Every year, graduates of all schools in Russia think about which direction to apply to universities. Not so long ago, applicants began to show interest in the study of international relations. Why this speci alty is relevant and in which universities of the Russian Federation it is available, you can find out further. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

MSU, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies: admission, speci alties, magistracy

In 1988, the Faculty of Foreign Languages was established at Moscow State University. Compared to other faculties and departments of the university, it is still quite young. However, he is already making great strides. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Stavropol regional multidisciplinary college: address, faculties, admission conditions and teaching staff

The Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College provides its students not only with secondary education, but also with additional vocational training in a variety of programs, trains specialists who are able to successfully compete in the labor market, responsible and competent, freely oriented in their profession and fluent in many related. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to get a financial education? Best financial universities

Each applicant wants to occupy some highly paid position in the future, work in the office. Dreams like these are achievable with a financial education. Where can you get it?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are profession managers?

What are managers? This question is increasingly being asked by teenagers entering universities, choosing between numerous bright booklets of educational institutions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Essay on a topic. Structure and plan of an essay on a given topic

The word "essay", going back to exagium (the Latin word for weighing), came to us from French. In translation means "trial, experience, sketch, essay." An essay on a topic proposed, for example, by a teacher is a small prose essay, free in composition, containing personal impressions on a particular issue, without pretensions to accepting a common understanding of the subject. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Humboldt University of Berlin: description, faculties and reviews

The Humboldt University of Berlin is in the top 50 universities in the world. Located on the main street Unter den Linden. The university is famous for its international programs, outstanding scientific work and cooperation with the Charité clinic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Formation of term papers (example). Requirements for coursework

In this article I would like to talk about how the design of term papers should be. You can, of course, look at an example on the net, but it will not always turn out to be correct. You can read about all the nuances that a student should know in the text below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Land of Germany as an administrative unit

The federal lands of Germany have always existed, but due to a number of historical circumstances, the borders between them have changed repeatedly, as well as the number of entities. For example, after the Napoleonic invasions, the Austro-Prussian war, and also and especially after the First and Second World Wars. So, the largest land of Germany - Prussia - generally ceased to exist. The historically formed borders after October 1990 defined the 16 states of Germany, uniting it again into one country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Universities of Kyiv. Higher education, universities in Kyiv

Kyiv is one of the main scientific and educational centers in Ukraine. 72 higher educational institutions are concentrated here. Universities in Kyiv are diverse and have a long history. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept and classification of crimes

Let's analyze the concept and classification of crimes. We will pay special attention to the signs on which the act is recognized as a criminal offense. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Arsenic oxide: obtaining and properties

In the periodic table, such a chemical element as arsenic occupies a position on the metal-nonmetal border. In its activity, it is between hydrogen and copper. The non-metallic character is manifested in the fact that it is able to exhibit an oxidation state of -3 (AsH3 - arsine). Compounds with a positive oxidation state of +3 have amphoteric properties, and with a degree of +5 its acidic properties are manifested. What is arsenic oxide?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The structure of communication and its functions

What is the structure of pedagogical communication? Consider the functions, features, as well as the purpose of pedagogical communication. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Professional orientation of the personality: essence, formation and development

Even in the period of the earliest anthropogenesis, the process of social production arose, which could not do without the need to take into account the professional orientation. When ancient people began to live in a community, labor was quickly divided, because even the most primitive economy must be supported and protected from all threats, which at all times were abundant. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Curator - who is this?

Everyone has heard the word "curator", but not everyone knows exactly who this person is and what his duties include. Find out what the project facilitator and student facilitator do. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Emulsion is a liquid mixture

"Emulsion" is a term of Latin origin. In translation, it means "I milk, I milk." Let's take a closer look at this concept. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Colleges of Krasnodar. Colleges of Krasnodar after the 9th grade. State colleges of Krasnodar

The problem of education is one of the main ones that torment every student, and especially a graduate. Where to go to study? Which option to choose - to choose a secondary vocational education or stay in school? These are the questions every 9th grade student faces. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Universities of Samara. Technical Universities of Samara

Samara universities are distinguished by their diversity in their focus. Applicants can choose an educational institution for every taste, having a chance to go on a budget. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Second higher free education. Second degree

The second higher free education is the dream of any person striving for self-improvement. And to implement it, though difficult, but possible. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to find the matrix determinant?

The determinant of a matrix is an important mathematical quantity. Calculating the determinant of a matrix will not be difficult if you understand and remember a few basic techniques used for this purpose. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vilnius University: faculties, admission conditions

Vilnius University has long been recognized as one of the best universities in the world. It is very difficult to enter here, but for the daredevils who are not afraid of difficulties, this article will reveal the details of each stage of admission. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

External energy levels: structural features and their role in interactions between atoms

What happens to the atoms of elements during chemical reactions? What are the properties of the elements? One answer can be given to both of these questions: the reason lies in the structure of the external energy level of the atom. In our article, we will consider the electronic structure of atoms of metals and non-metals and find out the relationship between the structure of the external level and the properties of elements. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the efficiency of a diesel engine? Diesel and petrol engine

Which engine can be considered the most efficient? What characteristics distinguish a gasoline engine from a diesel engine? Let's find answers to these questions together. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ideal gas. Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation. Formulas and sample problem

Of the four aggregate states of matter, gas is perhaps the simplest in terms of its physical description. In the article, we consider the approximations that are used for the mathematical description of real gases, and also give the so-called Clapeyron equation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to grow crystals at home: three options

Can you create something unique with your own hands? Not? Then you definitely need to learn how to grow crystals at home. This magical art strikes with incomprehensible beauty. Everything is quite simple. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Spinal reflexes: types and their characteristics

The study of the reflex activity of the nervous system is an important part of the patient's neurological examination, which allows you to establish the localization of damage, which contributes to timely diagnosis. A detailed description of spinal reflexes, as well as methods for their determination, are presented in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Subcortical nuclei of the brain - what is it?

To fully live and improve a person is given the opportunity by such abilities as movement and thinking. Minor disturbances in the brain structures can lead to cardinal changes or a complete loss of these capabilities. Responsible for these important life processes are groups of nerve cells in the brain, which are called "basal nuclei". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

USE: what exams you need to take for a lawyer

What exams do you need to take for a lawyer at the Unified State Examination? This and many other questions regarding admission to universities will be answered in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Functions, composition and structure of the biosphere

All living beings of planet Earth come into close contact with each other and with the environment, thereby forming ecosystems. These communities of interacting organisms are not isolated from each other. They are interconnected by various relationships, primarily food. The totality of ecosystems forms a single planetary ecosystem, which is called the biosphere. This article will consider the structure of the biosphere, its composition and main functions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Boston University in the USA: faculties and interesting facts

Boston University (USA) is a private research institution located in one of the largest student centers in the country - the city of Boston (next to which Harvard is also located). What is known about this educational institution and what is needed for admission to a university? We will talk about this further. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01