
Stalin's terror and repression. Period, list of victims, causes and consequences

Under the Stalinist terror understand the repression that began in the Soviet Union in the 20s and ended in 1953. During this period, mass arrests took place, and special camps for political prisoners were created. No historian can name the exact number of victims of Stalinist repressions. More than a million people convicted under Article 58. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Volga Germans: history, surnames, lists, photos, traditions, customs, legends, deportation

In the 1760s. a large ethnic group of Germans appeared in the Volga region, who moved to Russia after the publication of the manifesto of Catherine II, in which the empress promised the foreign colonists preferential living conditions and farming. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

First Japanese emperor - Jimmu

In Japan, the emperor is perceived as a symbol of national unity and a figure who is formally the head of state. Although these functions, according to the constitution, are predominantly representative. However, the institution of the emperor for Japan is sacred. This word means "heavenly master." The first emperor, Jimmu, who is in second place in the Shinto pantheon of gods, enjoys special reverence. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Norman conquest of England in 1066

By the middle of the eleventh century, the Duchy of Normandy had reached full bloom. The feudal system contributed to the creation of excellent military detachments, which were supplied to the duke by his vassals, and the heavily armed knightly cavalry of Normandy gained unfading fame. The Norman Conquest of England was a foregone conclusion. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

King James: biography, milestones of government, achievements, legends and historical facts

King James (1566-1625) ruled Scotland from 1567 and then, from 1603, became monarch in England. His fate was characterized in the "Prophecies of Nostradamus" as "life between two blocks" because of the tragic fate of the reign itself and the entire Stuart dynasty. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Liquidation of Hetmanate in Ukraine: history and interesting facts

During the years 1649-1775 in the central and north-eastern regions of Ukraine there was a Cossack military-political association, which went down in history under the names of the Zaporizhian Army, or the Zaporozhian Sich. The Cossacks called themselves the Cossack state, but this was a clear exaggeration, since throughout the history of its existence, the Sich was in varying degrees of dependence on neighboring states: the Commonwe alth, the Russian and Ottoman empires. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

WWII aircraft. Military aircraft of the Second World War

Soviet aviation received its true development precisely during the Second World War, when the issue of aircraft technical equipment was a matter of life and death. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Where was Constantinople? What is the name of Constantinople now?

Legendary city that has changed many names, peoples and empires… The eternal rival of Rome, the cradle of Orthodox Christianity and the capital of an empire that has existed for centuries… You will not find this city on modern maps, nevertheless it lives and develops. The place where Constantinople was located is not so far from us. We will talk about the history of this city and its glorious legends in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Turkey in World War I: history

As a result of the post-war redistribution of the world, the four largest empires ceased to exist: Russian, Ottoman, German and Austro-Hungarian. Turkey occupied vast spaces in the west of Eurasia and northern Africa, but by the beginning of hostilities in Europe, it had lost almost all of these territories. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders

The fall of Constantinople was one of the most important events of the entire European Middle Ages. The capital of the Byzantine Empire was taken by storm by the Western Crusaders. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Activity of zemstvo chiefs

Zemsky chiefs - officials in Russia, elected from the nobility. From 1889 to 1917, they controlled the work of the public administration of the peasants and were their court. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Poseidon's Trident: history and photos of weapons

The article tells about the trident, which became an integral part of the ancient Greek god of the seas Poseidon. A brief outline of the appearance of this weapon and the use of its images in various symbols is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Tuareg tribes - the blue people of the desert

Pride is a great sin in Christianity. But the Tuareg do not know this postulate, as well as humility and humility. This people has known neither borders nor prohibitions for 2,000 years. The Tuareg tribes, like many centuries ago, roam the desert. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lizzy Borden: biography, family, interesting facts from life, photos

This article will tell the story of Lizzy Borden, who was accused of murdering her stepmother and father, but was acquitted. Her biography will be told, as well as the events of that fateful day that made her name truly a household name. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The bloodiest war: causes, political games, dates, historical facts and consequences

The destruction and casu alties caused by World War II were very great and almost unparalleled. They are simply impossible to calculate even approximately. In this hellish war, human losses approached 60 million people. In World War I, five times fewer people died, and property damage was estimated 12 times less. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Khitrovskaya Square in Moscow is the most dangerous place

Destruction always becomes the mother of creation. Khitrovskaya Square in Moscow became such an example. People lived peacefully at this place until the tragedy happened. The renewed and rebuilt territory was supposed to become a kind of shopping center, but turned into a abode of social bottom. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of the tram. Horse trams. The first electric tram. Speed train

We are all well aware of the tram as one of the types of urban transport. Its history goes back almost two centuries. Having appeared in 1828, trams gradually gained popularity in the world, and are still an integral part of the transport network of many cities. For many years of its existence, this type of transport has constantly changed and improved. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Causes of the Great Depression in the USA

The Great Depression, which lasted about ten years, shocked the whole world, especially affecting the financial affairs of the great powers. What are the causes of the Great Depression in the USA? What happened in those terrible distant years? And how did the United States of America manage to get out of this situation?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st President of the United States: biography, personal life, political career

Future US President Herbert Hoover was born on August 10, 1874 in West Branch. His parents were Quakers from provincial Iowa with German roots. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Battleship "Sevastopol": history, weapons, commanders

The ship "Sevastopol" is a battleship of the Russian fleet, which was designed at the B altic Shipyard by a number of specialists under the guidance of Professor I. G. Bubnov. The experience gained in the process of its development was taken as the basis for the creation of military vessels for the Black Sea Fleet of the "Empress Maria" type. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Soloviev crossing. Smolensk battle. Memorial Complex

