Colleges and universities

What is sublimation in physics? Examples

Surely, every person has come across the concept of sublimation in physics more than once. In schools, several lessons are always devoted to this topic, and in higher educational institutions, aimed at a deeper study of the exact sciences, they pay special attention to it. So, in the article you will learn what sublimation and desublimation are in physics. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Supra-phrasal unity: concept, types, features of the construction of phrases and examples

Modern linguistic research pays great attention to such an interesting issue as superphrasal unity, since a large number of problems are associated with it. A single term for such a syntactic unit does not yet exist in science, it is called either a "coherent text" or a "set of sentences" - quite a lot of different interpretations. However, the study of this phenomenon is the most urgent task of the present time. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kazan Energy University (KSPEU)

Kazan State Power Engineering University graduates specialists for the power supply system of the region and the whole country. It also has humanitarian profiles. What speci alties are there at the university? What is the work of the institution?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Music College in Vologda: address, opening hours, teachers and admission conditions

Among the educational institutions of Vologda, the former music college stands apart - now it is called the regional college of arts. This is one of the oldest educational musical institutions in the entire district - and over the years of its work, it has gained considerable experience and a rich history. Let's get to know this art institution better. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Exploratory teaching method: purpose, process and essence

What is an exploratory teaching method? This is nothing more than the organization of the cognitive and search activities of students, which is carried out when the teacher sets various tasks. At the same time, they all require children to make creative independent decisions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kaluga State University: admission rules, passing scores

Before every student who graduated from grade 11, there is a choice of which educational institution to go to study. Applicants who are purposeful, confident in their abilities and who want to get a popular speci alty are invited by Kaluga State University. Tsiolkovsky. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Designation of doors on the drawings in accordance with GOST: an example of marking

On various kinds of drawings, when designing buildings and structures, engineers can also mark doors. According to GOST, such structures should be marked on the diagrams if their scale is 1:50 or more. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Bryansk State Agrarian University: professions, admission

Bryansk State Agrarian University is a mass of opportunities to realize oneself not only in the educational and scientific sphere, but also to show talents, personal qualities and ambitions. Science, international cooperation, ratings of teachers - everything is up to the mark here, so you can safely choose the Bryansk State Agrarian University upon admission. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Open and closed society: definitions of concepts, main characteristics, differences

The concept of open and closed society was originally proposed in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Bergson. In the next decade, it was developed by the Austrian-born British philosopher Karl Raimund Popper. He presented these ideas in his most famous book, The Open Society and Its Enemies. Also, this classification can be applied to organizations. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Punishability is Punishability of a crime

Crime and punishment is an eternal theme in art. But it also has moral, legal aspects, since social life is imperfect in many of its manifestations and requires regulation. What act is considered a crime and why, how is the measure of its punishment determined?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Parcel is literally a "particle"

The article considers the origin of the word "parcel", defines its meaning in different areas of human activity: the history of land use, in physics, in botany, in ecology, where it is one of the basic concepts. An attempt was made to define the very concept of partiality. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

BSPU im. Akmully: history, description, faculties, admission conditions

Among the many universities, institutes, colleges and other educational institutions of the highest standard in Bashkortostan, for many years there has been a pedagogical university named after M. Akmulla. We tell about the history of this university, its faculties and features in our material. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Colleges of journalism at institutes. Where and how much to study as a journalist

The profession of a journalist today is in great demand, and many school graduates dream of entering an educational institution with the right faculty. What are the journalism colleges and universities with this direction mainly in Moscow? You can find out from this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Institute of Art Business and Antiques: feedback from staff and students

The Institute of Art Business and Antiques is an educational institution that provides students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge and skills in the field of examination of art objects, investing in the art market. It teaches competencies in the formation of their own collections, management in contemporary art and antiques. From this article you will learn about this educational institution, we will give reviews of its staff and students. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mirror telescope: types, device and tips for choosing

Many of us simply love to look at the starry sky, admiring its stunning and alluring beauty. Of course, most of the people who are not indifferent to the stars are just romantics or lovers of lying in the field, inhaling the smell of fresh grass and counting white dots on a thick black surface with their loved one. But there is another category of sky lovers. These individuals are usually scientists who use telescopes to observe heavenly bodies. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Optical quantum generator device

The fruits of scientific and technological progress do not always find their concrete practical expression immediately after the preparation of the theoretical basis. This happened with laser technology, the possibilities of which have not been fully disclosed so far. The theory of optical quantum generators, on the basis of which the concept of devices emitting electromagnetic radiation was created, was partially mastered due to the optimization of laser technology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Strategic management zones: definition of the concept, characteristics, evaluation

Management in the context of market segmentation is associated with certain specifics of the enterprise. In other words, the specialization of the company is determined by the number of sectors of the economy that it serves. At the same time, a situation is very often encountered when enterprises operate in the same segment. In this case, it is called a strategic economic zone. SZH is always a separate segment in which activities are carried out (or it is only planned to get access to this area). Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Main factors of production

The article discusses the concept of production, as well as its main factors. The modern views of economic theory on labor, land and capital, as well as new factors of production are described. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Quality factor of the speaker: a formula for calculating how to reduce or increase the quality factor of the speaker

The quality factor of a speaker is a very important indicator, which must be calculated when designing acoustic systems. It is believed that the lower the value of this characteristic for the head, the better it will transmit sound. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Forms of educational organization: history and modernity

