Secondary education and schools 2024, September

G.R. Derzhavin, "Felitsa": a summary

In this article you can get acquainted with such a poet of the late XVIII - early XIX century, as Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin. "Felitsa" (a summary will be presented in this material) is one of the key works in the work of this author, and therefore it should be discussed in detail

Russian abacus: history, counting rules. How to count on accounts?

Russian abacus has been faithfully serving people for more than five centuries, helping to perform simple arithmetic operations faster. It is convenient and quick to add income and subtract expenses from them. Techniques that simplify multiplication were not given to everyone and were often replaced by the usual addition, and division was the lot of the “chosen ones” and was performed much faster on paper

Anode and cathode - what is it and how to determine it correctly?

What is called the anode and cathode? How do they differ from each other? How can they be correctly identified and what are the nuances of this process?

Definition and physical cause of the support reaction force. Examples of problem solving

Equilibrium problems in physics are considered in the statics section. One of the important forces that is present in any mechanical system in equilibrium is the reaction force of the support. What it is, and how it can be calculated, these issues are discussed in detail in the article

Example of text: narration, reasoning. How to write a reasoning (text)? How to write a literary text-reasoning

Following simple rules, you can easily write an essay-reasoning, description or narrative. How to write a reasoning text, get a good grade at school, and also gain the necessary experience - read the article

Basic concepts of kinematics and equations

What are the basic concepts of kinematics? What is this science and what does it study? Today we will talk about what kinematics is, what basic concepts of kinematics take place in tasks and what they mean. In addition, let's talk about the quantities that we most often deal with

The law of body motion: definition, formulas

Everyone paid attention to all the variety of types of movement that he encounters in his life. However, any mechanical movement of the body is reduced to one of two types: linear or rotational. Consider in the article the basic laws of motion of bodies

The structure of the abstract. Proper work design

Surely every student or schoolboy at least once, but faced with the need to write an essay, which has always been an integral part of any educational process, as it helps to show their knowledge in writing on a specific topic

Explorer - what is it? What is the resistance of the conductor

In this article we will consider that this is a conductor. Here questions of its definition, features and properties will be touched upon. We will also dwell on the concept of the potential of a conductor. The object under study is an important discovery and achievement of science, which allows a person at the present stage of development to reduce the cost of consuming important and exhaustible resources of the earth

Caller - who is this? Heralds - "progenitors" of modern advertising

Caller - who is this? Why are these people called the "progenitors" of modern advertising? And what is their significance in history?

What is the potential energy of elastic deformations

Let's analyze the features of elastic deformations. Let us determine the value of the potential energy arising in such situations

How to find the product of matrices. Matrix multiplication. Scalar product of matrices. Product of three matrices

Matrices can be used for various calculations. Some of them are multiplication by a number, a vector, another matrix, several matrices. The product is sometimes incorrect. An erroneous result is the result of ignorance of the rules for performing computational actions. Let's see how to do multiplication

How to find out the results of the exam according to your data?

For several years now, in Russia, schoolchildren and other applicants, in order to be enrolled in educational institutions, are required to pass a single exam in those subjects that are considered specialized in a particular university. All applicants, of course, are interested in how to find out the results of the exam. We will tell you about all the possible options

Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is an exclave of Azerbaijan

The article tells the history of the ethno-geographical region in which the Nakhichevan Republic is located. The conflict with Armenia, which has a great influence on the current state of affairs in the republic, is considered separately

Solar energy is The use of solar panels

The article tells about what are the ways of converting solar energy. Pros and cons, environmental impact and prospects for this direction in the energy sector

Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation

When is iron chelate needed? Is it possible to prepare the drug yourself at home? Iron Chelate Recipes

Body mass is a fundamental characteristic of matter. Inertial and gravitational masses. Body weight

Understanding physical terms and knowing the definitions of quantities plays an important role in the study of various laws and for solving problems in physics. One of the fundamental concepts is the concept of body mass. Let us consider in more detail the question: what is the mass of the body?

Characterization of calcium. properties of calcium. Calcium Formula

Characterization of calcium as a simple substance and as an element. The biological role of calcium s alts. Physical and chemical properties of metal

Hydrogen molecule: diameter, formula, structure. What is the mass of a hydrogen molecule?

Hydrogen is a simple substance that has the properties of both metals and gases. It is endowed with a number of physical and chemical properties. It is important and applicable in industrial areas

Chemical formula of coal, the process of its formation and use in industry

Chemical formula of coal and its various modifications. carbonization process. Coal and its application

Sleeve - what is it and what is it used for?

