
Maria Fomina - an actress with a great future

At 24, she has already realized herself in several professional roles at once. Many people know that the young and talented Maria Fomina (actress) not only knows how to play a role in a movie or theater “on a high note”. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Prince of Kyiv and Smolensk Rostislav Mstislavich

This prudent and far-sighted prince from the ruling Rurik dynasty left a major mark on the history of Russia. He managed to turn an ordinary specific principality into a prosperous and prosperous region, which began to enjoy broad autonomous rights. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Bogdan Kobulov: photo, nationality, biography

This man, being a protégé of Lavrenty Beria himself, was a bloody executioner in the system of the totalitarian government machine that destroyed and repressed millions of Soviet citizens. Bogdan Kobulov was a Chekist, as they say, to the very marrow of his bones. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze: brief biography and photo

Representatives of the younger generation of the modern era, including schoolchildren and students, hardly remember that in the years of the birth of Soviet power, this man was a major and authoritative figure on the political Olympus. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General Ruzsky Nikolai Vladimirovich: biography and death

According to a huge number of historiographers, it was this man who played a decisive role in the overthrow of the autocracy in Russia. General Ruzsky, being a convinced monarchist, was one of the first to offer Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kober Alexander Pavlovich, pioneer hero: biography, feat, memory

Until June 1941, these were the most ordinary boys who strictly observed the laws of the pioneers. Studying, helping adults, playing and communicating with peers - that was the basis of their life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kasimov Khanate: history, territory, rule

This state formation, which arose in the 15th century and lasted more than two hundred years, is still the object of heated discussions, in which authoritative historians act as participants. The Kasimov Khanate is a truly unique phenomenon of the past. When did it come about? What status did it have? What role was assigned to him in Russian history? Why did the kingdom of "Genghisids" collapse?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Russian Empire, 1900: events

The year 1900 was coming, there was a heavy burden on his shoulders - he became the last in the nineteenth century, which had almost outlived its usefulness, without solving the most burning problems - neither present nor future. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ancient civilizations of America (Inca, Maya, Aztecs): history, culture, achievements, religion

In the 15th century, Europeans discovered America. They named the continent the New World. But although the Europeans really saw this land for the first time, it was new only for them. In fact, this continent has had a long and exciting history. The ancient civilizations of America, who inhabited the continent without communication with the outside world, led a settled way of life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Dmitry Ioannovich, son of Ivan the Terrible: date of birth, short biography, cause of death and canonization

15 (25) May 1591 in the city of Uglich, while playing with peers, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, 8-year-old Dmitry Ioannovich, dies. With his death, the Rurik dynasty ends. In Russia, a period is coming, which historians will call the Time of Troubles. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Japanese kamikaze: origin, historical facts, photos

Sakura blooms quickly. Her fleeting beauty is symbolic for the Japanese. Cherry blossoms are like the bright and brief life of a samurai. Just like flower petals flying around before they wither, Japanese kamikazes passed away in the prime of life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The longest sieges of fortresses

The colossal walls of the historic mega-fortresses stand as they did thousands of years ago when they were built. Billions of tons of stone and clay all over the planet proudly remind of the mysterious past, of the past full of surprises, of the famous sieges of fortresses. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Albazinsky prison: the history of foundation

Albazino is a small village in the Amur Region on the Russian-Chinese border. This is the land of our ancestors, richly saturated with the blood of the defenders of the prison - the first fortified settlement of Russians in the second half of the 17th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Svan towers: what are they and why were they built?

Life has never been calm in the Caucasus. Throughout the history of the Caucasus, there were a lot of people who wanted to subjugate it. However, no one has succeeded. This is explained primarily by the fact that the conquerors every time faced fearless local residents who were ready to fight for their lands to the last drop of blood. It was for this purpose - to protect their homes from invaders - that the famous Svan towers, a kind of symbol of Svaneti, were built. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Tmutarakan stone: history, description, photo

Cities covered with mysteries, myths and legends have always attracted historians. So, Heinrich Schliemann, relying only on Homer's Iliad, was able to find Troy. And Arthur Evans in Crete was lucky to find the legendary Knossos. Russian historians have long been interested in the search for the legendary and mysterious Tmutarakan. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Project 7 destroyers: creation history, design features, famous battles