There are five bridges across the Dnieper in the Smolensk region. One is known from the 15th century. It was used by the Lithuanian troops. And later, in the 17th century, he served the Poles. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ice campaign of Kornilov's army. Ice Campaign of the Volunteer Army

The revolutionary events that took place in Russia from February to October 1917 actually destroyed a huge empire and led to the outbreak of the Civil War. Seeing such a difficult situation in the country, the remnants of the tsarist army decided to join their efforts to restore reliable power, in order to carry out military operations not only against the Bolsheviks, but also to defend the Motherland from the encroachments of an external aggressor. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Knightly culture of medieval Europe: concept, development

The article tells about the knightly culture of the Middle Ages, which received an impetus to its development in VIII in connection with the formation of this new, and extremely closed social stratum of society. A brief overview of its most characteristic features is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Emperor Nero: short biography, photo, mother, wife. Emperor Nero's reign

December 15, 37 Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus was born. That was the name of the future emperor Nero when he was born. He was of noble origin and belonged to the Domitian family. Many representatives of this family in former times held significant positions, in particular, they were consuls. Two of them were even censors. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Flag of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

The article tells about the history of the Victory Flag: how it was made, how the building was chosen, where to place it. It is told how the flag was installed on the roof of the Reichstag, and how it was transported to its homeland. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kuntsevo cemetery - a necropolis of the Soviet era

Kuntsevo cemetery sheltered the author of Dunno N.N. Nosov and known to those who remember the seventies, journalist Tatyana Tess. Reporter Dmitry Kholodov, who tragically died in the nineties, is also buried here. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Arab spring: causes and consequences

The concept of "Arab spring" appeared relatively recently. This expression is understood as a set of political changes of a radical nature that took place in a number of countries in North Africa (Maghreb) and the Middle East in the spring of 2011. However, the time frame of events is much wider. In a number of Arab countries, these actions date back to January of this year, and in Tunisia they took place as early as December 2010. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Almost a rhetorical question: why is Peter 1 called the Great?

The exceptional position of Peter the Great among other Russian monarchs is emphasized at least by the fact that even after the October Revolution, his memory was treated quite respectfully. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Revolution is not only banners and barricades

Perhaps the most persistent and widespread association that arises with the word "revolution" is noisy street processions of people dissatisfied with something, angry protests, crowded rallies, over which previously banned flags and slogans are hovering. Revolution is a powerful tectonic shift that shakes society, it is a wave that sweeps away in its path almost everything that personifies the former regime. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The story of how money appeared

What did the first money look like? Where did the first banknotes appear? And why is the ruble called the ruble? Find answers to these and other interesting questions in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Nikon chronicle: lists and composition

Nikon chronicle is the largest historical monument of the 16th century. It is interesting in that it presents the most complete list of events in Russian history that are not found in other handwritten sources. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General Naumov Mikhail Ivanovich: biography, awards and interesting facts

Mikhail Naumov - General of the Great Patriotic War, commander of a partisan detachment of cavalry. An active participant in the opposition to the Nazis on the territory of occupied Ukraine. He was one of the main leaders of the partisan movement. In 1943 he received the title of Hero of the USSR. This article will present a brief biography of General. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Zubatov Sergei Vasilyevich (1864-1917): biography. Head of the Special Section of the Police Department of the Russian Empire

The article is devoted to a brief review of Zubatov's biography. The work indicates the main stages of his service and the significance of the activity. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Count Charles Grey, after whom the tea variety is named

Charles Gray was born March 13, 1764 in England. For four years, from 1830 to 1834, he served as prime minister and managed to achieve significant success. During his reign, the electoral reform was adopted and slavery was abolished. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How did humans appear on Earth? When did the first man appear?

One of the first legends that sounded authentic were the stories that people were created by the Supreme Mind, that is, God. According to other myths that tell how the first man appeared, people descended from certain bisexual creatures - hermaphrodites. These are just a few of the theories. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Russian soldiers of World War I

What do we know about the soldiers of the First World War? It so happened that in Russia this is an unpopular topic, and, to be honest, not well studied. In our minds since the days of the Soviet Union, this is a "shameful" war, an "imperialist massacre." Maybe it is so, but soldiers and officers of the Russian Empire fought on it, who firmly believed that they were defending their homeland, the interests of the people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Liberation of Belarus (1944). The Great Patriotic War

After Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge, the course of the Great Patriotic War was finally broken, the Red Army began to reclaim its land. World War II was drawing to a close. The liberation of Belarus was an important stage on the way to victory. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Inkerman battle: causes, offensive plan and consequences

November 5, 1854, the famous battle of Inkerman took place. Under the leadership of Generals Soimonov and Pavlov, the British army was attacked. The British were in a hopeless situation, only the intervention of the French General Bosquet saved them. The Russian army was forced to retreat due to heavy losses. What is the significance of the Inkerman battle. What Russian army suffered losses. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of Smolensk. Interesting facts about Smolensk

The history of Smolensk is of interest not only to residents and guests of this city. It is marked by many events of national significance. The diamond capital of Russia, the key city, the hero city spread over 7 hills… When they talk about Smolensk, they talk about the history of all of Russia, because it was here that the destinies and paths of our Fatherland often crossed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is fencing and what are its consequences?

Fencing took place in the history of England at the very beginning of the New Age. They led to the impoverishment of the peasantry and the accumulation of big capital by landowners. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01