Gilza is a word of German origin that has several meanings in Russian. Several basic meanings of this word are discussed in detail in the article

What is the ignition temperature of wood?

It is difficult to meet such a person who has not encountered wood burning in his life. Many people at least once went hiking, which can not do without making a fire. Some have experience in kindling house and sauna stoves. Most at least once in their lives tried to burn wood with a special device or a magnifying glass. But not many people have wondered at what temperature wood can ignite

Population of Indonesia: demography, settlement and national composition

Indonesia is a state that occupies several thousand islands of different sizes. At the same time, about half of them are inhabited by people. The rest of the territory is uninhabited. In total, this country is inhabited by representatives of more than 150 nationalities

How to determine the moment of friction forces?

When they solve any problems in physics in which there are moving objects, they always talk about friction forces. They are either taken into account or they are neglected, but no one doubts the fact of their presence. In this article, we will consider what the moment of friction forces is, and also give problems for the solution of which we will use the knowledge gained

Support reaction force: definition and formula

Statics is one of the sections of modern physics that studies the conditions for bodies and systems to be in mechanical equilibrium. To solve balance problems, it is important to know what the support reaction force is. This article is devoted to a detailed consideration of this issue

Types of friction forces: comparative characteristics and examples

Classification of different types of friction forces. Experimentally discovered laws of friction. The nature of the friction forces of rest, sliding and rolling. An example of a horizontally sliding body. Motion of a rigid body in a liquid medium. The force of rolling friction and its comparison with the force of sliding friction

Types and examples of friction force

Any movement in nature and technology, which involves the presence of physical contact between solid bodies, is accompanied by friction. In this article, we will give examples of the friction force and show in which cases it plays a useful role, and in which it is undesirable

Friction is one of the most important concepts of dynamics. What do you know about him?

Without the force of friction, people would not be able to move objects, pass them from hand to hand, and just hold them. What is the secret of this phenomenon and how does the force of friction work? Let's find out

Rolling friction force: description, formula

Friction is a physical phenomenon that a person struggles with in order to reduce it in any rotating and sliding parts of mechanisms, without which, however, the movement of any of these mechanisms is impossible. In this article, we will consider from the point of view of physics what is the force of rolling friction

What is temperature? Temperature units are degrees. Steam and gas temperature

What is temperature, what does this physical parameter mean, how is it measured? We will answer these and other questions in the article

How to write an abstract: an example and tips

How to write an abstract? Many people ask this question, because the so-called "summary" ("description" from English) may be needed both for an article, and for a program or for any project. Depending on the details, the annotation may have special requirements. We will consider them

Small and large islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Their description and characteristics

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest body of water in the world. But, despite its full flow, it is very scarce in the presence of small lands in comparison with the Indian or Pacific Oceans. The islands of the Atlantic Ocean are usually divided into northern and southern, the border between which passes, as you might guess, through the equator

Basal ganglia: structure, development, functions

In this article, let's talk about the basal ganglia. What is it and what role does this structure play in human he alth? All questions will be discussed in detail in the article, after which you will understand the importance of absolutely every “detail” in your body and head

The most interesting facts about the countries of the world

Our world is so diverse. It consists of 252 countries! Each of which has its own culture, traditions, language. And every place is interesting in its own way

Beautiful and fragrant: what are flowers?

Flowers are one of nature's most unique and enchanting creations. The flower is the reproductive organ of plants, it is involved in the formation of the fruit or seeds

Composition "What is justice" for schoolchildren

The school curriculum includes tasks in which you need to write an essay "What is justice." Regardless of the age of the students, the understanding of honesty and fair treatment is inherent in everyone. Both young children and high school students can even describe the word "justice" in their own words

Description of a friend - an essay for elementary school students

School is an important stage in the life of every child. It is there that he grows up, learns and develops, becomes a person. But before becoming an adult, the baby learns to perform many tasks, one of these is writing essays

How to learn to count quickly for children?

How to learn how to quickly count in mathematics worries not only many children, but also their parents. Even with preschoolers, special classes are often held to develop the skill of operating with numbers in the mind. This skill will certainly come in handy in middle school, high school, and even adulthood

Fast mental arithmetic: learning methodology

The ability to quickly analyze a situation, calculate development options and create a single image of reality is one of the key skills of highly effective people. Personal development is impossible without intellectual development, which is facilitated by quick counting in the mind. In general, we will talk about the technique of increasing the speed of thinking in the article

The structure and classification of human muscles

Classification of muscles is carried out according to various criteria: position in the human body, shape, direction of fibers, functions, relation to joints, etc