In the early 30s of the last century, the navy of the Soviet Union was rather poorly equipped. It consisted of only 17 Novikovs, as the destroyers existing at that time were called. At the time of their creation, they could be considered the best in the world, but by the 1930s they could no longer be compared with those destroyers that were in service with the leading powers of the world. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Submarine "Som": interesting facts of history

Diesel-electric submarines "Som" under project 641b The Soviet Union began to build in 1971 at the shipbuilding plant "Krasnoye Sormovo" in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). "Tango" - such a NATO reporting name was given to this class of large ocean-going submarines. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mysteries of Egypt: why the Sphinx has no nose

The Egyptian Sphinx is one of the largest and most ancient monuments on Earth. The height of this colossus reaches 20 meters, and the length is seventy. This giant statue is located at the great pyramids of Egypt. She is the symbol of this country. However, although the Sphinx is the most famous monument in the world, it is also the most mysterious. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why is Kyiv the mother of Russian cities? Year of foundation of Kyiv. History of Kievan Rus

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, one of its largest cities. Its history goes back at least one thousand two hundred years. According to the chronicle, it was founded by three brothers and a sister. We are talking about Kiya, Shchek, Khoriv, and also Lybid. The article will tell about the early period in the history of Kyiv. Starting from its foundation and until the period of fragmentation of Russia. And the question of who said: "Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities" will also be considered. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hiroshima after the explosion: photos, facts and consequences

This tragedy happened in August 1945. The terrible consequences after the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not known to everyone. This decision will forever remain a bloodstain on the conscience of the Americans who made it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sri Lanka: the history of the country, the capital

The history of Sri Lanka has 47 years, but despite the short period of existence, it is full of dramatic events. The country has been the British Dominion of Ceylon since 1948. Since 1972, a full-fledged state is the Republic of Sri Lanka. Since 1983, a civil war has been going on here, now subsiding, then resuming with renewed vigor. The reasons for it are the legacy of British colonization and the policy of discrimination against the Tamil population. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Italian and Swiss campaigns of Suvorov (1799): causes and results

Suvorov's campaign in Italy, as part of the military operations of the troops of the Second Coalition against the French armies of Napoleon Bonaparte, like many of his battles, was brilliant. Endowed with unlimited powers, which he received from the emperor, Suvorov won a number of brilliant victories in Italy. This dismayed Russia's allies, in particular Austria. They insisted on transferring hostilities to Switzerland. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The life of Prince Vyacheslav Czech

Saint Vyacheslav belonged to a noble family that ruled in the principality of the Czech Republic. His grandmother was the holy martyr Lyudmila. The father is the Czech prince Vratislav, and the mother is Dragomira. They had two more sons - Boleslav and Spytignev and several daughters. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Moscow of the 19th century: photos and historical facts

Today it is hard to imagine that just a couple of centuries ago Moscow was not a capital, but a provincial town. Emperors still held their coronations here, but otherwise the life of local residents was far from the gloss of the capital. Serious hardships also fell to the share of Moscow, which is only worth its occupation by Napoleon's troops and a strong fire. When the Russian troops returned to the city, it was almost completely destroyed. But Moscow has not lost its value. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why the Irish don't like the British: historical reasons

Why don't the Irish like the British? Those who know at least a little the history of these two countries understand that the inhabitants of the Emerald Isle have plenty of reasons to hate their neighbors. It is believed that the cause of mutual intolerance was the conquest of Ireland by England. The whole history of mankind consists of the conquests of some countries by others, but there is no such hostility towards their neighbors in any nation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of gingerbread in Russia

The history of gingerbread in Russia has more than one hundred years. These treats are loved by adults and children. They are different: honey, cinnamon, mint, chocolate and, of course, Tula. The production technology remains the same. Gingerbread is considered a Russian confectionery, part of the country's cultural heritage. Many are wondering: how did this treat come about?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

66 brigade, Jalalabad: history, list of the fallen and photos

The Afghan war, like any other armed conflict, is a terrible and difficult page in the history of our country. The veterans of this war are held in high esteem among modern people no less than the participants in the Second World War. Military operations in Afghanistan are inextricably linked with the history of the 66th brigade in Jalalabad. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of Riga: year of foundation, main dates and events

