
Nomadism is nomadism

Nomadism is a special type of economic activity in which the majority of the population is engaged in nomadic pastoralism. Sometimes nomads (nomads) are mistakenly called all people leading a mobile lifestyle. These include hunters, gatherers, slash-and-burn farmers, fishermen, and even gypsies. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

July Monarchy: period, features, results

The article tells about the period of French history, called the July Monarchy, which became the threshold for the establishment of a republic in the country. A brief outline of the events of those years is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hitler's car: brand of car, description with photo and historical facts

This article will tell the reader about the cult form of transport of its era - Adolf Hitler's Mercedes, which traveled to different parts of the world, was lost, but eventually found. This article is about the past and future of the legendary Mercedes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The defeat of the Polovtsy by Vladimir Monomakh. Who are the Polovtsy

The defeat of the Polovtsians is considered a truly great event, which marked the beginning of the victories of Russia with the help of military moves. The date of the battle is included in the list of Memorable dates of the military history of Russia. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kazakov Alexander Alexandrovich - Russian ace fighter of the Imperial Air Force: biography

History knows many examples of heroic deeds of soldiers of the Russian army. Destroying the enemy on a burning plane, throwing into an embrasure - all these selfless deeds will forever be firmly entrenched in the memory of the people who defeated Nazism. However, not all the exploits are remembered by the modern generation. For example, the contribution to the victory of Alexander Alexandrovich Kazakov is forgotten. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hot Winter Attacks and Frozen Meat Medal

The winter of 1941-1942 turned out to be "hot". In mid-November, the 41st Army of the Center decided on large-scale offensive operations. The target was Moscow. However, the plans of the Wehrmacht army also failed on a massive scale. The reason for this was the courage of our heroes and the severe cold that "worked" in the winter of 1941-1942. In memory of this "hot" winter of 1941-1942 in Germany, the medal "Frozen Meat" appears. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rowing boats come from the past. Struga is

Small rectangular sail, removable mast, flat bottom - it's all about plows. If you lived in Russia in the 11th century, then you would travel along rivers and lakes only on these rowing boats. However, such a luxury would be available to you, whether you were a serviceman, a courtier of the king or a Cossack. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Who are the Incas and where did they live? Inca Empire: capital, culture, history

In 1526, the sailors of a Spanish ship that reached the American continent met Indian traders who sailed on a wooden raft under sails made of durable cotton fabric. Back in the 16th century, they still did not know who the Incas were, nor the fact that they would soon come to them with a war. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Periods of Russian history: names, time periodization, main events

A country with a remarkable and dramatic history - that's what historians say about it. Indeed, over the 12 centuries of its existence, it has gone through a lot - the search for religion, invasions, wars, turmoil, palace coups, perestroika … Each of these stages left a scar, first of all, on the life of the people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What did Kulibin Ivan Petrovich invent?

Many people know about the outstanding Russian engineer Ivan Petrovich Kulibin. And especially enterprising inventors have heard his last name addressed to them more than once: “You are like Kulibin!” However, few people know that out of dozens of developments by I.P. Kulibin patented only a few. And now the world knows that the architect Town built a heavy-duty bridge structure, and that Kulibin invented it - does not know. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Admiral Levchenko: biography and photos

The name of the ship is not an abstract name invented by the builders when it was laid down. Admiral Levchenko is a real figure, a significant person in Russian history. He was born and lived in the days of the formation of Russia as a world power and an all-Union state, and became the person who created its future. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hortense de Beauharnais: the significant life of Napoleon's stepdaughter

Hortense Beauharnais is a very famous person in French history. Being the stepdaughter of Napoleon Bonaparte himself, she managed to experience both the glory of his victories and the bitterness of defeats. The story of her life is a series of difficult trials and tragic twists of fate, which she was proudly able to surpass. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General Troshev: biography, photo. How did General Troshev die?

