Science 2025, January

How the constellation Pegasus appeared and where to look for it

In the northern hemisphere of the night sky, 166 stars can be seen with the naked eye, which organize the constellation Pegasus. Next to him are Aquarius, Dolphin, Andromeda, Chanterelles, Pisces, Lizard, Small Horse and Swan. The area occupied by this cluster of stars is 1120 square degrees. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Dissimilation in biology is an example of catabolism in food chains

In biological systems, the balance is maintained due to the existence of food chains. Each organism takes its place in them, receiving organic molecules for its growth and reproduction. At the same time, the process of splitting complex substances into elementary ones that can be assimilated by any cell is called dissimilation. In biology, this is the basis for the existence of living organisms, along with assimilation. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Implementation of the urinary function in the kidneys. Blood filtration takes place in the glomerulus

The body is an amazing collection of organs and tissues that work together to maintain human life. And the main process that supports life is metabolism. As a result of the breakdown of substances, the energy necessary for the flow of basic biological processes is synthesized. However, along with energy, potentially harmful metabolic products are also formed. They must be removed from the cell, interstitial fluid and blood by the kidneys. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Why a cell was called a cell: causes and other topical issues of cytology

A cell in biology is a living structure enclosed in a membrane and containing organelles. This is the elementary unit of all living things, combined from organic and inorganic molecules. All organisms except viruses are made up of cells. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Dietary proteins that enter the human blood are what: antigens, antibodies, enzymes?

Protein molecules have a complex structure and consist of amino acids. The latter are the material for the assembly of proteins, which is why any living organism needs their constant replenishment. The main source of amino acids is any dietary protein that must enter the digestive system of the body and break down into elemental components. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is transcription in biology, its importance in the life of organisms

Biologists call the term "transcription" a special stage of the implementation of hereditary information, the essence of which comes down to reading a gene and building a complementary RNA molecule to it. It is an enzymatic process that involves the work of many enzymes and biological mediators. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is the name of the internal environment of the cell: the concept of cytoplasm, hyaloplasm, cytosol

The structure of the cell remains common to many organisms. This is a cell membrane, cytoplasm with a transport network and organelles. Eukaryotic cells also have a nucleus, while fungi, bacteria, and plants also have a cell wall. It separates the cell from the external environment, while the internal one, where biosynthetic and metabolic processes take place, is protected from adverse conditions. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Plasmolysis is an osmotic phenomenon in the cytoplasm of a cell. Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis

Plasmolysis is an osmotic process in the cells of plants, fungi and bacteria, associated with their dehydration and retreat of the liquid cytoplasm from the inner surface of the cell membrane with the formation of cavities. This is possible due to the presence of a cell wall, which provides a rigid outer framework. Deplasmolysis is the reverse process. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

White planaria: type of worms, structure, lifestyle

White planaria is among the representatives of the animal world with an amazing ability to regenerate. This seemingly primitive flatworm is actually very interesting: if you divide the body into several parts, each of them will be restored to an independent individual, ready for reproduction. We offer you to get acquainted with other interesting facts, as well as find out the structural features of this animal. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Russian genetics: modern research

What is the genetics of modern Russians? Questions about this do not leave the minds of scientists around the world. It is customary to consider Russian Slavs, therefore, first of all, we will consider the genetic characteristics of the Slavs. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The population of Belarus, its national composition and size

The population of Belarus today, according to the statistical committee, is almost nine and a half million people. Among the CIS countries, this is the fifth place after the Russian Federation, Ukraine, as well as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Tinctorial properties - the basis of microscopy of bacteria

The variety of bacterial infections requires a clear identification of the pathogen and the definition of its species. To determine the type of microorganism, microbiologists are helped by its tinctorial properties - the susceptibility of the microbe to staining with various dyes. This method allows you to explore the morphology of the pathogen. The tinctorial properties of bacteria are of great importance for practical and theoretical research in the field of microbiology. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Uranus is the coldest planet. Characteristics and features of the planet

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system, although not the most distant from the Sun. This giant planet was discovered in the XVIII century. Who discovered it, what are the satellites of Uranus? What is special about this planet?. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The structure of the hand and wrist. Anatomical structure of the hand

On closer examination, the structure of the hand, like any other department of our musculoskeletal system, is quite complex. It is made up of three main structures: bones, muscles, and ligaments that hold the bones together. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Single-membrane organelles: their types and functions

Each cell of a living organism has a complex structure and contains the appropriate structural elements that are responsible for its normal functioning. This article describes the structure of single-membrane organelles, as well as their main functions. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What are vacuoles: types and features of structures

Cells of plants and animals contain a number of structures that ensure their vital functions. One of them is vacuoles. Between themselves, they have a number of significant features. From our article you will learn what vacuoles are and why living organisms need them. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Structure and functions of lysosomes

In the work proposed to you, we propose to consider the functions of lysosomes, their purpose. Among some of the destinations, we will highlight the more significant ones and write about them in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Types of bones: shape, size, nature of joints

The skeleton, which is the axial organ of the musculoskeletal system, contains different types of bones. They differ in form, structure and function. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The structure of polymers: composition, basic properties, features

Polymers are high-molecular compounds, which are characterized by molecular weight from several thousand to many millions. Polymer molecules, called macromolecules, are made up of a large number of repeating units. Due to the large molecular weight of macromolecules, polymers acquire specific properties and are distinguished into a special group of compounds. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is the density of graphite? Graphite: properties, density

Graphite is a mineral, a stable crystalline modification of carbon. It retains its original properties under standard conditions. The material is refractory, sufficiently dense and has high electrical conductivity. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is X-ray diffraction?

