Fawning is what it is: interpretation

Fawning is what it is: interpretation
Fawning is what it is: interpretation

Among all benefactors, sincerity is considered one of the priceless qualities. Not every person has it. People prefer to wear masks, speak good things about bad things, and talk about people they know behind their backs. That is, they are accustomed to curry favor. But what does this word mean? Is it so bad to fawn? The article presents the interpretation of the verb "to curry favor", as well as its synonyms.

fake smile
fake smile

Interpretation of the word

In order to find out the lexical meaning of a particular word, it is better to resort to the help of an explanatory dictionary. It contains all language units and their meaning.

"Fawn" is a verb. It refers to an imperfect form, answers the question "what to do?" Its interpretation is presented in Ushakov's dictionary: try to find someone's disposition in order to obtain a certain benefit. Most often, this word describes the actions of sycophants who are trying with all their might to curry favor with the authorities, officials.

For example, an ingratiating person can continuously praise his benefactor, look tenderly into the eyes. And then gossip and sling mud behind your back.

Sneak flatters
Sneak flatters

Synonym selection

Sometimes the verb "to curry favor" occurs several times in the text. In this case, it is better to use words that are close in meaning. This is necessary in order not to bore the reader with repetitions. You can find such a synonym for "crouch".

  1. Lakey. Stop pandering to your superiors, it's disgusting to look at you.
  2. Fawn. A person who is accustomed to fawning in front of everyone completely loses his self-esteem.
  3. Kowtow. Vasya loves to worship so much, like a real sycophant.
  4. Crawl. You should not grovel, but boldly demand what you need.
Sneak andts
Sneak andts

"Fawn" is a word with a negative connotation. It is often used in colloquial speech, as well as in works of fiction.
