
What are proteins: words from millions of letters

Each cell of the human body is unique. And this individuality is provided by proteins. What are proteins? They are also called proteins. They are champions in the complexity of the molecules that make up the protein substance itself. Especially a lot of proteins in hair, skin, bones, nails and muscle tissue. But that's not all, proteins are part of hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies, enzymes, and an oxygen carrier called hemoglobin. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Genetics is Genetics and he alth. Genetic methods

Genetics is a science that studies the patterns of transmission of traits from parent to offspring. This discipline also considers their properties and ability to change. At the same time, special structures - genes - act as information carriers. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Formic aldehyde. Obtaining formic aldehyde

Formic aldehyde, or formaldehyde, is a colorless gas with a sharp, unpleasant, specific odor. It is highly soluble in water as well as alcohols. Formaldehyde is very toxic and can cause pathological changes in the human body. In addition, it is considered a carcinogen. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Types of carbohydrates, their properties and functions

We all know that carbohydrates are an important component of nutrition. But not everyone understands what these substances contain, what they are and what functions they perform. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

X-ray sources. Is an x-ray tube a source of ionizing radiation?

Throughout the history of life on Earth, organisms have been constantly exposed to cosmic rays and the radionuclides formed by them in the atmosphere, as well as radiation from substances ubiquitous in nature. Modern life has adapted to all the features and limitations of the environment, including natural sources of X-ray radiation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Germ layers: their types and structural features

The article describes the features of the laying of germ layers during embryonic development, indicates the features of ento-, ecto- and mesoderm, and also mentions the law of germ similarity. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Provisional organs of mammals and humans, their functions

The temporary organs formed in a certain period of individual development in the larvae of multicellular animals and embryos are called provisional organs. In mammals and humans, they function only at the stage of the embryo and perform both the basic functions of the body and specific ones. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Georges Buffon: the theory of the origin of the world

There are many theories about how the world came to be. Since ancient times, this has worried the minds of people. Georges Buffon was among the first to present the hypothesis of the emergence of the human world. In doing so, he opened the door for the further development of mankind. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Reference point: methods of definition, description, features

Adobe Illustrator is software that allows you to create graphics for a variety of purposes. When working in the program and some other graphic editors, you often need to draw with the Pen tool, creating paths. The pen is an instrument that takes some time to get used to. For beginners, the process of creating and manipulating anchor or anchor points can be especially difficult. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Types of microscopes: description, main characteristics, purpose. How is an electron microscope different from a light microscope?

The term "microscope" has Greek roots. It consists of two words, which in translation mean "small" and "look." The main role of the microscope is its use when examining very small objects. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Riemann Hypothesis. Distribution of prime numbers

In 1900, one of the greatest scientists of the last century, David Hilbert, compiled a list of 23 unsolved problems in mathematics. Work on them had a tremendous impact on the development of this area of human knowledge. 100 years later, the Clay Mathematical Institute presented a list of 7 problems known as the Millennium Problems. Each of them was offered a prize of $1 million. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Virion is the name of a virus particle. The structure and genetic material of viruses

Since viruses do not belong to the cellular form of life, the term "virion" is used as a designation for a discrete viral particle. This concept was introduced in 1962 by the Frenchman Andre Lvov. The virus does not exist in this form permanently, but only at a certain stage of its life cycle. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Basic methods of physiology. The subject and tasks of physiology

Physiology as a science: subject, object of study. Methods of physiology. Physiology of man and plants. Pathological physiology - research methods, general concept. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Monosaccharide is Properties of monosaccharides and examples

Carbohydrates monosaccharides are easily digestible substances that are very important in the human diet. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gravity: essence and practical significance

The force of gravity is the most important physical quantity that explains many processes occurring both on our planet and in the surrounding outer space. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Reactions of substitution: description, equation, examples

Many substitution reactions open the way to obtaining various compounds of practical importance. A huge role in chemical science and industry is given to electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution. In organic synthesis, these processes have a number of differences related to the structural features of molecules. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Topographic survey: types, purpose and implementation

Most people, after acquiring a land plot, plan to build a country house, a trading establishment or a building of a certain functional purpose on it in the future. What documents are needed for such a transaction? First of all, a plan with the size, location of buildings and communications, both ground and underground. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Biochemistry is Fundamentals of Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the science of the chemical processes that take place in all living organisms. The following aspects will be considered in the article: the study of biochemistry in Russia; biochemistry and physiology of plants; essence of biochemistry; methods of study and sections of this science. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Aluminum and its alloys: everything about this metal

To date, almost all metals and their alloys known to man have found practical application. Each of them has its own specific features, which determine the scope of their use in various industries. The most widespread are iron and all kinds of compounds based on it, as well as aluminum and its alloys. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Nuclear pores: description, structure and functions

Nuclear pores: description, structure and functions they perform. Features of this intracellular structure. Factors on which the number of pores in the membrane depends. Mitosis process. Mechanism of export and import of substances through nuclear pore complexes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is an indicator in chemistry: definition, examples, principle of operation