This article will discuss the forms of organization of training. This concept is one of the central ones in the section of pedagogy called didactics. This material will present the history of the development of forms of organization of education, as well as their differences from other characteristics of the pedagogical process. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The essence and tasks of personality-oriented education

A teacher who forms the child's self-awareness by freeing the inner "I" from internal shackles will achieve success much faster than a teacher who only dictates to the child strict rules that must be unconditionally observed. Children see a huge difference between such adults, as if between an angel and a demon. That is why it is necessary to thoroughly approach personality-oriented education in primary school and preschool age. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept of the monetary system and its elements

What is the monetary system and its elements? It might seem like an easy question, but finding the answer to it is quite difficult. What is their essence? What does the concept of the monetary system and its elements include? All these questions will be answered. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The essence of investments, their classification and types

Having free funds, you should think in a timely manner where they can be invested, because money is depreciating, and bank deposits are not profitable enough. One sure way is by investing. True, in order not to waste the available funds, you first need to understand the essence of investments and their classification. The types of investments are quite diverse, and the division is based on several criteria. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Basic didactic principles of teaching

Didactic principles of teaching are a set of prescriptions that contribute to the rapid and effective assimilation of new knowledge in various educational institutions. This article discusses their essence and application in preschool, secondary and vocational education. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Interactive forms of learning - what is it?

In modern education, the issue of training high-quality and competitive specialists who will be competent in their field is especially acute. Russia has increasingly begun to focus on European models of education, which are considered more advanced and interact more closely with students. The so-called interactive forms of learning have become one of the most effective - they will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Methods and types of marketing research

In a market economy, information about its environment is of great importance for the development of each enterprise. Knowing how buyers react to this or that action of competitors, as well as other conditions in which the company operates, the management of the latter can make adequate decisions about its activities. This allows you to quickly adapt to changing conditions, to take a leading position in the industry. There are different types of marketing research. They will be discussed further. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Basic forms of organization of production

The manufacturing process is a complex system. It requires proper organization. This becomes possible only if all external and internal factors that affect the enterprise are taken into account. There are different forms of organization of production. Their main features will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Research methods in psychology: classification and characteristics

Psychology is an official science, which means that it has all the tools, apparatus, mechanisms that are characteristic of any other discipline that studies a certain area and region of the world. Research methods used in psychology are aimed at obtaining objective databases for assessing the processes occurring in the human psyche. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Basic HR strategies

Today, a personnel management strategy is indispensable - a lot is changing. Let's start with a general formulation and try to make it shorter: a personnel management strategy is a system of actions for forming a professional, loyal and competent team of employees of an organization. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The main connections of pedagogy with other sciences: forms and examples

At present, the integration of each field of knowledge into a single general scientific space is an indispensable condition. It can be said with certainty that today there are no disciplines that are closed only in themselves. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences is a topic that will be disclosed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

System, functions and structure of pedagogical science

Let's consider the subject, tasks, and also the structure of pedagogical science. We will pay special attention to the functions of pedagogical science, the distinctive characteristics of Russian pedagogy. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Business communication: features, tasks, styles, principles

Let's analyze the psychological features of business communication in Russia. Such communication is relevant in a market economy. Allocate its different forms and types that deserve detailed study and study. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the name of the hormone of joy and happiness, how to increase it?

People have always dreamed of finding a recipe for happiness, and as it turns out, it has long been found. The secret of happiness lies in our hormonal system, a malfunction in which can lead to a bad mood, lack of motivation and the ability to enjoy life. This article will tell you which hormones are responsible for our good mood, and, most importantly, how to make up for their deficiency. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The main stages in the development of the psyche in phylogenesis

Let's consider the main stages of the development of the psyche in phylogenesis. We will pay special attention to the evolution of the psyche, its levels, as well as the significance for studying the processes of human life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Patterns and principles of raising children

Consider the basic principles and patterns of education that are used in domestic pedagogy. Let us give examples of the forms and methods of education that allow teachers to achieve high results in their work. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept and principles of public administration

Management is a function of strictly organized systems of different nature. It ensures the integrity of systems, as it is aimed at achieving their goals and objectives. Thanks to management, the interests of different elements are preserved, their interaction is ensured. In our material, we will talk in detail about the organization of public administration. An extensive description will be given to the principles, functions, tasks and content of the imperious leadership. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Functions and typology of political leadership

The phenomenon of leadership occurs in every area of society. Each group has its own leader. The same applies to states and large social organizations. Even ancient thinkers thought about the functions and typologies of political leadership. Our material will consider the main scientific concepts related to leadership in the political sphere. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Market diversification strategy

Diversification is always good. You can diversify anything: for example, keep your money savings in different banks and in different currencies. The principle of eggs in different baskets works everywhere. Because this is a reduction in risks, which are also everywhere. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Economic methods of personnel management: how to use, examples

People are the most complex and changeable object of management. The ways in which they are affected also change over time. Try threatening a Gen Y hipster with a disciplinary action or just saying "you have to". And watch his reaction. You will be interested. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Main types of production and their characteristics

Organization of the production process is one of the most important aspects of building the strategic plans of any organization. It depends on whether the company will make a profit, whether its products will be able to differ in the required set of qualities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01