Clarity is what it is: interpretation

Clarity is what it is: interpretation
Clarity is what it is: interpretation

What is clairvoyance? Agree, it would be good to become a clairvoyant at least for one day. You can have a glimpse into your future. Lay the straws in advance in case of an unexpected fall, as the saying advises. But this gift is not available to everyone. For some, he sleeps soundly. This article will focus on a word that is incomprehensible to many.


Where did the word "sagacity" come from in Russian speech? Is it a borrowed or native Russian language unit? The answer to this question can be found in the etymological dictionary, as well as with the help of numerous electronic resources.

First, it's worth noting that "clairvoyance" is a noun. It belongs to the feminine gender. This is a native Russian word. It was formed from the noun "prozor". It, in turn, came from the verb "to foresee", "to see".

future prediction
future prediction


When the etymology of the noun "sagacity" is clear, you can proceed to its interpretation. After all, it is important to know what meaning this or that language unit carries. Unable to usewords on a whim, without knowing their true meaning.

"Clarity" is a word that is not often used in modern speech. Not surprisingly, its meaning remains a mystery to many. To improve your vocabulary and find out what a noun means, it is recommended to use an explanatory dictionary.

So, clairvoyance is the ability to foresee the future. This word is found in church texts. It is worth noting that he has a positive color. The ability to foretell the future in this case has nothing to do with witchcraft and magical rituals, which are strongly condemned by the church.

Clarity how to understand
Clarity how to understand

This may be an ability that a person has developed in himself. That is, not some magical visions, but a very real training of the mind. Part of it is the ability to think ahead, to guess what might happen in the near future.

Here are some examples of the noun being studied:

  1. Clarity is a valuable quality! It is important to develop it in every possible way.
  2. Your phenomenal clairvoyance is amazing, you seem superhuman.
  3. Clarity should not be used for personal gain.

Word accent

When the interpretation of the noun "sagacity" is clear, you should also pronounce it correctly. The fact is that speaking is just as important as writing. You need to pronounce the words correctly so that the listeners can understand what is being said.

In any etymologicalIn the dictionary, you can find the correct stress for any word. "Clarity". This word has four syllables. It is easy to count them: how many vowels - so many syllables. This noun has three "o" vowels and one "i" vowel.

It is important to note where the emphasis falls. In this word, the third syllable is stressed, that is, the vowel "and" should be emphasized with the voice. There are no other options.

Synonym for clairvoyance
Synonym for clairvoyance

Synonym selection

Sometimes speech units occur several times in the text. Thus, the text seems overloaded, it is extremely difficult to perceive it. To dilute it a little, it is recommended to use a synonym. "Clarity" has several words with similar dictionary meanings. Here are some options.

  1. Foresight. Foresight helped me avoid mistakes.
  2. Ingenuity. Thanks to natural ingenuity, this man will never be without a piece of bread.
  3. Insight. Thanks to my mom's insight, I didn't end up in bad company.
  4. Ingenuity. Sometimes intelligence is valued more than intelligence.

Now it's clear what the noun "clairvoyance" means. It is the ability to foresee the future. The stress in the word should fall on the vowel "and". If necessary, you can use synonyms.