Everyone who is engaged in science or is simply interested in chemistry will be interested to know what an indicator is. Many people came across this concept in chemistry lessons, but school teachers did not give exhaustive explanations about the principle of action of such substances. Why do indicators change color in solutions? What else are they used for? Let's try to answer these questions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Chemical structure of substances

The chemical structure of substances is important for understanding the nature of man and his relationship with the outside world. In addition, understanding this issue allows you to achieve success in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Fumaric acid: formula, application and harm

Fumaric acid: description of the compound, location in nature. Participation in biochemical processes. Chemical and physical properties. Methods for obtaining a substance. Application in various branches of human activity. He alth benefits and harms. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Globular protein: structure, structure, properties. Examples of globular and fibrillar proteins

A large number of organic substances that make up a living cell are characterized by large molecular sizes and are biopolymers. These include proteins, which make up from 50 to 80% of the dry mass of the entire cell. Protein monomers are amino acids that are linked together by peptide bonds. Protein macromolecules have several levels of organization and perform a number of important functions in the cell: building, protective, catalytic, motor, etc. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The main functions of lipids, their importance for general metabolism

Lipids play an extremely important role for the normal functioning of the human body. The article describes their main biological functions, as well as pathologies arising from disorders of fat metabolism. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Cell: nutrition and structure. The importance of cell nutrition. Examples of cell nutrition

Modern experimental studies have established that the cell is the most complex structural and functional unit of almost all living organisms, with the exception of viruses, which are non-cellular life forms. Cytology studies the structure, as well as the vital activity of the cell: respiration, nutrition, reproduction, growth. These processes will be considered in this paper. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Becquerel Henri, French physicist: biography, discoveries

Do you know who discovered radioactivity? In this article we will talk about the scientist to whom this merit belongs. Antoine Henri Becquerel - French physicist, Nobel laureate. It was he who discovered the radioactivity of uranium s alts in 1896. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Classification of feelings and emotions

There are many different types of emotions that affect how an individual lives and interacts with other people. The choices a person makes, the actions they take, and the perception of the environment all depend on them. The sense organs also play a special role in perception. It is thanks to them that a person receives information from the outside world. Based on the manifestations and functions, a classification of emotions and feelings is carried out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Anatomy of the pelvis: structure, functions

The pelvic region includes the pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx, pubic symphysis, as well as ligaments, joints and membranes. Some authors also include the area of the buttocks. The article discusses the anatomy of the pelvis: the skeletal system, muscles, genital and excretory organs. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rock-forming mineral for igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

For the most part, a rock-forming mineral is one of the main components of the earth's crust - rocks. The most common are quartz, micas, feldspars, amphiboles, olivine, pyroxenes, and others. Meteorites and lunar rocks are also referred to them. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Main rock-forming minerals

Rock-forming minerals are the fundamental components of the rocks that make up the Earth's shell. They are divided into many groups and types. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ernst Haeckel: biography, scientific activity. Haeckel's contributions to biology

Dedicating his life to the study of wildlife, Ernst Haeckel made many discoveries and made a great contribution to science. Read more about the scientific activity of the scientist in the article below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Belarusian Hi-Tech Park (HTP): software development and information and communication technologies

In the article we will talk about the Hi-Tech Park. Few people know what it is, so we will tell you in detail about this economic zone, which is located in Belarus. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Auger drilling: technology and its features

Auger drilling is very widespread, is a universal method used for drilling shallow holes in soft or unconsolidated rocks. This method is convenient for performing work in pebble rocks. It is also widely used in seismic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why have flights to the moon and work on its exploration been stopped?

Why are flights to the moon stopped? There was no answer to this question for many years. But the study of the satellite of our planet was carried out quite successfully. More than one expedition has landed on the surface of the moon. What happened? Why did two states suddenly stop all developments in this direction, while closing projects and suffering heavy losses. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The beginning of the space age and the role of scientists. Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind

For the Soviet Union, the launch of the first artificial satellite was not only a scientific victory. The Cold War between the USSR and the USA unfolded not least in outer space. For many Americans, convinced that the Soviet Union was a backward agrarian power, it was an unpleasant surprise that the first satellite was launched by the Russians. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Moon seas - what is it?

Moon seas on the Moon have nothing to do with what we understand the word "sea" means, they are waterless. So what are the seas on the moon? Who gave them such interesting names? The lunar seas are dark, even and rather large areas of the lunar surface visible to us from the Earth, a kind of pits. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Space research: explorers of space, scientists, discoveries

Who was not interested in space exploration as a child? Yuri Gagarin, Sergei Korolev, Valentina Tereshkova, German Titov - these names make us think of distant and mysterious stars. By opening the page with this article, you will plunge into the world of exciting space adventures again. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Origin of the Moon: Versions

What is the actual origin of the moon? Hypotheses that allow at least somehow approaching this answer are both scientific in nature and are simply fantastic assumptions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Which water freezes faster: hot or cold? What does it depend on

Which water freezes faster, hot or cold, is influenced by many factors, but the question itself seems a little strange. It is understood, and it is known from physics, that hot water still needs time to cool down to the temperature of comparable cold water in order to turn into ice. Cold water can skip this stage, and, accordingly, it wins in time. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01