
How is the Gregorian calendar different from the Julian. Julian calendar in Russia

For all of us, the calendar is a familiar and even ordinary thing. This ancient invention of man fixes the days, numbers, months, seasons, the frequency of natural phenomena, which are based on the system of movement of celestial bodies: the Moon, the Sun, the stars. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pavel the First, poor Pavel

In 1754, Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna had an heir. In 1796, he became king and received the title Paul 1. His reign was short, and his death was painful and unfair. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Order of Glory: the history of a soldier's award

This "soldier" order was established in one of the most glorious periods of the Great Patriotic War and became the most popular among the rank and file and junior officers. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are archons? History of the Byzantine Empire

What are archons? Where did this word come from? How is the history of Byzantium connected with it? Now this word is used in a meaning that only remotely resembles the one that was originally assigned to it. Moreover, due to the spread in mass culture and consciousness, the concept of "archon" has completely lost part of its semantic meaning. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Viking hairstyles for men and women (photo)

Viking hairstyles are another layer of culture, using which you can get additional information about the life of the Scandinavians, their customs and features of life. Hairstyles have always reflected social processes and changes in society. This means that the way of life of the warriors inevitably left an imprint on the way they styled and braided their hair. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Scientist Boyle Robert: biography, scientific activity

Boyle Robert is a scientist many centuries ahead of his time. He was not only a physicist, but also studied chemistry and even theology. In the article, we will consider how he managed to combine all these seemingly incompatible activities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ancient Macedonia - the empire of two kings

On the edge of Greece was impoverished Macedonia, which in a few years became a powerful empire and a center of culture. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of the Polish Army

We all know what the Polish Army is. History lessons were hardly in vain. However, much is forgotten. In the article we will recall the history of the Polish Army in order to better have information and understand the course of some historical events. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Philip II of Macedon: Battle of Chaeronea

The Battle of Chaeronea took place almost two and a half thousand years ago. However, her memory has survived to this day. Moreover, some points still cause controversy between historians and archaeologists. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Princess Ksenia Godunova: a brief biography and creativity

The life of Princess Xenia Borisovna Godunova quite accurately reflects the essence of the Time of Troubles. Her fate is very similar to a fairy tale, which, unfortunately, did not have a happy ending … Only at the very beginning there was hope for a handsome prince, but she also failed. Only at the end of her life, Ksenia was able to hope for happiness, but she did not wait for that either. About a life full of tragic events, the article will tell. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Bulgarian kingdom: history of origin

The article tells about three periods in the history of the Bulgarian kingdom, formed in the 7th century on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula. A brief outline of the history of its development and the main events associated with it is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Georges Dantes: biography

The name of Georges Dantes forever entered the history of Russian literature. Everyone knows the characteristics of this man, which Lermontov gave in his famous work "The Death of a Poet". However, if everyone knows about his life before the duel with Pushkin and his sudden departure from Russia, then his further fate is a mystery to many. Meanwhile, Dantes made an excellent political career in France and died at the age of 84. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Abram Gannibal - African great-grandfather of the Russian poet

The great-grandfather of the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, Abram Gannibal, lived a long and eventful life. The son of a noble African prince, he was kidnapped at an early age by the Turks and taken to Constantinople. At the age of seven, the boy came to Moscow and became Peter I's favorite black child. Subsequently, he managed to get an excellent education and make a brilliant military career, rising to the rank of general-in-chief. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Maya Chiburdanidze: biography of a child prodigy

The brilliant abilities that Maya Chiburdanidze had allowed her to become an international grandmaster at the age of 13. And at the age of 17 she became the world champion and held this record for 30 years. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Emperor Maximilian of the Holy Roman Empire: biography, historical facts

The article tells about two emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, who bore the name Maximilian and descended from the Habsburg family, as well as their namesake and distant relative, who by chance became the last monarch of Mexico. A brief overview of the main stages in the life of these historical characters is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Daughter of Hermann Goering Goering Edda

Goering Edda is the goddaughter of Hitler himself, the daughter of Hermann Goering, one of the most famous leaders of Nazi Germany. What this woman remembers about her father, and how her fate developed after his death, read in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How and where Chapaev Vasily Ivanovich died: history and interesting facts

Where did Chapaev die and how did it happen? Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is a legendary figure during the Civil War. The life of this man, starting from a young age, is full of mysteries and secrets. Let's try to solve them, based on some historical facts. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Incunabula - what is it?

