Colleges and universities

Tailor muscle: its location, functions, innervation

The article describes the sartorius muscle, indicates its location, main functions, features of innervation, as well as complaints and methods of treatment if it is damaged. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education is a higher educational institution. It is located in Leningrad Oblast. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Speci alty "sociology": general humanitarian training plus knowledge about society

Higher education has long been not a privilege, but a norm, a standard - especially in Russian society. It is valued, if only because a person has devoted his time and energy to passing entrance and graduation tests, that his horizons are much broader, that he got the opportunity to learn how to independently create and develop various projects. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Psychology: reviews, entrance exams, passing score, address

Created by the decree of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg University has occupied a special place in the history of Russian psychology since 1724, since it was here that the first lectures on this subject were held in secular educational institutions of Russia. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Group leader: Duties, rights, privileges

A group leader at a university or college is a person who has a slightly larger range of responsibilities than an ordinary student. This is the most responsible and organized student of the entire group, or rather, he should be him, for which he may be given some additional privileges. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Exploration work: stages and stages

Our planet is rich in resources, the beneficial properties of which are invaluable in the life of all mankind. Bloody wars are fought for their possession, they move world trade forward, thanks to all the we alth of the earth's interior, our civilization is now exactly the way we see it. However, the search and extraction of minerals is not an easy task. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Binary numbers: binary number system

All computing technology of our time works on the basis of the binary number system, but this is a very ancient invention. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Algorithm: concept, properties, structure and types

Practically everything in our world is subject to some laws and rules. Modern science does not stand still, thanks to which mankind knows a lot of formulas and algorithms, following which, you can calculate and recreate many actions and structures created by nature, and bring to life the ideas invented by man. In this article, we will analyze the basic concepts of the algorithm. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gravitational forces: the concept and features of applying the formula for their calculation

Gravitational forces are one of the four main types of forces that manifest themselves in all their diversity between various bodies both on Earth and beyond. In addition to them, electromagnetic, weak and nuclear (strong) are also distinguished. Probably, it was their existence that mankind realized in the first place. The force of attraction from the Earth has been known since ancient times. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Chemical experiment - Vesuvius on the table

The article describes a chemical experiment that clearly demonstrates the work of an active volcano. The ingenious painting by K. Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii" was chosen as an illustration. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Evolution of consciousness: from the psyche of animals to human consciousness

How could consciousness develop? This question is difficult to answer. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on what consciousness is. Therefore, any attempt at an answer must be fragmented along several lines of the question. Fortunately, there may be general agreement that it is necessary to distinguish between a number of different concepts of consciousness. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Spiritual Moscow Academy: address, photo, history

The Spiritual Moscow Academy is one of the best universities for people who aspire to the spiritual life. Let's learn more about the old educational institution, its past and present. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Popular Belgorod universities among students

In this paper, we invite you to discuss popular Belgorod universities. Getting a higher education is an obligatory stage in the life of every person who wants to find a decent job and devote his life to his favorite business. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Cheboksary Cooperative Institute: faculties, reviews

In Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, there are more than 20 higher educational institutions. These are universities, institutes, academies, colleges, as well as many branches of Russian universities. Among them, not the last place is occupied by the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is MADI? Leading the Time and Preserving Traditions

In 2000, the Volga branch of MADI was opened in the Chuvash Republic. This article about the history of the branch, its faculties, achievements may be useful for those who are curious to know what MADI is. The necessary information will be found by high school students (and their parents), who are determined with the choice of their future profession and university. Applicants will also be interested in this text. It is not advertising or recommendatory in nature and is for informational and fact-finding purposes only. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Culture and art in Cheboksary. Institute of Culture and Arts

Culture and art always go together in time, culture is a manifestation of art, and art is a reflection of culture. Both processes are not only created by people, but also formed and directed, having previously learned this. For this purpose, special educational institutions are being created. Our information and fact-finding article is devoted to one of them - the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Speech event: definition, characteristics and features

Just as a well-known literary hero learns at the end of his life that he speaks prose, so one who communicates through speech with other people does not always suspect that he is creating or participating in a speech event. So what is this - a speech event? We are looking for an answer in speech pragmatics. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The law of conservation of momentum and angular momentum: an example of solving the problem

When you have to solve problems in physics on the movement of objects, it often turns out to be useful to apply the laws of conservation of momentum. What is an impulse for linear and circular movement of a body, and what is the essence of the law of conservation of this quantity, is discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Decimal logarithm: how to calculate?