The soldiers called him "dad". This is the highest rating of the authority of the commander. Household - the "sun". He was the main man surrounded by beloved women - mother, wife and two daughters. Colleagues and enemies - "cunning fox" for an extraordinary diplomatic gift. And General Troshev called himself a "trench general". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Avicenna Quotes: A Reflection of Personal Philosophy

If you ask any person who has even a little contact with medicine, from whom the development of this field of knowledge as an independent science began,32 then everyone will name one name - Avicenna. The quotes of this philosopher amaze us with their depth and are still relevant today. His lines of fate could be enough for several full lives. The directions of his research concerned a variety of areas: from bacteria invisible to the eye, which Louis Pasteur would announce only 800 years later, to space. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The accession of Bessarabia to Russia: reasons, historical facts, date and results

Bessarabia joined Russia twice in modern history. First, this happened following the results of the Russian-Turkish war at the beginning of the 19th century, and then on the eve of World War II. In this article we will talk about the causes, facts and consequences of these events. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hitler's favorite car (photo)

Adolf Hitler is known worldwide as the dictator of the Third Reich. He commanded the armed forces during World War II. There have always been many secrets and gossip around this German politician. But of particular interest was always Hitler's favorite car, in which he traveled almost half the world. It is known that he was even lost for a while and then found again. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The accession of the Caucasus to Russia: the history of joining Russia, interesting facts

The article tells about the centuries-old process of joining the Caucasus to Russia and the problems that sometimes led to protracted and large-scale military operations, which caused significant human losses. A brief overview of past events is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Russian princes Boris and Gleb: biography, death, canonization. Passion-bearer martyrs: noble princes Boris and Gleb

Russian princes Boris and Gleb became the first saints, demonstrating to people how to accept God's will, how to live and die with the name of the Lord and according to his precepts. Three dates of the Orthodox calendar are associated with their names: May 2 - the day of the transfer of relics to the tomb of the new church; July 24 - Memorial Day of Prince Boris; September 5 - Memorial Day of Prince Gleb. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Yeltsin era: history, character and results of the reign

The Yeltsin era is an important period in the history of modern Russia, which is still differently assessed by many historians. Some see the first president of the Russian Federation as a supporter of democratic change who liberated the country from the communist yoke, for others he is the destroyer of the Soviet Union, whose rule led to the emergence of oligarchs and the squandering of national resources. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Turtle formation - infantry battle formation

The tortoise formation is a battle formation that existed among the Roman foot soldiers. It was intended to protect against arrows, spears and projectiles during the battle. About the construction of the "turtle", the features of this defensive technique and its varieties will be described in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When the B altic States became part of the USSR: years and history of entry

Considering the statement about the occupation of the B altic states, we need to remember the meaning of the word "occupation". In any dictionary, this term means the forcible occupation of the territory. In the B altic version of the annexation of territories, there were no violent actions. Recall that the local population greeted the Soviet troops with enthusiasm, hoping for protection from Nazi Germany. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Princes Shakhovsky: the history of the family

Princes Shakhovskie - an old Russian family, originating from Rurik and numbering 17 tribes. The founder of the dynasty, whose members bore the surname Shakhovsky, is considered to be the Yaroslavl prince Konstantin Glebovich, nicknamed "Shah", the former governor in Nizhny Novgorod. Representatives of this genus also bore the surname Shemyakins. These were the descendants of his grandson, Alexander Andreevich, nicknamed Shemyaka. Starting from the 17th century, all representatives of this dynasty became Shakhovsky. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Warsaw Convention of 1929 on the Regulation of International Carriage by Air

The first three decades of the twentieth century were groundbreaking for aviation in a seemingly technologically advanced world. The first airships took to the skies in 1900, and in 1903 the legendary flight of the Wright brothers took place. Over the next three decades, early aviators pushed man and machine to their limits when it became necessary to develop legal regulations governing the international air transport of passengers and cargo. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Epic hero Churila Plenkovich

Churila Plenkovich is an epic hero, an extraordinary handsome man who is aware of the degree of influence on women of his outstanding appearance. He is not famous for heroic deeds, like the famous Russian heroes, he does not perform feats for the sake of saving the fatherland or any person. The story about him boils down to love adventures. There are only three epics about Churila, although they are told in different versions, and an erroneous opinion is created about their greater number. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lictor is: the essence of the profession and historical facts

Lictor (Latin lictor)[1] - a special kind of civil servants; are mentioned in history since the reign of the Etruscan kings in Rome (VII century BC) [1]. Originally, the lictors were the executors of the orders of the magistrates cum imperio. Subsequently, they carried out only ceremonial and security functions with them, which consisted in escorting the highest magistrates and observing that they were given proper honors. Were armed with fasciae. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The last chancellor of the Russian Empire - A. M. Gorchakov