Incunabula are the first printed books produced before the end of the fifteenth century. They represent both historical and substantive value, being in themselves a work of art and containing useful knowledge about the Middle Ages. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Boyarina Marfa Boretskaya: interesting facts

Aristocrat Martha Boretskaya became the last posadnik of Novgorod. She led the struggle of the townspeople against the Moscow prince Ivan III, who nevertheless subjugated the ancient republic and made it part of the unified Russian state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Satyrs and nymphs - deities of nature

The Hellenes - tireless travelers, adventurers, sea robbers and merchants - had an inexhaustible imagination. They populated the low, two and a half kilometers, Mount Olympus with immortal and beautiful outwardly, but essentially insidious gods, who always rejoiced if people had trouble. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

God of light and sun in ancient Egypt and Hellas

The ancient civilization of Egypt did not develop such a coherent concept of the division of the power of the gods, which later appeared in Hellas. The god of light and the sun in Egypt is Ra (the supreme deity), Atum (an earlier deity) and Horus. In Hellas, Helios and Phoebus were attributed to the solar gods, who entered the European consciousness through Roman mythology under the name of Apollo. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR: the development of sports in the twentieth century

How were the Spartakiads in the USSR? This article will cover many aspects of these landmark sporting events of the twentieth century. It was the Spartakiads that gave rise to the formation of the USSR in the sports world. Many world champions are first and foremost winners and record holders of their country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Tobacco smoking: history and consequences

The history of smoking has very deep roots. Archaeological excavations carried out in places where signs of the existence of ancient civilizations were found found evidence of smoking. Perhaps not tobacco, but other plants. But the process was based on the inhalation of smoke from the burning of dried herbs or leaves. Images of smoking pipes were found in Indian temples, in Egyptian burials, inhalation of the smoke of burned plants is described in ancient Chinese literature. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Legends and myths about the creation of the world. The most interesting myths about the creation of the world

The history of the creation of the world has excited people since ancient times. Representatives of different countries and peoples have repeatedly thought about how the world in which they live appeared. Ideas about this have been formed over the centuries, growing from thoughts and conjectures into myths about the creation of the world. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Queen Irina Godunova: biography, interesting facts

Russian Empress Irina Godunova, who ruled the country for a little over a month, made an invaluable contribution to the development of the state. Being an influential politician and a prominent public figure, she actually ruled Russia together with her crowned husband. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Temnik is changing the meaning of a word

What is a temnik: from a warlord of a thousand years ago to the papers of our days. History of changes in the meaning of the word. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Who is the prototype of Ilya Muromets?

The prototype of Ilya Muromets is the monk Ilya, whose remains are buried in the Lavra. Is this monk really the same epic hero?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the Streltsy order?

What is the archery order? Education and functions of the department. Reformation, control and abolition of the Streltsy order. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hungarian uprising of 1956: causes, results

The topic of the article is the events that took place in Hungary in the autumn of 1956 and were called the Hungarian uprising. A brief overview of the political and economic situation prevailing in the country at that time is also given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad. Defense of Pavlov's House

Pavlov's House in Stalingrad is a historical site. It must be visited by all caring people who honor the memory of their native dead people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gustav Lebon: biography

Gustav Lebon, whose books are still of great interest to psychologists, sociologists, historians, etc., is considered the creator of social psychology. It was he who was able to describe as accurately as possible the psychology of the crowd and the reasons for the blind subordination of the masses to dictators. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Famous gods of Olympus

In Greek mythology, we are faced with the fact that the gods of Olympus do not correspond to our natural understanding of the divine. Nothing human is alien to them. They do not teach or instruct anyone, because they themselves lack firm moral principles. They often make mistakes. The list of the gods of Olympus is quite long, but we will try to remember each of them in our story. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What did Russia look like in 1600?

In the 17th century, Russia was still the so-called tsarist Russia, and the events taking place at that time surprise today's historians and those who learn the history of their country and stumble upon this period. This article contains all the significant and interesting events that have taken place over the course of a whole century, starting from the very first day of 1600 in the 17th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ancient Greek goddesses are the beautiful half of Olympus

At all times, people have sought to explain the cause of various natural phenomena. They were frightened by powerful peals of thunder and the terrible consequences of lightning strikes, they were in awe of a raging storm on the sea or a volcano erupting with deadly lava. The manifestations of the elements were often attributed to the activity of certain higher beings. In this regard, mythological stories about powerful deities appeared. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The nine muses of ancient Greece: what talents did they inspire the creators with?

The work of any great musician or artist cannot be imagined without the presence of a muse that inspires him. So, Raphael created his immortal works when Fornarina was next to him, Michelangelo admired Vittoria Colonna, and Sandro Botticelli immortalized the beauty of Simonetta Vespucci. Today we offer to talk about the muses of ancient Greece. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Girdle of Venus: description, meaning

The belt of Venus on the hand looks like an unfinished ring. It starts between the index and middle fingers. ends in the area of u200bu200bthe little finger and ring finger. The Belt of Venus always runs from the Mount of Jupiter to the Mount of Mercury along their bases. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Feudal society. Estates of feudal society

Feudal society was based on a certain way of doing business. The direct producer had his own farm. However, at the same time, he remained dependent as a slave. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Slavic writing: theories of origin

In modern Russia, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is timed to coincide with the day of honoring the memory of church saints - Cyril and Methodius. Traditional historiography closely links the first native letter of medieval Russians with the names of these brothers. According to the accustomed historical version, Slavic writing was brought here by Christian preachers in the second half of the 9th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Bourgeois revolution in England: date, causes, consequences

The Bourgeois Revolution in England led to a brief abandonment of the monarchy, as well as to the end of feudalism and the beginning of capitalism. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The most important historical events of Russia in the primary school program

The article is devoted to the study of the most important historical events in Russia in the elementary grades. The overview lists the main facts that should be covered in history lessons. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01