This article contains a description of such a thing as X-ray diffraction. The physical basis of this phenomenon and its application are explained here. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Gene drift: the main patterns of this process

The article describes the essence of genetic drift and its importance for ensuring hereditary diversity in a population. The main regularities of this process and its connection with migration and natural selection are indicated. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The second law of thermodynamics: definition, meaning, history

Classical thermodynamics is based on several postulates (beginnings) that were consistently introduced throughout the 19th century. That is, these provisions are not provable within its framework, they were formulated as a result of generalization of empirical data. The meaning of the second law of thermodynamics is to determine the direction in which processes proceed in macroscopic systems. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Yaroslav Kuzminov: biography, personal life, career, interesting facts, photos

The Higher School of Economics is a prestigious university, where a huge number of applicants from all over Russia aspire to get into. Its founder, who managed to implement an entirely new type of economic university, was Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, candidate of economic sciences and well-known public figure. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Theories of the origin of the Universe. How many theories are there about the origin of the universe? The Big Bang Theory: Origin of the Universe. Religious theory of the origin of

The greatness and diversity of the surrounding world can amaze any imagination. All objects and objects surrounding a person, other people, various types of plants and animals, particles that can only be seen with a microscope, as well as incomprehensible star clusters: they are all united by the concept of "Universe". Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Meteorite Goba (Hoba) - the largest in the world

How was the largest meteorite on the planet discovered? Weight, dimensions and composition of the Goba meteorite. Riddles of Goba: where is the crater and the uniqueness of the form. Foundation of the tourist center. Meteorite - double record holder. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Ultraviolet catastrophe: definition, essence and interpretation

Today we will talk about the essence of such a concept as "ultraviolet catastrophe": why this paradox appeared and are there ways to resolve it. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Planck's Hypothesis: the beginning of the quantum world

This article explains what Planck's hypothesis is, who created it, and how important it has become for the development of modern science. The significance of the idea of quantization for the entire microworld is also shown. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Opium is a dangerous drug

Opium or opium is a drug that is obtained from milky juice. And he, in turn, is extracted from the boxes of sleeping pills (Papaver somniferum), not quite mature. Opium is a substance containing many alkaloids. Among them, only a part of them has a narcotic effect on the human body and animals - the phenanthrene group. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Mysterious planet: little-known facts from biology, history, psychology and medicine

Little-known facts from different fields of science open up new knowledge for a person and expand his horizons. Interesting historical facts that few people know about. Scientific research about the features of human psychology. Little-known facts from the world of medicine. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What substances are called pure: definition and examples

If you don't remember what substances are called pure from the natural history course, our article is for you. We will recall the definition of this concept, as well as examples that we encounter in everyday life. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The ideal gas equation of state (Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation). Derivation of the ideal gas equation

Gas is one of the four aggregate states of matter around us. Humanity began to study this state of matter using a scientific approach, starting from the 17th century. In the article below, we will study what an ideal gas is, and which equation describes its behavior under various external conditions. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Collenchyma is Characteristics and functions. Differences from sclerenchyma

Small plants (especially aquatic ones) need a thin cellulose membrane surrounding the cells to maintain the strength and shape of the body. Large land plants require a more advanced support system, represented by two types of mechanical structures: collenchyma and sclerenchyma. Otherwise, these fabrics are called supporting or reinforcing. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Archaeology - what is it? Forbidden, forbidden archeology. archeology news

Archaeology is a discipline of history that studies the historical past of man on the basis of material evidence found. These include works of art, tools of production and material goods of mankind. Unlike written sources, such sources do not directly tell about the events that took place. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

The most powerful bomb in the world. Which bomb is stronger: vacuum or thermonuclear?

"I'll show you Kuzka's mother!" Familiar expression? Did you know that this was the name of the most powerful bomb in the world?. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is the solar system. Exploration of the solar system. New planets in the solar system

What is the solar system? This is our common home. What does it consist of? How and when was it formed? It is important for everyone to know more about the corner of the Galaxy in which we live. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

What is applied physics and why is it needed?

Among the many scientific disciplines, physics is one of the most interesting. Thanks to it, many processes are comprehended, technologies are improved and discoveries are made. In the article we will consider what is the science of physics and its applied part. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Ethnic identity is Concept, formation and characteristics

Ethnic identity is the foundation of any he althy society. Despite the social foundations of race and ethnicity, sociologists recognize that they are extremely important. Race and nationality form the social stratification that underlies individual and group identities, determine patterns of social conflict and the life priorities of entire nations. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Divergence - what is it in biology? Divergence Examples

Genetic divergence is a biological process in which two or more populations of an ancestral species independently accumulate genetic changes (mutations) to produce survivable offspring. In some cases, subpopulations living in ecologically distinct peripheral environments may exhibit genetic differences from the rest of the population, especially where there is a high diversity of species. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01

Reductive amination is an important part of organic chemistry

What is the correct way to get reduced amines? Here is a more versatile method for making amines that does not result in excessive alkylation. This method is quite simple and transparent even for beginners in chemistry. Just a few simple reactions. However, you will need some reagents that are hard to find commercially. Last modified: 2025-01-05 10:01