The last chancellor of the Russian Empire, a major diplomat, a man who made history in a difficult period in the life of Russia, Prince A.M. Gorchakov was born 220 years ago, in 1798. Alexander Mikhailovich - a representative of an ancient family of Russian aristocrats, rooted in the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Nikolai 1 and Pushkin: first meeting, relationships, interesting facts

The relationship between Nicholas 1 and Pushkin is of interest to many modern historians. The way the head of state and the greatest poet of his time communicated with each other can tell a lot about the era, the personalities of the poet and the sovereign. It is well known that Alexander Sergeevich had a difficult relationship with the authorities. At the same time, it is obvious that in the case of Nicholas 1, everything was not so simple. In this article we will talk about the meetings of the poet and the sovereign, communication and correspondence. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Russian noble assembly: history of creation, participants, goals and objectives

The association, which existed in the Russian Empire from the second half of the 18th century until the February Revolution of 1917, went through several stages in its development and established itself as an indispensable assistant in the implementation of the course of the central government in the field. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Voivode Shein: short biography and interesting facts

The article tells about the Russian governor Mikhail Borisovich Shein, whose name is inextricably linked with the events of the Time of Troubles, in particular, with the defense of Smolensk. A brief overview of the history of his life and basic facts is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Red Army: creation. The history of the creation of the Red Army

Initially, the Soviet Red Army, which was created against the background of the beginning of the civil war, had utopian features. The Bolsheviks believed that under the socialist system, the army should be built on a voluntary basis. This project was in line with Marxist ideology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The settlement of the Slavs in Europe in the early medieval period

The settlement of the ancient Slavs is one of the most important processes in the evolution of civilizational, geopolitical and ethnic processes in Europe in the early medieval period. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Who invented television and in what year?

Today TV does not surprise anyone. This is a box or even a small socket that allows you to display movable pictures. It is hard to imagine that just over a century ago, such technology did not exist in principle. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Zemshchina and oprichnina: meaning, consequences

The division of the country into zemshchina and oprichnina was due to a deep internal political crisis. The prerequisites for this have been brewing for several years since the accession of the eldest son of Vasily III. The reforms of Ivan the Terrible, in short, were very tough and led to social instability, a dynastic crisis. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the talion principle. Talion principle: moral content

The famous biblical "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" has another name, adopted in jurisprudence - the talion principle. What does it mean, how did it originate, how and where is it used today?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The most famous composers of the USSR

The musical art of the USSR was closely connected with the traditions of the past. The music of this period continues and develops the progressive features of the artistic heritage: citizenship, attention and respect for cultures, democracy, fidelity to the truth of life, humanism. At the same time, art is inspired by new ideas of party spirit, the building of a communist society, the conscious revolutionary transformation of the world. Music and composers actively participated in the spiritual life of society. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Plane crash in Irkutsk: causes, description of events, victims

This article describes in detail the plane crash in Irkutsk that occurred in 1997: its chronology, causes and consequences are revealed. The disasters of 2001 and 2006 are also described. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Cities of the Phoenicians. Rise of the Phoenician cities. Phenicia in antiquity

The history of the ancient world is full of interesting questions and even mysteries. Most likely, we will never know for sure how many great civilizations could not be born, being crushed by their neighbors, stronger and more successful militarily and economically. But some of the peoples managed to "break out into the people". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Double-headed eagle: symbol meaning, history. Versions of the appearance of the emblem of the double-headed eagle in Russia

Do many people know why there is a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms? What does he mean? The image of a double-headed eagle is an ancient symbol of power. For the first time this figure arose during the appearance of the first developed states - about five thousand years ago. However, throughout its history, this sign has succumbed to various interpretations. To date, it is depicted on many symbols of power (flags and emblems) of various countries. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Statesman and diplomat Petr Andreevich Tolstoy: biography, features of activity and interesting facts

Tolstoy Pyotr Andreyevich was an outstanding Russian diplomat and statesman. He was one of the leaders of the secret service under Peter I, a real privy councilor. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Companions of Peter 1: list. The closest associates of Peter 1

The autocrat who sat on the Russian throne was known for his versatile development, which left a significant imprint on what the associates of Peter 1 were like. And Peter the Great, it must be said, was lucky to have comrades-in-arms, whom he skillfully chose among the most diverse segments of the population and used their talents for the benefit of the Russian state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01