The history of Riga dates back to 1201, when Bishop A. Buxgevden, who arrived from Bremen, agreed with the elder of the community on the construction of a stone church. The year before, the Pope had signed a document according to which only one place was a permitted trading point at the mouth of the Riga River for merchants from Europe. About the history of Riga, its various periods will be told in the essay. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The conflict in Yemen: causes, main stages, consequences

The conflict in Yemen is not as widely known as military operations in Syria or Iraq. Although it was a full-scale civil war that lasted for several years. At the end of 2018, it became known that a truce had been reached, but then the clashes resumed again. This article will focus on the causes of the conflict, its main stages and the impact of this bloody war on world politics. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The wild field is the territory of the Old Russian state

Soldiers were the first to arrive on the lands of the Wild Field. In order not to pay them a "bread salary", the settlers were obliged to engage in agriculture. This is how the odnodvortsy of the south of Russia appeared - servicemen with one yard, an estate. In the 18th century, as the territories of the Wild Field increased and cities arose, the outposts replaced the cities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

French Resistance: strength and history of the movement

French Resistance - organized opposition to the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany during World War II from 1940 to 1944. It had several organized centers. It included conducting anti-German military activities, spreading propaganda and anti-Hitler information, harboring persecuted communists and fascists, activities outside of France, which included strengthening the alliance with the anti-Hitler coalition. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Il-62 crash near Moscow in 1972 - causes, results of investigation

There are more than one hundred crashes in the history of air travel. Emergencies in the sky are quite rare, but, according to statistics, they are almost always fatal. The smallest mistake in management can lead to death. In most cases, the cause of the tragedy is a technical malfunction or a human factor. One of these was the crash of "IL-62" near Moscow (1972). Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How much did an apartment cost in the USSR: analysis

Apartment prices in the Soviet Union were mostly abstract. Since many citizens lived in the housing allocated by the state. At enterprises and in government structures, huge queues were formed to receive the coveted apartment free of charge. And a person could wait in the wings for about 15-20 years. True, this situation existed before the creation of special cooperatives. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

SU-26 (SAU) - light Soviet self-propelled artillery mount: design description, combat characteristics

The famous self-propelled guns SU-26 played a key role in the initial stage of the war, at the same time becoming the prototype for all subsequent models of the family of self-propelled guns. Appearing on the battlefields almost immediately after the start of the war, the self-propelled gun helped stop the actively advancing enemy troops in many strategically important sectors of the front, turning the outcome of military operations in favor of the Soviet Union. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

1755 Lisbon earthquake

Natural catastrophes are usually forgotten after 30-50 years, but there are tragedies that are remembered after 50-100 years. The Lisbon earthquake of 1755, which occurred almost two and a half centuries ago, is still remembered in Europe. According to a contemporary of this incident, the German writer Goethe, it was "a terrible world event". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Princess Shakhovskaya: biography with photo

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic death of the first woman aeronaut and military pilot - Princess Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva Evgenia Mikhailovna. Who is she? Brave heroine? Desperate adventurer? Her life could be the perfect plot for a thrilling romance. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Y alta-Potsdam system: main features and stages of development

Y alta-Potsdam system of international relations - the post-war world order, which was formed as a result of two major conferences. In fact, they discussed the results of the Second World War. It was assumed that the system of relations would be based on the cooperation of the countries that defeated Germany. An important role was assigned to the United Nations, which was supposed to develop appropriate mechanisms for interaction between countries. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Spread of Marxism in Russia. The first Marxist organizations. Representatives of Russian Marxism

The spread of Marxism in Russia played a big role in the history of our state in the 20th century. It was on this ideology that the Bolshevik Party was founded, which after the October Revolution came to power. How did this movement start in our country? What were the first Marxist organizations and their representatives. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Was there a Tatar-Mongol yoke or not? Historians' opinion

Was there a Tatar-Mongol yoke or not? This is a question that has recently been asked by an increasing number of domestic historians. The first doubts about the existence of this state formation appeared many years ago. Now this topic is discussed quite often. In this article we will try to understand this issue, referring to the opinion of historians. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of the Spanish Order of Calatrava

The Spanish Order of Calatrava is a military Catholic order that existed in the 12th-19th centuries. It was founded by the Cistercians, who branched off in the 11th century. from the Benedictines and in 1157 in Castile was the first of the Catholic on Spanish soil. In 1164 it was approved by Pope Alexander III. In 1838, the order ceased to exist, having been nationalized by the Spanish crown. The history of the Order of Calatrava will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01