The logarithm is any power of a number, so working with formulas based on this indicator is not difficult. The number symbol is denoted - log. It is worth remembering that when calculating the decimal logarithm, you can be guided by two equations that have exactly the same result: "a" to the power of y u003d x and log with the base "a" multiplied by x u003d y. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Monetary policy: goals, methods, tools

The volume of money turnover per minute is almost impossible to calculate within a particular city, what can we say about the scale of the state or the world? The flow of finances unrestrainedly cuts through from mint houses to mattresses of thrifty citizens. How does the state maintain the necessary balance of funds in the country and what tools does it use? Classical monetary policy will be discussed in this article, and we will consider all its main aspects. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

European universities are a high indicator of the quality of education

Studying in Europe gives a great opportunity to get a job in a good company, where your opinion will be listened to and asked for advice, since during the training there will be more than one practice where you can apply theoretical knowledge. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Chernihiv National Technological University (ChNTU): description, faculties

Chernihiv National Technological University is one of the significant higher educational institutions not only in the region, but also throughout Ukraine. Basically, the university provides professional training in speci alties related to engineering and finance. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sumy State University: address, faculties, speci alties

Sumy State University is one of the higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The university has a fairly high position in international rankings. The university is located in Sumy (the city is the main one in the region). Training is conducted in many humanitarian and technical speci alties. The rector of the university is Anatoly Vasilyevich Vasiliev. The University cooperates with foreign and domestic higher educational institutions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Odessa National Maritime University: description, passing score and speci alties

Odessa National Maritime University can definitely be called one of the most important universities in South Palmyra. What faculties are included in the educational institution and what is the cost of studying at a university? Read more about it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Far Eastern State University for the Humanities (FEGGU), Khabarovsk: speci alties, faculties

Far Eastern State University for the Humanities at the beginning of the 21st century was one of the most famous Russian universities with a good reputation not only in the country, but also abroad. This reputable educational institution has been preparing specialists at a high level for decades thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of the teaching staff. What faculties and speci alties are there at FESGU and how to enter Khabarovsk University? Read more about it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Skorina University (Gomel): faculties, education

University them. F. Skorina (Gomel) is traditionally considered one of the most prestigious and respected higher educational institutions in Belarus. This is not only the main educational institution on the territory of the Belarusian Polissya, but also a major scientific center, which has received recognition from many foreign universities. What should you know about this university? When was it discovered and with what kinds of sciences is its name associated?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

National Aviation University in Kyiv (NAU): description, speci alties and reviews

The National Aviation University in Kyiv is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Ukraine. The high performance of the institution is ensured by the level of work of the teaching staff and a large number of famous graduates of the university. What speci alties are there at the university, and how to enter NAU? We will talk about this further. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vinnitsa Medical University: faculties and speci alties

Vinnitsa Medical University. Pirogov is one of the few universities in Ukraine of this profile, which for many decades has occupied leading positions in the rankings of higher educational institutions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The best universities in Rostov-on-Don

Universities of Rostov-on-Don are among the best higher educational institutions in Russia, which is influenced by the high level of professionalism of teachers, the quality of education and the possibility of successful employment of students. In this publication, we present the ranking of the best universities in the city. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Education in Kazakhstan: stages of education

Education in Kazakhstan is a constant educational and training process that contributes to the development of professional and moral qualities of the country's citizens. What are the features of education in the country, what grants and scholarships exist, and how are foreigners trained? We will answer all your questions in this post. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Education in Belarus: colleges, universities. Where to enter after 9th and 11th grades

Education in Belarus is aimed at the special training of professionals whose knowledge will be relevant at the present stage of development of society. What are the features of the education system in the country? Which universities are considered the most promising? We will answer these questions below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

National University "Lviv Polytechnic": description, speci alties and reviews

National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (NU LP) is an educational institution that is not only of high quality in terms of providing knowledge to students, but also time-tested. After all, NULP is one of the oldest and most sought-after technical universities in Ukraine. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

KhNU them. Karazin (Kharkiv National University): address, faculties, reviews

KhNU them. Karazin is one of the earliest classical universities in Eastern Europe. Founded back in 1804, this educational institution is much older than other universities in Ukraine. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, it is only surpassed by similar institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Lvov. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

100 best universities in Russia: rating, training, reviews

Top 100 best universities in Russia is a rating of the most popular and prestigious higher education institutions in the country. According to this list, which is constantly changing taking into account existing trends in domestic education, you can find out how a particular university meets the characteristics that are stated in its description. So, which universities are considered the best in the country, and what criteria are taken into account when compiling the ranking?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: how to get there, faculties

Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich (Germany) is the second largest university in the country. This is an elite educational institution, the prestige of which is known not only in Europe, but also far beyond its borders. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Application of the Voges-Proskauer reaction for microbiological differentiation of enterobacteria

In microbiology, the Voges-Proskauer reaction is often used to differentiate within the Yersinia family of enterobacteria (including the pathogens of pseudotuberculosis and enterocolitis), Escherichia coli, and spore-forming aerobes. The result is visualized due to the color staining of the medium when certain reagents are added. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Absolute time: concept, fundamentals of theory

Time is an indefinite continuation of progress in existence and events that occur in a seemingly irreversible sequence from the past through the present to the future. This article will discuss what absolute time is according to Newton. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Trends in the development of higher education abroad

Higher education abroad and in Russia: features, history of formation, development trends, advantages and disadvantages; conditions for admission to foreign universities for Russian students. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Philological text analysis - what is it?

Philological text analysis is usually widely used in teaching students who are educated in the field of native and foreign languages. When performing such tasks, future specialists show all the knowledge they have accumulated over the five years of their stay at the institute. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kyiv Theological Academy: history, address and photo

Kyiv Theological Academy is the oldest university of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The religious educational institution was founded at the beginning of the 17th century. At that time, the metropolis of the university was under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople. You will find the history of development and information about graduates and rectors of the Kyiv Theological Academy in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01